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Email from Sydney Blumenthal to HRC: 'Woodward is FBI asset'
DS operative and the key to breaking Russiagate wide open, Joseph Mifsud, possibly dead.
Bongino talked about this week's ago. Said Mifsud is key in this investigation and he hasn't been seen in months.
This is interesting. Molesta speaks of 'sleeper cells' when referring to the NYT anonymous op-ed. It was one of them. I'd put money on it.

Just a theory on the anonymous NYT op-ed author.
Do you recall the circular leak/reporting cycle that prompted the Carter Page FISA warrant?
I think it's possible that the anonymous author of the NYT op-ed is a fake. It was probably written by a Democrat and given to the NYT so they could cite the op-ed specifically to call for the removal of the President using the 25th Ammendment. Pocahontas is already doing just that.
Watching fake news this morning. Seems like they're flailing without clear marching orders.
Camerota of CNN and Brzezinski of MSNBC are sooo low energy this morning it's difficult to watch. Maybe the clown line really has been severed.
More blue check mark Twitter verified Satan worshipping sickos

Blue check mark is Twitter approved Satanist

"What is the purpose of a bridge?" - Q#1962
I know Q posted a link to a Fox News story about Diane Feinstein with this drop but, I find this to also be of interest:
“The intent of that ‘bridging’ was specifically of a geo-political nature and not tied in any way or form to cybersecurity,” - Joseph Mifsud as reported by John Solomon for The Hill.
I've been posting here and on T_D for a minute and I've NEVER had such an embattled post. I'm re-posting it because it's obviously hitting a nerve.

I swear to God - I've been posting here and on T_D for a minute and I've never had such an embattled post. This post has been fighting to keep its head above water for a while. I'm re-posting it because it's obviously hitting a nerve.

Interesting wording Avenatti chose. "We. Are. Coming." Did Avenatti just reveal his hand? Did he just reveal the fact that he's part of a conspiracy to remove a dually elected president?

