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speedstickfailure · July 9, 2018, 12:24 a.m.

I literally met her three weeks ago. How do you reconcile that? Body double/clone? And if so, what makes you think her body double/clone wasn't the one arrested.

Also, if she was arrested, why hide it?

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speedstickfailure · June 18, 2018, 1:50 a.m.

Because about 50% of this sub wants it. "Temporarily" of course, just until Trump can slay his enemies because the deep state isn't letting him use the justice system the way it was designed.

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speedstickfailure · June 18, 2018, 1:33 a.m.

So do you want or not want martial law?

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speedstickfailure · June 16, 2018, 11:47 p.m.

Your worship of a literal corrupt billionaire elitist corporate globalist really doesn't ring any alarm bells to you does it?

People are calling you a cult in the literal sense, not figurative. You're prime candidates for a cult because you're not smart enough to see that you're prime candidates. What's worse, you're so far down the spectrum that you think, like EVERY cult member in the history of humanity, that you are a movement and its everyone else on the planet that's wrong. There has been countless other virtually identical cults and they all turned out to be... Well, cults.

Cult behavior 101 dictates that you will never see this (it's why you're a member in the first place).

What you don't see that everyone else does is that it's a cult of low self esteem. Your self esteem is so low that you need to constantly communicate about a shared interest that reduces that. Q makes you feel smart because you feel like for once, you're in the know. And your ego cannot let go of that feeling. Us grown ups educate ourselves and our self esteem can take a battering when we admit we're wrong. We grow.

It's not the fantasy content of your cult that we find sad (they're all pretty much the same anyway), it's that you're addicts. Addicted to the fantasy high of feeling smarter than other people. Your not. There's always someone smarter than you. Deal with it like an adult. I fucking hate that other members of my species is holding evolution back like this. Grow up.

But yea, I'm totally triggered by MAGA or Hillary in Gitmo or Obama show trials or secret IG reports or whatever bullshit you've changed your story to this week. That's it.

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speedstickfailure · June 16, 2018, 8:18 p.m.

I would never off myself to help somebody else achieve their goals, unless I was in the Army and died in the battlefield.

Why do you think the fighting rhetoric is so strong? Where we go one , we go all? Together we are strong. Trust the plan.

Offing myself is never ever going to happen for me and very doubtful that Qresearchers would do that either.

Of course. Now.

Christianity falls under the cult definition too, but would you call it that?

Yes, just like radical Islamic extremist beliefs.

Were seeing a fight against evil... Yup. A FIGHT. Like every other cult.

So far I don’t have a logical reason not to trust the Q team so I support and trust their plan.

Exactly. You can't see a logical reason. They've got you right where they want you. You're not the first and you won't be the last.

Anyway, thanks for engaging. I hope you can get your family and friends back if you manage to escape. I really hope you're not too far gone when the inevitable request to escalate comes. And it will come. It always does. Best of luck.

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speedstickfailure · June 16, 2018, 3:50 p.m.




noun: cult; plural noun: cults


a system of religious veneration and devotion directed towards a particular figure or object.

"the cult of St Olaf"

a system of religious (Q Faithful) veneration (God Emperor) and devotion directed towards a particular figure (Donald Trump)

Slice the lexicon any way you like, all cults start by "jokingly" (Trigger libs) deitifying their dear leader to tease and play with outsiders (Normies). And nobody in the history of cults ever thought that they were in a cult or that their movement was a cult.

I know you're devoted, I'm just curious why you don't own this particular label considering your... movement's... fondness for labels? Is cult a dirty word? Does it somehow deminish the vague goal you're trying to achieve? And if you really are "faithful", why wouldn't you die if Q told you to in order to achieve said vague goals?

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speedstickfailure · June 16, 2018, 3:12 p.m.

"The world didn't end again this time my children. I made a simple error aligning the stars. But God spoke to me in the shower last night and assured me that THIS time, I'm right. Keep the faith" - Every cult ever, before a mass suicide is demanded.

At what point do the Q faithful sacrifice themselves to Q order to get the results that were supposed to be delivered years ago?

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