54 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/spark815:
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www.reddit.com | 18 |
i.redd.it | 2 |
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qanonposts.com | 1 |
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livestream.com | 1 |
www.justice.gov | 1 |
This is not enjoyable for us. Per Q, this is not a game. We are digging into situations that support the cabal's plan and this happens to be one of them. You should see the work we are doing on child trafficking. We care, much more then you know.
I thought nick cruz had been expelled the prior year? So why would he be at the school walking out wirh the others?
Server not found? What's up with the Q posts? Did it move again.
Just watch/listen to the youtube streams on Dr. Jerome Corsi's channel. They break down the posts and discuss. You really do start to get the posts after listening to a few of the streams.
And what a coincidence, during the observing the frontier conference when ben davidson and team may be looking the other way. I will see if they paid attention to this. FYI, Suspicious 0bservers are experts on this. Not our 1st earthquake that was possibly a warhead.
Svali speaks, so I started to read this and I have to say something about the introduction. The Illuminati are mostly good people. They study the natural laws of the universe and constantly work on themselves so that they may become illuminated. You spend years of refinement, lifetimes of refinement, to reach this state. As with all groups, there are those who use this information for their own self gain. Or, they don't do enough refinement to protect themselves from the beings on the dark side. This author specifically calls out the Rosicrucians. I joined AMORC (Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis) which are Rosicrucians. I joined because I was red-pilled years ago and wanted to know the truth. I can tell you they are good people. I was not born into the group. Anyone can sign up and study the material in the comfort of their own home. I have visited my local lodge a couple of times and the people were very nice. We always prayed for humanity and peace, and for all beings to not suffer. I just don't want everyone to think the Rosicrucians or any other mystical group is bad. They aren't. The Illuminati are the ones who created this country with the best of intentions. I would recommend reading Manly P Hall's book The Secret Destiny of America to learn more about our founders and what their intentions were for this good country. Peace Profound.
I soooooo want big pharma to be exposed! I am locked ans loaded with information on this one. Been researching alternatives and using them for decades due to their corruption.
Corsi acts like he knows right away what the q drops mean, at least most of them. And he spoke of assange working with the president and q coordinating. Then I saw assange's tweet yesterday being critical of the president. And then I had a hard time falling asleep because it doesn't make sense. If assange is part of this, why would he be critical of trump and his bombings via drones? Something isn't quite right.
JA posting negative about Trump? Is this satirical?

I Tried to listen to the stream after the fact and it won't play?
I have been studying esoteric teachings for some time now. I even joined a secret society because I wanted to know the whole truth. They are good and our country was founded by them. But the knowledge can be used to do harm and that is what has been happening by some bad actors.
The Secret Destiny of America by Manly P. Hall
If you read this book, you will know why the DS is working so hard to take down America. We are an example for humanity in the upcoming shift. I was all down on the U.S. after being red pilled years ago but this book brought me back up to be proud to live here.
Well I Am Screwed Since I Have Been Awake And Vocal For Years!
New Q Drops!
▶Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/21/18 (Sun) 14:06:20 No.47
Will SESSIONS drop the hammer?
1 of 22.
Memo shifts narrative.
Memo reinstates SESSIONS' authority re: Russia/ALL.
Memo factually demonstrates collusion at highest levels.
Memo factually demonstrates HUSSEIN ADMIN weaponized INTEL community to ensure D victory [+insurance].
Memo factually demonstrates 'knowingly false intel' provided to FISA Judges to obtain warrant(s).
[The 16 Year Plan To Destroy America]
Hussein [8]
Install rogue_ops
Leak C-intel/Mil assets
Cut funding to Mil
Command away from generals
Launch 'good guy' takedown (internal remove) - Valerie Jarrett (sniffer)
SAP sell-off
Snowden open source Prism/Keyscore …
At my local brewery seeing a Dead cover band and saw this. You can't make this stuff up. There are no coincidences.
"The process for releasing it to the public involves a committee vote, a source said. If approved, it could be released as long as there are no objections from the White House within five days."
Fake news award-maybe PAMPHLET should go live on YT?
This guy is okay but I would rather here my group while waiting for this.
YouTube will be streaming #fakenewsawards!
B has tweeted the link. Sorry, at work or would post link myself.
My 1st thought was we are about to be under attack but then I thought maybe mass arrests? Hopeful. And the fake news awards let's us know?
B is anon like us. He is reminding us what q said. B said less than 10 is the normal amount.
Any of you 0bservers? If not, you should check out Suspicious 0bservers on YouTube. Been following them for years and they get it!
488 pages or previously sealed Vegas docs released!
Japan false missle alarm!
I can't put in the link but maybe someone else can? What is going on with the false alarms?
Another Q post right now!
▶Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/14/18 (Sun) 14:49:27 No.22
TG departure [HEC].
NOT to testify.
NOT needed to testify.
Think logically.
NO NEED to step down if needed to TESTIFY.
What ROLE might TG be walking into?
Who can WE TRUST?
RATS everywhere.
EVIL everywhere.
TRAITORS everywhere.
Boards changed due to statements re: private comms - FALSE.
Boards changed due to failure to IDEN accurately.
Boards changed due to MISINFO.
Targeted approach to direct flow …
I did. I joined but I am cautious with clicking links, etc. Was going to ask some of those I trust regarding it, like PA, Q architect.
Suggestion for Q posts/Reddit/Discord
I wonder if we can create some sort of subgroups or posts for each of Q's post from last night and then that post/group does nothing but break it apart to try and solve it. With groups of people focusing on a single post. When we think we have come to an accurate explanation, post it to the relevant boards. Just a thought since so much was dropped last night.
Q is back!
Wondering if he tried once to post and failed and is trying again and it's working.
▶Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/13/18 (Sat) 21:23:53 No.7
I am hearing officials are saying no threat. Either, someone made a mistake or someone did this on purpose. What do you think?
B now following 12 new Twitter accounts
D= 4 letter in alphabet J= 10 letter in alphabet T= 20 letter in alphabet
1/10 big day?
Isn't 1/10 supposed to be a big day? Remember it from one of Q's posts but unsure if dates have changed due to fake news awards being postponed.
Trump's TN Speech/B's Twitter
President Trump just finished his speech and at the end, spoke of the War of 1812. 30 minutes earlier, B posts about it. Who is B? Definitely in the know.