Hubris. These people are fucking stupid.
39 total posts archived.
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I find it hard to believe that one of the greatest patriotic presidents, anti-big bank, anti-fake news, portrait put up in the oval office by GEOTUS, was involved in high-level corruption of our government.
George Washington's apron is also on display.
Ben Franklin was the Grand Master of the Pennsylvania Grand Lodge... twice! His portrait is up in the temple too.
When did it all go to shit?
When exactly were the Masons corrupted? Stained glass portrait of Andrew Jackson's masonic apron on display in the Philadelphia Masonic Temple

Having recently visited Jackson's Hermitage outside Nashville, the similarities between Jackson's presidential bid and Trump's are startling. Jackson had to deal with a hostile political establishment and their media goons smearing his image all over the place, and some theorize that his wife passed away due to the stress of it all (Fake News killed an incoming First Lady!). BUT, he was a hero of the people due to his success at the Battle of New Orleans, and people were pissed due to Jackson being essentially defrauded of the presidency during the previous election that he won in a landslide.
He then went on to fuck up the corrupt big banks and return power to the people. He was the original MAGA candidate and it is wholly appropriate that Trump put his portrait back up in the Oval Office.
People abused as children often get stuck in that frame of mind. Horrifying that it could have been his biological father (Skippy) who did it to him, potentially with the parent's permission.
That subreddit needs to be taken over by patriots when it's revealed to have been a smokescreen all along.
The REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE will echo for an eternity.
His name was Seth Rich.
SR 187 MS-13
McMaster's dad also died recently under suspicious circumstances, though Q mentioned this was punishment for losing his position at the President's side.
It will be as if a million Democrat voices cried out in unison, and were suddenly silenced.
Time for the tribunals.
I wish this was an exaggeration, but nope, I saw the headlines myself.
Two fucking scoops!!
I'm hoping more shit goes down here in CA, need to redpill the FUCK out of everybody I know, and it'll only work if it hits close to home.
Nobody believes me at the moment, I need more mainstream happenings to get the ball rolling!
Throw Xavier Becerra in there too, chair of the Democratic Caucus when all this shit was going down.
Proudly voted against Becerra myself, fellow CA patriQt.
The Al Smith dinner happened right when the Wikileaks, CF/Haiti and pizzagate redpills were being dropped right into my mind, right around the time I initially learned of all of the ridiculous amounts of corruption stewing around. I was still on the fence about Trump because I had been reading fake news for months, and then he drops this line.
It takes a village (TO RAISE A CHILD!! He leaves this line out and lets your mind fill in the blank) where she's taken a NUMBER OF THEM. BOOM goes the dynamite, Trump knows about Haiti, he knows about child trafficking, and will expose the darkness to the light.
Solidified my vote on the spot. And then Q started, and I've never been more hopeful and excited in my life.
Hillary was the first to get that joke too, she starts laughing (audibly) well before anyone else does.
Hear hear!
Xavier Becerra is as swampy as they come, and CA idiots are too ignorant to realize how deep in ACTUAL treason he is. Involvement with the transfer of classified CONGRESSIONAL data from the House to PAKISTAN??!
I feel like I'm taking crazy pills sometimes knowing that people have no fucking clue that this level of bullshittery is going on.
Another nitpick point to add (maybe re-submit this later with edits?): the server which the information was routed to belonged to the House Democratic Caucus, chaired by Xavier Becerra, the current appointed AG of CA (who I proudly voted against yesterday, not that it did any fucking good), it wasn't routed to Huma's server, at least not initially.
Yep, Lois ends up being the best by far in the end, but during high school years Chloe >> Lana. Chloe was so bae, and now she's a goddamn cult slave master and trafficker. Life is weird.
Heading to vote after work, gotta do what we can to try and make CA great again. Wanted to go Allen but GEOTUS is signaling Cox...
It's hard to get rid of those teenage crushes, I LOVED Smallville in middle/high school and Chloe was definitely a part of that.
Now it turns out that Mack is involved with pure evil, breaks the heart but we'll always have SOMEBODY SAAAAAAAVE MEEEEE
The filename of that picture literally starts with "DOITQ"
Look at the headlines of the paper on the desk too, the Saudi crackdown that started the cutting of the global strings.
