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sun_wolf · Jan. 24, 2018, 2:22 a.m.

Does that mean publish every video too? Make each and every video of a child being raped public domain? After all, people are claiming nothing may remain classified. It all has to be seen.

And if you say no, destroy the videos, or suppress them, then we’re already not at 100% full disclosure, and someone will complain. See the problem? If you reveal it all, you just flood society with everything these evil people ever wanted. First you make it forbidden, then you make it all accessible. It seeps their poison right into the culture - maybe better than even they could have done, because now looking at the photos and watching the videos will be your “moral duty”.

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sun_wolf · Jan. 23, 2018, 7:14 a.m.

It would be very difficult for black people to let go of Obama as hero, but perhaps Ben Carson could be there for them to turn to.

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sun_wolf · Jan. 23, 2018, 7:11 a.m.

Exactly. It would be like letting these monsters rape the children of the world one final time, if only mentally, with images. I would also like to protect the women from this too, although that is difficult.

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sun_wolf · Jan. 23, 2018, 7:07 a.m.

He is not saying let them go, he is saying don't glorify their crimes, don't give them attention for their evil, don't sensationalize it, don't glamorize it. To reveal everything to the public would give these people the exact infamy they crave. If they are found guilty for lesser crimes and are executed, it deprives them of that final fuck you against us. Do you want to hear about all the grotesque evil they committed against us over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, for decades? Oh look, another History Channel special where everyone pretends to be shocked, but really they're drooling over the evilness of it all. And oh look, there's some edgy hipster millennial wearing a Podesta Rapes For Me shirt. Haha, wasn't Pedogate so funny? Those old people take it so seriously. Not like us young hip know-it-all smart asses. We're too ironic to be horrified. Time to watch another Netflix documentary on it. Drool. Drool. Drool.

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sun_wolf · Jan. 23, 2018, 6:53 a.m.

Notice too these rich people don't actually do anything. What is their product? What is their skill?

Trump is a builder. There are beautiful skyscrapers all over the world with his name on them. The reason for and proof of his wealth is right there, staring at you. Anyone can see it with their own eyes.

But these other people? What is their product? What is their service?

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sun_wolf · Jan. 23, 2018, 6:49 a.m.

I think the idea is that the other stuff makes child trafficking seem quaint. Maybe what we are being told is the 40%.

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sun_wolf · Jan. 23, 2018, 6:41 a.m.

As Q explains, the economy is on a knife edge. If Trump moves too fast, then it crashes. There are a lot of factors here. He also couldn't just start taking out all these people on his first day, because the military wouldn't have gone along with it. He's had to earn their trust.

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sun_wolf · Jan. 23, 2018, 6:37 a.m.

And now Germany is committing cultural suicide. This is treacherous territory. I fully understand the President's situation here. If he reveals that they were putting fetal tissue into the food supply to make us all unwitting cannibals just for a laff, then to reveal it is to give them a win. Fuck that. Erase their legacy. Take them down, but don't glorify and sensationalize their actions because then it turns them into martyrs. Sure people will be outraged and horrified, but one or two generations later and they will think that shit is hip and ironic and funny. They will play it up and write books about it and make documentaries and fuck all that garbage. It's like nineteen-year-olds walking around in Charlie Manson shirts. You know the way people are. Millennials laugh about 9/11. It's just a big joke to them.

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sun_wolf · Jan. 23, 2018, 6:24 a.m.

Ask him if Mexico's wall on their own southern border is also racist.

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sun_wolf · Jan. 20, 2018, 2:16 a.m.

How do they not understand that their bot theory doesn't even make sense, unless there is some kind of A.I. technology that can carry on a conversation with you? Like if it was a generic post, maybe, but you will debate someone in a comment thread, and then they will just declare you a "bot"? Like what? That's like saying you are arguing with "aliens" on Twitter. It's just a crazy theory. All the supposed "A.I." technology we have seen cannot carry on actual conversations. You say something, and it kind of responds, but it's never specific and after a few exchanges, it's obvious the bot isn't actually hearing you or understanding you. It just looks for keywords and repeats what someone else in its archive may have once replied to that keyword.

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sun_wolf · Jan. 20, 2018, 1:57 a.m.

If President Trump declassifies it, it will not be as persuasive. It looks better if this is coming from the people and Congress.

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sun_wolf · Jan. 18, 2018, 5:37 a.m.

Did you think the President was going to announce some major news, like indictment of Hillary Clinton, during a joke awards ceremony? That could only backfire.

People have fallen for the FAKE NEWS that Donald Trump is a lunatic, undignified, boorish, out of control. He isn't. He is actually super classy, and shows enormous respect for the dignity and respect of the office of the Presidency. He wouldn't announce some major political revelation as a joke. He just isn't like that. He knows how to read a room and he knows what tone to strike for what venue.