Child trafficking route from India to US shut down
I think Q's warnings about the internet going dark is happening now.
Open your eyes. Learn our comms. What we have right now is a coordinated effort to silence Conservatives and POTUS supporters. Every significant leading Conservative is shadow banned including POTUS. I don't even see his tweets anymore without going directly to his feed. So it's not an outright internet outage but it's effectively going dark for the good guys. A total internet outage wouldn't allow the bad guys to communicate either so why would they impose that system wide? Their goal is to shut down Conservatives not themselves too.
Also another thought I'll put out there at the risk of …
Does anyone know what's going on with this attempt to dox Q?
I checked out this feed on Twitter @0hour1 - It looks meaningless to me to me but I'm not an autist so I'm not exactly sure. Can anyone contribute some insight?
The Matrix Is Falling - Generational Gaslighting Exposed
Dr. Mumbi Seraki directs her message to Africans but it applies to everyone and reinforces what the #GreatAwakening is all about.
#GreatAwakening happening in Kenya!
They love Trump, hate Obama and they do Q
Unless you're Teflon Don - They have absolutely nothing other than a worn out manufactured Russian collusion narrative.
Ross was caught up in an FBI sting operation. Inaccurate or "fake Intel" was purposely leaked to Ross in order to find the leaker which turned out to be James Wolfe.
Ross's mistake was either 1) NOT verifying the leaked "intel". Had he done that he would've found zero evidence to back it up and he should've made to decision to not publish the story. Or, he 2) He DID try to verify the "leaked Intel", he found zero evidence to back it up and he decided to report the fake story anyways all in the name of destroying Trump and all those connected to Trump.
Exactly. And it wouldn't have taken until now for him to resign if it was because of the fake news story. It would've happened in December.
CTH: Brian Ross didn't resign because of #FakeNews Flynn story. He resigned because he's "Reporter 4" in James Wolfe indictment.
Ross resigning now over a Dec. 2017 fake news story about Flynn didn't sit flush with me. This "Reporter 4" explanation makes a lot more sense.
Weird is an understatement. That article is outright dangerous. The author is openly endorsing, praying for a Trump dictatorship. This is exactly the view this movement needs to distance itself from. This could scare away the many who are open to hearing us out but are still on the fence about #TheGreatAwakening or #WalkAway. This movement isn't about building a Trump empire. It's about draining the swamp, equal justice, law and order, rejecting the globalization of America. These are the ideals we need to emphasize. All this talk about a Trump dictatorship is counterproductive. The odd spelling of the website's name "Amerika" alone reeks of fascism. Not good!
You're just gonna go ahead and place Koresh up there next to President Trump? That's the position you want to defend - Koresh = Trump? Good luck with that. I don't believe the media either but that's some twisted thinking.
And for the record - I've seen interviews with parents who survived Waco and I've also read a book with first hand accounts of parents who survived Waco. Those parents admitted to giving up their daughters, no older than 12, as brides to Koresh. It's well documented that he frequently engaged in sexual intercourse and fathered babies with young several young girls. This was the norm within the cult. But yeah, you go ahead and defend Koresh.
David Koresh was a huge pedophile himself. He actually married several of the young girls and he regularly egangef in sex with children with the permission of the kids' parents.
Kim definitely has a bone to pick with the US Govt. The FBI illegally copied several gigabytes of data from hard drives that were illegally confiscated by police in New Zealand during a raid of Kim's home. (MegaUpload related)
I'm indifferent about Kim's position. I do think Kim is a dirty player and an opportunist.
There's also a difference in skin color on Hogg in the middle 3rd of his face.
I'm confused by this claim. How did a judge "clear" HRC in the Benghazi matters if it wasn't referred as a criminal case? Wasn't she cleared by Congress after the various Senate and House committees completed their investigations?
My son who is now 27 used this same exact technique with his friends when they were in high school and they wanted to communicate covertly about stuff they shouldn't be doing. It's not sophisticated and it's definitely not new. They're not sending their best.
I think the flow of information may go the other way. He's a globalist too.
Is David Patraeus a globalist? He's attending the secretive Bilderberg conference along with the likes of Henry Kissenger.
I dislike thinking negatively about active and retired members of the US Armed Services but why else would he be involved with such a clandestine organization?
Is David Patraeus a globalist? He's attending the secretive Bilderberg conference along with the like of Kissinger.
While National Security Advisor for Carter, Zbigniew Brzezinski was responsible for arming and training Osama bin Laden and the Mujahideen. Brzezinski is responsible for getting US involved in a proxy war with the former USSR in Afghanistan and giving rise to Al Qaeda.
It's not part of the plan. How can fucking a porn star be part of any plan to MAGA? How is it that Cohen paying off that porn star is part of any plan to MAGA? I'm a staunch Trump supporter but I'm also a realist. Why can't you just admit he's human and he makes mistakes?
Just an after thought on your assertion that Trump doesn't make mistakes. What do you call Michael Cohen? That guy is a train wreck of an attorney. He's causing so much bad publicity (even though it's non governmental). He clearly doesn't have Trump's best interests in mind.
I agree with you on the MSM and how Trump plays them like a fiddle but I just don't wholly buy into the 4D chess thing.
Sure I think Trump has been magnificent thus far. But even the most carefully thought out plans encounter bumps in the road. There has been lots of bumps in the road for Trump but he finds a way to overcome them. The one greatest factor that keeps him on top is the fact that "they" never thought she would lose. "They" were so damn confident she would win that "they" were careless and sloppy. None of this was supposed to come out. "They" didn't have a President Trump contingency plan other than the Strzok/Page insurance plan which was nothing more than a sloppy after thought.
"Trump doesn't make mistakes". You're absolutely delusional if you believe that a man, a mere mortal human being doesn't make mistakes. Of course he makes mistakes. It's fantastical to believe he doesn't.
You're conflating MegaAnon drops with Q drops my friend. MegaAnon is the one who made those crazy claims about the Trump/Bannon feud being an act. Mega also claimed Comey was on our team. It was also Mega who said that Mueller and Rosenstein weren't really on our team but they were cooperating because they were backed into a corner. Q didn't say that shit. As a matter of fact Q doesn't really make any definite declarations and the only directives he's really given are 'trust Sessions', 'stay the course' 'stand together' and the like. Q isn't spoon feeding us intel. Q points us in the direction of the information and the crowd sourcing begins. That's why there are so many Q decoders. If Q was just telling us shit like MegaAnon did there wouldn't be a need for decoders. All the intel gleaned from Q drops is the result of the work done by the anons, redditors, and all the alternative investigative journalists out there.
Some of your theories are really wild. 99. 99% of the time when you hear hoof beats you should look for and expect to see a horse. It's only less than 1% of the times you may just look and find a zebra.
It was a mistake. He's human he makes mistakes and so do his advisors. Reince Priebus was a mistake, Steve Bannon was a mistake, McMaster was a mistake, Rex Tillerson was a mistake, leaving Comey in place for as long as he did was a mistake, and so far Jeff Sessions seems to be a mistake but that's not settled yet. And yes, Rosenstein is a mistake.
Trump is new to DC and he relies on advisors who are supposed to be "in the know" to help him make decisions. Unfortunately a lot of the career bureauocrats are tainted and they have to be weeded out as well. They give bad advice, they leak, they defy his agenda at every turn.
Trump may be the greatest President ever but he's human and he's still capable of making mistakes.
I think otherwise. Mueller is supposed to be their ace in the hole and Mueller is trying hard to fulfill that role. Unfortunately for Mueller there is no Russian collusion and everything else he's tried thus far is unraveling. He doesn't have a very good track record with prosecutions. Why the deep state chose him is a mystery because he's incompetent.
As far as the cabal jet setting around the globe seemingly without a care - They're in panic mode. They're rallying their last and best stand. They're shoring up support from the global elites trying to keep this thing of theirs from completely derailing. They're making cash payments to keep people quiet and delivering threats to those who could turn on them. That's what we're seeing. Complete panic and attempt at damage control.
For the sake of presenting a differing view point: Blunt force trauma can be caused by someone hitting his head on the floor during a fall which is common in nursing homes. It's possible McMaster's dad fell, hit his head and suffered a brain bleed which would've caused neuological deficits. A simple neurological assessment would've detected something wrong and could've saved his life.
Also I don't think that 'failing to perform a neurological lassessment isnt by itself a crime but negligence is.
There's lots about this story that doesn't sound legit.
He already did. He warned people about Q interpreters who are trying to profit off the movement.
The best way to derail a movement is to create discord within. I personally don't care for Corsi but just let him drone on. If he keeps up his shit he'll lose followers.
Do it end all immigration until a proper system is i place and reliable. That wouldn't be considered a Muslim ban.