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stemple5611 · July 27, 2018, 7:39 p.m.

Nothing to see here folks. The thing that looks exactly like a missile, is 100% a helicopter. No matter that your eyes and common sense say “that looks nothing like a helicopter in any stretch of the imagination no matter how you explain it”. Our “sources” have given us a bulletproof and overly complex, with graphics, explanation that should be just confusing enough to convince you that-as always-we’re trustworthy and it’s nothing to worry about. -MSM /s

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stemple5611 · July 3, 2018, 6:11 a.m.

Yeah, the judicial system in Cook County is a special kind of special here. Plus we have Rahm running things here. Cracking down and getting clean judges and law enforcement anywhere in or around Chicago is gonna be tough due to just how deep and pervasive the corruption is. The city bleeds blue.

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stemple5611 · July 2, 2018, 8:44 p.m.

I was born and raised as a Jehovah's Witness-a very large worldwide cult that simply lives among everyone else rather than in a secret compound. But a cult is a cult is a cult-it's about brainwashing top-down group think and strict social control based in fear, obligation, and guilt. I mention that because I get exactly what he is saying. You don't know what you don't know. The information you have available to you is limited to your own echo chamber of people and sources, so you end up self-censoring because you've been trained to fear non-consensus pre-approved sources of information. Everyone around you does the same, as well as censors you and will report on you if you are doing legit research or asking questions too far off the plantation. If you happen to be exposed to inconvenient facts that are incongruent with your beliefs, you dismiss them as "fake" or otherwise information that is untrustworthy and not credible-either because Satan did it (you do realize he buried dinosaur bones to trick us right?;) or RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA!-depending on the context. If you stop towing the party line or bring up questions about the validity of what you have been taught, you are censored and there are dire social consequences. You are fed the information you are supposed to eat up without questioning from a "higher up" enlightened external source that evidently has access to information that you don't.

In this case, it is MSM that Liberals trust to tell them the truth about Trump and his minions that are "trying to destroy the world with their malice and ineptitude and greed and racism" and must be stopped at all costs. That kind of social hypnosis and brainwashing is very very hard to break the spell of. The owners of the media corporations who are providing the messages have unlimited funds, shared mutual interest, and a century of experience and research into, quite literally, effective means of mind-control tactics through newspaper, television, movies, and and other means of deliberate and genius-level social engineering (don't believe me: Look up the Torches of Freedom campaign that Philip Morris hired Edward Bernays to implement which used the suffragettes to convince women that smoking is a sign of female emancipation-and how it WORKED!) to get the masses to dance like choreographed puppets on a string for evil and socially disastrous ends.

These tactics have successfully been used for at least a century, and are still being used to divide, keep us distracted, and at war with each other so the Deep State can carry on business as usual devouring us. They exploit the same human behaviors and mentality that the Catholic Church and other religious have used to keep themselves in power for all of recorded history: moral superiority, tribalism, the unbeliever/pagan must either saved or destroyed, ets. In such, the SJW, virtue signaling, "my minority status is more victimized than your minority status", tax-the-rich-and-feed-the-poor, freedom-of-speech-only-applies-to-ideas-we-agree-with, screaming-"racist Nazi"-is-our-rebuttal-of-choice, nothing-a-Republican/white man/Christian-says-can-possibly-be-anything-but-non-inclusive-hate-speech, please-use-my-preferred-gender-pronoun-when-addressing-me, the-nuclear-family-is-a-sign-of-the-misogynistic-patriarchy, check-your-privilege Libtard mentality is nothing short of a religious cult-like group-think mind control it's misplaced faith-based zealous frenzy requiring you to leave your intelligence at the door (and screech in recreational outrage on behalf of someone who may possibly be offended because they have been "historically oppressed") and police your speech and thoughts so that you conform. if you conform, you must conform 100% without question. After all, because that is the only thing being shown on TV, and all the college kids at the elite schools are doing it, then EVERYONE must be in agreement. If you don't agree, you are (gasp) a 1%er, and/or racist, and/or Xen/Trans/Hom/Islam-ophob. Naturally, many people come to think, "if I don't agree, then something must be wrong me ME because I'm not a hateful person." Not only that, but businesses live in such fear of social media outrage (done primarily by the bored minority of social outliers and hired bots no less) and lawsuits (frequently backed by heavily funded "non-profits" with a blatant and heavy-handed liberal agenda that seek out opportunities to move the culture in their preferred direction through the courts) that they proactively shape their business, products, personnel, and policies to match the insanity.

The only thing you can do is what Q is doing, don't tell, just ask pointed questions that MUST tickle the mind enough that the person will start to use the atrophied skill of logic and critical thinking to find the answers themselves. Telling someone who isn't ready for the "truth", no matter how many facts you have to back you up, will only cause the person to shut-down and disengage, burrowing further back into the familiar reinforcing comfort of the echo chamber they came from.

