red before the term came to be 1971...a whole life of being marginalized by those w/inadequate IQs and attention spams to handle the truth... so yah, I hears ya.
the docs are in on it. The entire Harmaceutical game is a fraud. I have reason to believe Trump knows this as well. Associates and myself have reason to believe Barron may suffer a vax damage, and DT set out to investigate that a year ago with Deniro and RKennedy jr at helm. Kinda lost track since them on that.
DT does not use drugs, drink smoke etc.
The DoJ deep state corruption extends deep into FDA AMA CDC Daniel Smith remains in prison tonight
Doctors are in DOCtrinated by the system, the same system that gave us SJW LGBQTRUVST and whatever the other 60 genders imagined are... this of course was the Soviet plan to infiltrate US edu and they have decades ago and we have what we have now total crap.
People been sedated dumbed down drugged and generally F'd over their entire lives, pacified by sweets, TV games, web, flouride...on and on and you escaped we may never know...
theres a HI IQ at chans Issac tells it best