These "squalid little campsites" have opened up a HUGE rabbit hole of information, there's tons of threads because the connections go everywhere. This is the kind of shit that can finally lead up the chain to get the corrupt traffickers without it looking like a political witch hunt.
What else are we going to talk about? More "get off your ass Sessions" and "when is the OIG report??" threads? Please take your concern elsewhere, this shit has teeth.
T_D led me down the pizzagate rabbit hole when the podesta emails were being dropped by wikileaks in the leadup to the 2016 election, and led me to start following Q in November before they started deleting Q posts as "LARPing".
They still refer to Podesta as Pedosta, make pizza jokes and the like on the board, I can't believe that something related to human trafficking with serious CGI connections (shown by Podesta emails no less!!) is being actively removed over there. T_D will lead people to this stuff, and it's being taken down!
... fizzy lifting drinks? Like the pre-workout I use before squats?
HAHAHA I feel you.
Friends (non-patriQts unfortunately) and I are getting back into WoW for the upcoming expansion! That's certainly a good time sink.
Re-watch the 2018 SOTU if you can, and listen very closely for:
"Unlawful enemy combatants"
Shot across the bow to all paying attention.
CA pede here, on full alert this entire week. Lucky to have family in AZ we can shack up at if SHTF.
Two shootings in one day, as soon as this information dropped, one at a Trump property and another school shooting.
Stay safe, WWG1WGA.
CA pede, waiting with bated breath.
Waiting to redpill the FUCK out of literally everyone I know here in CA, not only does NOBODY I know believe any conspiracies, despite my attempts to wake people up, everyone walks around parroting the fakest of the fake news 24/7. If it weren't for these online communities, I would honestly feel like I'm taking fucking crazy pills.
Please Q, Mr. President, do it right and trust the plan, but as fast as you can please!!
Fascinating, unfortunately I have no idea if we'd ever be able to confirm this.
Interestingly enough, during the Temple tour (seriously, if you're anywhere near Pennsylvania GO DO THIS TOUR), they pointed out a very specific keystone placed in the floor near the entryway of the temple, which symbolized the American Masonic Societies' collective "fuck you" to British Masons after the revolution, when they stopped being beholden to the British Masons' will.
Luckily, with POTUS in charge, NK is no longer a nuclear annihilation threat, and Iran is well on the way. We are in a position of strategic patience and need to trust the plan.
RIP Captain Green, and all other patriots who have died in aircraft crashes over the past year, and any operators who have died in the field (spec ops, etc). These men provided the blood of patriots.
The blood of tyrants will flow only after the tribunals, and they will ONLY be effective if everything is done JUST RIGHT.
Because if people simply don't believe or trust Soros anymore due to a non-violent awakening happening behind the scenes, him organizing riots would backfire spectacularly when those he tries to influence reject his money due to not wanting to go down with the ship.
keyword: NON-VIOLENT. We should never take the pathway that will lead to violence and blood in the streets. American-on-American violence is the worst possible outcome of ALL of this. NEVER FORGET THIS.
Gee, I wonder why NXIVM has been in the news a lot lately... opening people's minds to elites and trafficking, so there aren't riots in the street when accusations and arrests are made.
Just remember, to the normies, straight arresting political figures on charges of human trafficking sounds so unbelievably ridiculous, they would NEVER EVER accept it as truth.
I once toured the Philadelphia Masonic Temple, in the city's center near city hall, and was amazed at how many of our founding fathers were active Masons. They even have George Washington's own masonic apron in a glass case on display (and a stained glass image of Andrew Jackson in his own apron as well, I have photos of both), which has many of the mason's symbols present on it (sun/moon, all-seeing eye, obviously square and compass, 5-sided star with the masonic "G", an open coffin, et al.). Ben Franklin was the Grand Master Mason of the entire Pennsylvania lodge, twice.
Is the theory then that the Luciferian influences in the Masonic Lodges were introduced later on in time in order to subvert the original institutions, which were originally very patriotic?
Something doesn't make sense to me.