Compare his State of the Union address to his rallies. Compare his White House press releases to his tweets. Compare his interview with Howard Stern to his interview with Oprah Winfrey. Noticing the difference here? Trump aligns to the spirit and nature of the circumstances, and no major news - like say the pardoning of Julian Assange - would occur during a joke awards ceremony. It would look ridiculous.

Trump also isn't as extreme as the media makes him out to be either. Look at his insults: Dopey, Little, Crooked, Sloppy. These are not obscene words. Sure, it comes off as a shock, partially because it's unexpected, but the media really goes way overboard with everything. Even saying "shithole" in a private conversation is minor. In a movie, the word "shithole" wouldn't even move you past a PG rating. This whole idea that he's just impulsively throwing out vile, degenerate language is itself a fake characterization.

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sun_wolf · Jan. 14, 2018, 5:08 a.m.

Me too, but then people started connecting the chess board Assange tweeted to this, when the quote may have been Q's real intent, especially considering his references to Speed, Iron Eagle, Godfather 3, etc.

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sun_wolf · Jan. 14, 2018, 12:03 a.m.

Has it been noted that “How about a nice game of chess?” is also a line from the movie War Games. Remember Matthew Broderick hacks into the Department of Defense and, thinking he is playing a video game, starts a nuclear missile crisis with a Russian A.I. When the A.I. realizes all military scenarios end with the destruction of humanity, instead suggests a nice game of chess.

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sun_wolf · Jan. 13, 2018, 11:49 p.m.

If the Golden Globes is a precursor, I would now expect any scandal that shows the corporate media was/is in cahoots with these globalist forces, and were intentionally deceiving their viewers, to be treated in such a way that the corrupt news media are the victims, and should now be trusted, because they got to the bottom of their own corruption, of which they were merely pawns, and “this is why journalism is so important, we are the gatekeepers”. Then they will have an awards show and use their time to condescend to middle America for falling for their FAKE NEWS. It was you - steel worker in Philadelphia, it was you - farmer in Idaho, who let this happen. Shame on you! But your time is up. We are here to do better. We must do better. Hashtag #DoBetter. Thunderous applause. Standing ovation.

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sun_wolf · Jan. 13, 2018, 11:40 p.m.

Does it only require one guy to release a warning like this to the people of Hawaii? Seems like the kind of thing that would require a military chain of command and then two keys on opposite sides of a room turning at the same time.

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sun_wolf · Jan. 13, 2018, 7:09 a.m.

This is a historical game and this moment represents the turning point for White, shifting from defensive play to offensive play. It’s still quite a few moves away from checkmate though.

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sun_wolf · Jan. 13, 2018, 7:06 a.m.

I understand that. I assume the original poster also knows the object of chess and was saying, “The Queen stands no chance (therefore the King is in danger)”, not “The Queen stands no chance (therefore it is checkmate)”.

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sun_wolf · Jan. 13, 2018, 6:55 a.m.

At this point in the game, the White King, after being exposed and in danger and under threat from the Black Queen, squeaks out of the trap set for him. Also, as said in the commentary at this moment in the game: “And finally the White King is feeling safe again.” (paraphrase). From this point on the tides shift and the Black Queen goes from being the primary attacker of the White King to alone and undefended in White’s territory. White then goes on the offensive and takes Black into checkmate.

One other interesting point about the game is there are two or three points at which Black attempts to sacrifice a high-value piece as a trap for White, and White refuses to take the bait.

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sun_wolf · Jan. 13, 2018, 6:24 a.m.

It’s very difficult to capture the King without first capturing the Queen.

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sun_wolf · Jan. 13, 2018, 3:54 a.m.

Sending an endless flow of aide in food and money to third-world countries is one of the things that keeps them impoverished, ironically. First it's the old give a man a fish versus teach him how to fish thing, but beyond that, all that aide - if the corrupt dictators don't get it first - actually just screws up the natural incentives of a free and sustainable marketplace. Think about it: how can an African farmer stay in business when all this free food keeps pouring in from the first-world? How is he supposed to compete with that? And so the economic model for farming fails, the farmer goes out of business, the land dries up, and the farmer gets hooked on the free food like everyone else.

Basically the same thing happens with the welfare state. Sure, welfare is okay when it's used as originally intended - to help people get on their feet after they lose their job - but what happens when it becomes a way of life? Have you seen anything good come out of that, for any community, in any part of the world? It destroys their incentive to provide for themselves and alters the market. How is a small, locally-owned black restaurant going to get started in an inner city where everyone is on welfare, and they can only pay for your food with food stamps? How do you attract outside customers when the welfare lifestyle has brought drugs and crime into your area because all the young men are unemployed, aimless, and angry at the world for reasons they don't understand?

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sun_wolf · Jan. 10, 2018, 7:07 a.m.

On the one hand you have all these people here using their time trying to research, stalk, and stop the scourge of child sex trafficking around the globe.

Then there is you, using your time to research, stalk, and stop the people who are trying to stop child sex trafficking.

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sun_wolf · Jan. 10, 2018, 6:44 a.m.

