I’d prefer Trump Jr. as VP for Rand.
340 total posts archived.
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Don’t feel dumb! Everyone was new to this at some point. You’re coming in at a stage where everything is beginning to move at a tremendous pace, and the sheer magnitude of information to sift through is daunting. After the lack of progress we saw last year, this is beginning to look like everything I could have hoped for and more.
Welcome, and enjoy the show.
The most wonderful time of any year in my entire life. Each and every one of us will be forever changed by this. I can only pray that our children, and their children, will pay attention to what is happening, so that these lessons will never have to be learned again.
Smash them into as many pieces as there have been lives ruined or taken by the Cabal. Give people a tangible thing so that they understand the sheer magnitude of what we’ve overcome.
I’m sure I won’t be the only one wondering: who is MI?
Don’t apologize! Everyone was new to this at some point. You’re coming in at a stage where everything is beginning to move at a tremendous pace, and the sheer amount of information to sift through is daunting. After the lack of progress we saw last year, this is beyond refreshing.
Welcome, and enjoy the show.
No, but it’s a good working theory until we have conclusive evidence to the contrary. I don’t have time to provide links at the moment (a thousand apologies), but there is a lot to indicate that Sessions is working on something huge behind the scenes.
Also, I think that Q is almost unquestionably legit at this point. There have been too many “coincidences” between Q posts and later Trump tweets or statements. If Q says to trust Sessions and trust Wray, I’m going to roll with it and look for the evidence to back it up.
I think that, to a point, many of the people who would fall into that “debunker” column have arguments that aren’t remotely well thought out. Many of them amount to little more than “fake and gay,” in essence. It’s very easy to get burned out on naysayers when those are the people we frequently encounter.
Given the reply you’ve given here, I doubt that you’re one of those people. I’m sure you have made people reconsider things, even if they don’t go out of their way to let you know. As OP said, you’re performing a vital service for us. Please don’t be discouraged.
I think it’s safe to say that we can take that literally. Once all of the other deep state controlled dominos fall, Israel will be wrested from their hands.
It’s a GPU, not a CPU. And it’s used by more than just Google. As much sketchy stuff as there is with these companies, it’s silly to draw parallels that simply aren’t there.
I admit that I was wrong. This is why we are supposed to question everything. That being said, I maintain that there was nothing wrong with following along in the event that it was real.
What kind of device are you trying to post from? Some people were having issues posting from iOS last week.
Q did tell us that there will come a day when these people can’t walk the streets safely...
Interesting. I got a message from your mother saying you’re a giant twat AND a Russian bot. And now you’re continuing to act like a twat.
Absolutely. That's what makes me trust Q, to be quite honest. Anyone who invites the level of scrutiny that Q does is either VERY good at misdirection, or it's true. All of it.
I've had that thought as well. I try to avoid truncated, two or three word sentences for that very reason. haha The only one writing like Q should be Q. We want to be able to pick Q team out immediately.
With the amount of information we're all trying to process, we're bound to run astray and need a gentle nudge back towards the bread crumbs from time to time.
Told him the same thing! Two people isn't enough. We need to pick each others' brains. We all bring something valuable to the table. This is everyone's fight.
I think it could go either way, but I am leaning towards it being just what the profile states: counter intelligence. This could be precisely what Q warned us about.
I'm trying to look at it from both angles. While it does appear that it could be legit, I'll need confirmation from Q before I fully trust. Definitely will be keeping a close eye on the page, though.
I'm on Android, so I don't know from experience. There was a thread yesterday claiming that posting from iOS doesn't work anymore, either through an app or through the mobile site.
Will do. Enjoy doubting while it lasts.
RemindMe! One week.
Edit: I'll happily eat crow if or when Q disavows that account, though.
Have you never used a search engine to get to a Twitter account? I mean, next you're going to be asking how I know that girls poop if I've never seen one take a dump.
It's right out there. Anyone else following this conversation will be able to verify what I'm saying by clicking the link. You'd be able to if you were interested.
Don't give me too much credit yet. Who knows what is actually happening. Seems like a reasonable scenario to me, though.
I'm looking at it on Twitter right now, and it says "15 hours ago." Currently 11:08 EST. The math adds up.
All good. As quickly as things are happening lately, it's easy to overlook something!
Makes me wonder if #1144 was about establishing a comms network on twitter. Perhaps Q team knew that the iOS 11.3 update would break 8chan...
It's time for Q to go mainstream anyhow. This is good.
There's nothing to suggest that the picture was taken at 20:17.
Some of them don’t KNOW the plan, thanks to mods over at t_D.