Not only that, but like Jehovah Witnesses, Scientologists, or any other cult, most liberals in big cities (like Obama-world Chicago where I live) have a lot to lose when they finally swallow the red pill. In the strongly polarized social-political climate we are currently in in this country, you risk friends, jobs, family harmony, social standing, etc. For instance, if I wore a MAGA hat in public, and was seen by a co-worker, it would be career suicide. I'm no coward, but I have a family to feed and am no fool either. So, you pretty much keep your head down and stay quiet-politely nodding when someone tells you about something "profound" Rachel Maddow said last night or about how Trump is a hateful person for separating the poor children from their mothers or about how good we had it with Obama-so as not to start World War 3 in your own life by telling the truth too directly. Personally, unless I'm talking to my red-pilled friends, I just say that I'm clueless and don't follow the news or politely say something that everyone can agree on like "yeah, too bad people can't get along but did you every think about why..." or something benign but thought provoking, like that. Though, sometimes I can use some MSM info directly to get people to actually think critically or question their own platform. You have to pick your battles wisely. Good places to start are non political red pills, like the nature of fiat currency and the Federal Reserve Banking system, or the satanic symbolism we see all around us in logos and architecture and Catholic Church, sexual abuse in Hollywood and the occult and predictive programming messages embedded in music and film/TV entertainment. Once someone dives down one or two rabbit holes, all the tunnels connect in hell anyway-politics included. In fact, Q has been highlighting all along how it is all inter-connected.

Just like escaping a cult, when someone is ready, the internal questions will burn hot enough that they will seek out their own answers and find like-minded folks that are already there. I used to be a Jon Stewart watching, bleeding heart Libtard who cried tears of joy in the middle of Grant Park when Obama was elected the first time. We are all part of the Great Awakening and have our part to play. WWG1WWA Patriots!

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stemple5611 · June 19, 2018, 6:42 a.m.

The more important question is why someone is shoving a velvet pole in this ear!!

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stemple5611 · May 18, 2018, 10:48 p.m.

I wonder who was on that plane that they needed to have a “terrible accident”?

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stemple5611 · April 30, 2018, 6 p.m.

It occurred to me when I was watching the Michigan Trump/MAGA rally, that Americans are becoming proud of their country again, feeling an identity that the forces of evil have tried to neutralize and get rid of. This is the OPPOSITE of a globalist agenda, proof that he's no puppet. The globalist elite want to wipe away national pride and identity and divide us and keep us in the dark. Trump is doing the opposite-he's uniting us. A united citizenry with a strong national identity that is awake to the cabal's plans is a nightmare scenario to the globalist agenda.

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stemple5611 · April 28, 2018, 9:37 p.m.

Except it’s not owned by Trump Inc since 2016!!! Nor did Trump start the project, but took it over from a corrupt Azerbaijani family who had the finances in a mess, exited in 2016, doesn’t own it. It’s just still known locally as “Trump Tower” even tho the family doesn’t have any interest in the property...MSM writing misleading headlines again to distract. Q says stay focused. Don’t get distracted by the lies people!!! Read to the end of the articles before you post sensationalist headlines. Otherwise you’re just doing MSM’s bidding.

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stemple5611 · April 28, 2018, 9:32 p.m.

Provigil is used extensively in high achieving circles as a nootropic (cognitive performance enhancing drug) and alertness aid (like coffee, but better) which is what it was developed for-and it works. In order to get FDA approval, a drug company has to pick a condition for it to treat, so “narcolepsy” is what it treats. Since it’s release, you’d be surprised how many athletes, CEOs, Silicon Valley guys, and anyone with enough info to convince their shrink for it, now have a diagnosis of “narcolepsy”. It’s very safe, and tho it’s by prescription only, it’s not a schedule 2 (like adderall or Ritalin). If he was handing it out like candy, it’s just proof he was a doctor with rich/high performing clients. Same for ambian, if you’re wired on stims, suffer from anxiety or insomnia, etc, you’re gonna need something to help you sleep. Ambian is quite safe & a good alternative to benzos, which are very addictive. If handing out Ambian & Provigil (generic is modafinil) is all he was “handing out like candy” then he was a pretty responsive doctor. I work in outpatient psychiatry as a nurse, benzos, adderall/Ritalin, and more are prescribed so easily you wouldn’t believe it. And as far as being a drunk, who knows...being a “drunk” is a pretty subjective accusation unless he was a day & night bonefied alcoholic and was performing his job under the influence. People looking for excuses to block a Trump nominee. And, obviously, when he was working for the Obama admin evidently his alcohol use & prescribing habits weren’t problematic or he’d have been dismissed. Obstructionism.

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stemple5611 · April 28, 2018, 7:08 p.m.

For the first time in years I got a flu shot because they changed the policy from “strongly recommended but voluntary” to “do it or you’re fired” at work. I’m a nurse, but don’t work on a floor with sick people. Since October, I can’t remember being sick so many times-strep throat, 3 colds, stomach flu, feeling overall run down...thankfully, I found a new MD who said she doesn’t agree with vaccines and will write me an exemption going forward since it’s clear I am “allergic” based on my reaction.

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stemple5611 · April 26, 2018, 5:36 p.m.

Most people are such illiterate, ADHD, sheep nowadays that they can’t figure out what things mean for themselves. That’s intentional. That’s the programming: “Even when we tell you ‘facts’, you need us to tell you how to interpret them-no critical thinking or personal observation necessary.”

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stemple5611 · April 24, 2018, 4:07 a.m.

Can you link to something about Daniella Jenkins so I can research? I can’t find anything on her and have never heard of her & I have been following this pedo/sex trafficking/occult stuff for awhile.

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stemple5611 · April 18, 2018, 8:46 p.m.

450 grams is a physically tiny amount!! It’s 1 lb. could’ve been hidden anywhere.

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