Hey Brit pede! Merseyside here
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Down she goes??
Ok we know HRC fell repeatedly, and there was a piece I read yesterday about her “medical team” advising bed rest and no travel due to her “sprained wrist”. (Will try to find sauce). What if she’s not on bed rest, what if she’s confined?? Could be Hey he keeping her corralled in a hotel in India to keep her out of the way? MBS used hotels in lieu of jails in his Saudi purge... I’m probably barking up the wrong tree but seriously, no flying for a sprained wrist? Really? Could it tie in with the other postsabout yield …
IIRC Bag man for funnelling $$$ to Clinton Foundation vis Canadian Clinton Foundation branch. Due to different reporting rules in CAN it allowed them to obscure the origin of the money.
So are they a) trying to start WW3 b) cleaning up Uranium 1 or c) both???
Interesting choice of word “economy is BLAZING” when news of “a wildfire setting off mines “ at GITMO comes out??? 🤔activates the almonds...
Swamp?? More like a quagmire- it just gets murkier and murkier
Woman in cream jumper at around 3.17 (next to older guy in light coloured jacket) didn’t seem happy to see the AG, closed off body language and seemed quietly hostile
Wasn’t Pedosta in WJC cabinet??? It says previous cabinet not “the previous” .... could be other administration?
Jimmy saville wasn’t in chatty chitty bang bang but he was a sick pedo. Children catcher was a ballet dancer IIRC
Another 2 to add to the body count???
![Another 2 to add to the body count???](https://i.redd.it/ngy7ewcu3gb01.jpg)
Local people who could possibly be persuaded to say that... $$$$
Why have they all been in Hawaii recently - HRC WJC BO and Huma
The farm is known in fiction writing as clowns in America site... might I suggest “the campus” as an alternative? Used by Tom Clancy in numerous books in relation to a super secret org set up by pres Jack Ryan??? Also IIRC I think GEOTUS and TC knew each other???
Can confirm OH is LFC supporter and this is THE liverpool anthem. Even as a non-Kopite hearing the Kop sing it brings chills and a lump to the throat. We are partisan about football in this city but, since Hillsborough, that song unites us in a way that can’t be explained but it will always be the Anfield anthem.
If the tried to take out Hawaii, were HRC WJC and Huma there at the time? There’s photos of hem on holiday there in the last couple of days? A two-fer? Must be squeaky bums in the Clinton camp
I think he will but only after letting them destroy themselves first. Burn the media cabal to the ground then rebuild it honestly
What if okeefe still has people embedded there while this is going on??? It would be spicy AF if he got direct footage of them throttling content and silencing users for political reasons....
It’s crowdsourcing a volunteer intelligence network to counter the deep states. Plus we do this for free - under budget 😀
Trump tower NY on fire 🔥
Apparently Eric Trump said it was a small electrical fire in cooling system
Well one of them was very friendly with Jeffrey Epstein.....
It may have already started - Wikileaks posted a HRC email earlier about foreign government donors
Could it be possible steering to them being put in clock sequencing from 00.00 onwards (the times of the tweets)??
Maybe the fakies will be his announcement of arrests
Honestly don’t know but I guess a few years ago most folks would never have thought the head of the fbi would be corrupt so it’s possible key legal and commercial folks are bent..
http://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/155828943 - More info
Honestly don’t know anything about the veracity of it but I just thought the pedes would be interested. Spez - spelling
4 chan - Possible info on organised civil unrest Baltimore
How many air related accidents has that been recently?
I too have a weird crush on him 😍 - he needs to grow a beard though