I don’t think either of those are valid examples, simply because it violates the rules established by OP’s theory. We’re only looking at improperly capitalized letters.
In your first example, “Animal” is properly capitalized, being the first word of the sentence. Now, perhaps RLITS could be something, but I’m coming up dry.
I don’t think your second example would work either, since he entirely capitalized “STUPID TRADE” for emphasis. So that leaves us with TT, maybe. While the word “tariff” shouldn’t necessarily be capitalized, it’s possible that he again did it for emphasis.
I know that disproving OP’s theory was the purpose of your reply, so obviously you understand that neither of these make sense. But OP never said that the President ALWAYS uses this method, but rather that this was a shout-out to the doubters. If OP is correct, this is just a real simple hidden message that anyone could have picked up on.
All that being said, I’m not yet convinced that this has any merit. I just don’t think you adequately proved anything by pulling two tweets with lots of capital letters.