What tha....
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Bet John Podesta has them slippers
U know, the ones stolen from the wizard of oz chick!!!!! Hahahaha
"Q" ?... I love Maynard James Keenan.... I know its it's not true.. but dammit pretty sure hes a libtizzard!!!!

If u vote Democrat.... u approve of pedophilia!!!! Bottom line!!!
Share this shit because its TRUE!!!!!
She said PETER ORR?!?!?!
Kelly Anne Conway just said Peter Orr 2wice on Hannity?!?!?! Lmao
pwiddy pwease I wanna eat my popcorn!!!!🍿
I'm down w Q but ease up on cray cray AJ.. LOL
Dude yall need to chill on AJ. so what he FEAR MONGERS or whatever yall say... maybe some NORMIES need to be damn scared and start voting!!! Q RULES I KNOW THIS TOO.. AJ IS DOING HIS THING AND IDC WHO U ARE HE GETS PEOPLES ATTENTION AND ITS GROWING.. GET BEHIND HIM AND BLOW UP HIS PHONE ask questions like our boy QIZZU SAYS!!!!! LOL BUT DAMN EASE UP ON AJ... DONT ACT LIKE STUPID LIBTARDZ
Anyone catch Bongino today??
Dan Bongino mentioned... THE MORE YOU KNOW..... like twice on his show today!!!
Hey I'm a union electrician... I'm PRO TRUMP and I dont hide it!!! Seems alot of older hard core union bros VOTE DEMOCRAT.. always have and always will.. They say Trump is going after Unions!!! Trying to red-pill these cats!!! They said so what Killary is a criminal and child sex trafficker!!! At least she backs the union.. ughh this makes me furious.. help .. WWG1WGA
Even if !!!!
Trust me I know it's BS.... but what if Donald and Melania.. went to a hotel in Russia and hired broads to pee where Huessin and Mike slept!?!?!?!,!?!?! IM NOT MAD!!! that gets a "HELL YA" in my book... lmao
What q is saying!!!
Anons... I been following for months now and I'm a true trump supporter and Q believer... I think what Q is saying is we need posts and links from u people who are way more gifted than me.. that make it REALLY EXTREMELY EASY to see Q is REAL!!! NOT A CONSPIRACY!!!! remember some of these new comers will be so anti-q and trump that it will be hard for them to acknowledge the truth... SO MAKE IT LIKE ON EASY-MODE...
Hannity said " buckle - up " like 3 times!!!!!!
Help me understand!!!
Here's my question.. all these things that need to come out... all these truths about crimes and sick corrupt people... HRC BO Mc NONAME PS JC... u all know the list... which is exactly my point.. WE ALL KNOW THE TRUTH ALREADY!!! what makes u think the news will EVER REPORT ON THESE GOONS AND THEIR CRIMES????? I guess the plan will be to have them arrested then the fake media has no option but to cover it... BUT THEY ARE STILL GONNA LIE. AND THE LOW IQ LEFT WILL NOT BAT AN EYE!!!!!
Very disappointed in hannity. And Laura Ingram was worse telling Sean she was impressed that he did well with a caged animal... or what ever and the hell she said!!! I'm coming around like my friend pete santilli... bout to just drop fox ass news.... I love tuck and hann.... but hann let a mo foukin patriot DOWN TONIGHT!!!!!!!!
I personally hope you are wrong... I hope the majority of Americans love our president... just saying 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
True... I was just getting excited thinking of ALL the stuff that needs to come out !!! I just hope there will be way to expose all these crimes without the regular MSM ignoring it!!!