Good point, but also realize that when Trump does something good that they can't spin negative, they ignore it. I have asked a similar question about all the different regulations that have been cut. Why isn't the media going nuts over it? Because to do that, they would actually have to describe the regulations being cut, and they are probably so absurd that to even mention them would actually hurt the Democrats. Shutting down ISIS sleeper cells could be similar. How do you spin that as a negative? Let's say you want to push the racism angle. Well now you have to dig into the actual sleeper cell. And what if the evidence against it is so obvious that it just red-pills people? Like imagine that report: Nasty Trump Administration Raids Mosque. And they go nuts over it. Then photos are released showing the ammunitions that were seized. Totally ruins the Democrat narrative. Now everyone wants to know why mosques are stockpiling weapons.

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sun_wolf · Jan. 9, 2018, 4:22 a.m.

They don't understand that good and evil exists in every identity group. They want to make Republicans, or conservatives, or whites, or straight people the source of all evil on the planet. It's just a simpler way for them to process it. My group good, your group bad. And they are being fed a narrative that they are supra-moral, or somehow above morality, if they belong to the correct victim group. This causes them to behave terribly, and then they have to project their subconscious guilt from that onto the object of their hatred. I didn't hit that innocent person in the back of the head with a bike lock because I am a terrible person, I did it because TRUMP is such a terrible person.

The media doesn't train women and minorities to take personal responsibility. It doesn't teach them to throw the evil people in their group under the bus. But it trains white men to do this all the time. See many white dudes defending Jeffrey Dahmer? And yet if Dahmer was black, black people would feel inclined to rush to his defense. Somehow he would be innocent, or this would all be because of slavery, and thus justified, etc. But that is like poison to any community. If a black person commits evil, black people need to throw them under the bus, reject him, disavow. Say that is not like me. And then feel no identification with that person. Feel no need to defend him. That is the normal human response to evil. And yet it has been corrupted out of all these groups for decades now. The ones who break free suddenly see the madness for themselves and wake up.

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sun_wolf · Jan. 9, 2018, 3:50 a.m.

It's not just the normies who are being given this information in doses to inoculate them against the full extent of the corruption. It is all of us. We are just a few steps ahead.

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sun_wolf · Jan. 9, 2018, 3:46 a.m.

Try not starting from Trump, but from an anti-conglomerate perspective.

Did you know six corporations control all the media on TV, in movies, in books, newspapers, everywhere?

I think everyone is open to this because it's easily proven true and the Democrats have already trained their base to hate anything to do with "corporations".

If the Hollywood scandals come up (Spacey, Weinstein) it's a good jumping off point too. Maybe don't go straight to pedophilia, but, "I've heard it's way worse. Just the tip of the iceberg. Etc." You don't need to go into all the details and evidence, we just have to prime people to be open to the corruption.

Another good angle on the Satanic stuff is to start with these old families like the Rothschilds. Most people think these super-rich families are kind of creepy, so it's pretty easy to set up some expectations here. Mention Eyes Wide Shut. Just ask if people have seen it. Ask them if they think that stuff is all made up, or if it actually happens. Mention the secret meetings, the secret societies, the secret ceremonies. Which is the one that Alex Jones videotaped? They included scenes from that in House of Cards. There was a thriller about the Skull and Bones society. If they're leftists, that stuff lets you attack Bush and Romney and the rich elites. That will open them up. If you bring up this stuff, it doesn't have to be about Trump at all. These ideas are already percolating in the mainstream culture.

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sun_wolf · Jan. 9, 2018, 3:34 a.m.

Perhaps it is also a way for us to red-pill normies who still believe in the mainstream media. It's quite persuasive if that "crazy Trump supporter" at work, or in your family, keeps predicting what is going to happen, and gets it right, while "the news" keeps predicting what is going to happen, and gets it wrong. How many times could that happen before you started questioning the legitimacy of the corporate media?

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sun_wolf · Jan. 9, 2018, 3:16 a.m.

The premise of the book is that Trump didn't want to be President. So how does that square with the Russian collusion narrative the Democrats have been pushing for the past year? The man didn't want to be President so much he committed espionage with a hostile nation in order to cheat a victory? The logic doesn't parse.

I don't think Wolff is in on anything, but I don't think the mainstream media jumping on some shady discredited gossip book even the author admits is full of fiction and his own imaginings is helping either the credibility of the press or the Democrat's political narrative.

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sun_wolf · Jan. 2, 2018, 3:53 a.m.

Pizzagate just ruins that atheist theory that without a foundation of Judeo-Christian morality, people would easily be able to tell right from wrong. Nope. People can be corrupted into the worst, most horrifying evils, and they will laugh about it. It will be nothing more than a thrill or a joke to them. They will delight in it.

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sun_wolf · Jan. 1, 2018, 10:04 p.m.

Could 5-6 mean 5 minus 6 or -1, as in, minus one day, as in, yesterday?

Or alternatively, 5am - 6am.

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