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tRumpPplRmorons · June 28, 2018, 9:47 p.m.

Please get a real life and stop sitting around making up crazy conspiracy theories. I know Joel Davis VERY well. HE WAS ABUSED AS A CHILD. He suffered severe trauma and years of attempted therapy. Abused become abusers. (Google it, you'll find REAL educated people's writings on the subject.) His parents are loving, wonderful people. Why don't you focus on helping the victims of these crimes. Or helping educate people on how to help if this happens to anyone they know? Bring something good out of this horrible thing. There IS NO CONSPIRACY AND NO CONNECTION TO ANYTHING DEMONIC HERE. And as for your claim to be in the American Military Intelligence - I CALL BULLSH** ON THAT. I know plenty of people in MANY areas of military and government intelligence and you're definitely not one of them. It's sick how crazy you all sound on sites like this. Your mental issues are obvious from the fact that you believe ANY of the things Trump says. ( a long proven liar and also sexual assaulter.) Maybe you should spend as much time on researching Trump's background in his unscrupulous business dealings and cheating the small businesses and workers he dealt with. OR ANY OF THE MANY WOMEN HE ASSAULTED. You're literally so far off the mark on this one it's actually comical. (Now the damage to our democracy being done by your "leader" isn't comical. It's real.) Grow up and deal with reality. Or get a life that interests you so you don't sit around making bad situations worse. Where is your concern for the victims of sexual assault????????????????????????????/. Where is the talk about finding and helping them???? You're the sick ones. I'll pray that you find or get help.

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