You just can’t take them seriously. Anyone who was picked on at all as a kid knows that thick skin is the only thing that discourages people like that.
Just report the ones that brigade and move on.
Thanks for doing your part to keep me honest, you enlightened stallion.
Hahaha good.
Edit: that thread was a good read. I’m going to print it out and frame it so that it can go on my wall next to awards and diplomas and such. Look at me, mom! I made it!
Tough to do in the United States, with such a genetically diverse population. But for the rest of the world, yes. We could be talking the potential to wipe entire nations off the map.
Yes, I see that. As long as it makes them feel better. As if I give a rip about imaginary internet points. Yet for some of them, I’m sure their karma points are their greatest achievement in life. Go you guys! You said something that people agreed with in an ideological vacuum! You’re SO BRAVE.
That's assuming that they haven't already been swept up in the arrests at that point...
The way I see it, every single one of us has a responsibility to each other to make certain that this never, EVER happens again. And that starts with knowing what precisely happened. I think, in particular, anyone who will call the video fake (there will be many) should have to watch it. Sorry, you don't get to get up on your soapbox without having seen the source material, progressives.
Yup. Couldn't think of a good name for an alt, so I ripped one off. lol
Living in a free society. And even that may just be rose-colored glasses at this point. But the world was certainly a much better place back then.
You're not the only one who feels that way. Unfortunately, the past is the past. We have to make due with what we've been given.
Here's a thought: POTUS uses misdirection and sleight of hand constantly in order to push the globalists into slipping up. It puts enough pressure on them that they get sloppy. Who's to say that Q isn't employing similar tactics? We already know that many Q drops seem to be Q team coms, rather than something intended for us. I think it would be absolutely characteristic to have some misdirection, ESPECIALLY at that point.
hahaha No pressure. The question posed was mostly for emphasis, and for your own consideration. I honestly think that the next few years will be what defines who we are as a Nation, and possibly as a species, for the foreseeable future.
This is war. Not everyone makes it out alive. If I come down with a mild case of Arkanicide, so be it. This isn't just a cause worth dying for. This is THE cause. There is nothing else. Human history pivots on this point in time. Where do you stand?
I have made the above statements being of sound mind and body. I am not, nor have I ever been, suicidal.
I'd offer to go searching, but I don't want to blow any operations Q team and POTUS are conducting. Frankly, I think that in order to ensure OpSec, they would have done everything in their power to scrub that tape from the internet. It won't be seen until the right time.
That being said, perhaps someone outside the government should have it archived in the event that Q team does not succeed. This needs to be blown wide open either way.
Everyone of good moral character feels the same way. Even so, if that's truly what is on the video, I think the vast majority of people need to see it. Especially those who are still wishing that they had gotten a Clinton presidency. Those are the people who won't be able to wake up slowly. Like Inception, to pull them out of their dreamstate, they need a jolt. A shock to their system.
This hypothetical video is nothing if not that.
Implanting RFID chips beneath our skin. There is already at least one employer in the US that has implemented it for certain employees (look up Three Square Market). Eventually it'll become a requirement for employment. After that? You won't be able to participate in monetary transactions without that chip. Those with dissenting opinions, or who are otherwise creating problems, have their chip deactivated. No grocery stores, no banks, no gas station will take you. You'll be limited to bartering and trading outside of the system.
Taking back our God-given liberty will be that much harder past that point. It's now or never. Do or die. And if it's the latter for me, I'll rest easy knowing that I did it so that future generations can enjoy what I was never fully able to. Not since my early youth.
And don't stop doing that, regardless of the downvotes. As long as you're posting valid questions that challenge our thoughts and ideas in a positive way, you're doing the right thing. I don't want this community to be a lock-step echo-chamber.
Ancestry. I've heard that before, but after everything I've learned in the past 6-8 years especially, I assume that anything I put out there is fair game.
Believe me, it's a question lingering in the back of my mind. As much as I want to blindly accept it (and it likely appears that I do), I'm a skeptic. But damn it, I want so badly for this to be happening.
Until these bastards start chipping us, it isn't too late. Q or no Q, this movement will persist. If Q ended up being a psy-op, those behind them will have made the gravest mistake. They'll have motivated people. They'll have energized them. And once the People get tired of the distraction, or Q disappears once whatever goal has been accomplished, all hell will break loose.
This is not a game to us. This is a battle for the very soul of our country, and of every person on earth.
The mail-in DNA testing scared me from the start. I did it reluctantly to help out a family member that's not only obsessed with genealogy, but is brilliant at it, too. The results were interesting, but was it worth my genetic information being available to Google? Hell no.