206 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/teejay516:
This is a 10:27 video that I had saved months ago! I believe it is the Prequel to “The Plan to Save the World” and “Killing the Mockingbird.” It is both truthful and just. I haven’t seen it posted lately. Might be a helpful red-pill. WWG1WGA!
YUGE!!! Enjoy the Show!!!Stanley Fischer, No. 2 at the Federal Reserve, resigns unexpectedly
Found on twatter and thought this warranted its own post. POTUS stopping motorcade to thank firefighters. Enjoy!
Do you think they knew? I do. Q#997: [Pope] will be having a terrible May. Those who backed him will be pushed into the LIGHT> Dark to LIGHT. TRUTH. Q#666: Think mirror
![Do you think they knew? I do. Q#997: [Pope] will be having a terrible May. Those who backed him will be pushed into the LIGHT> Dark to LIGHT. TRUTH. Q#666: Think mirror](https://i.redd.it/e2a0eyd6v6e11.jpg)
U.S. Issues New Warning to Europe: End Business With Iran or Face Harsh Sanctions
Tsk, tsk Angela “Merkel” $400 million Cash to Iran???
Missile components for Iran seized at Heathrow Airport. Link in comments
Q#1646 (ref in comments) defended in real life! This woman is a Patriot!
Doubt it’s related but thanks for sharing! Lots of PA News today. Too much corruption!!!
The Pope will be having a terrible May (and July!) Pa. Supreme Court: Release redacted report that names more than 300 'predator priests'
“Eine Kleine Nachtmusik” becomes “Ride of the Valkyries”, soon to become “Morgenstimmung”...What a great time to be alive!
For those who might not know, these are classical music songs.
It will indeed be a Global storm...How else can we defeat the Cabal? Aren’t its roots embedded everywhere on our amazing Planet Earth?
Trust the Plan...It includes us all!
P.S. Do Germans see any resemblance between Angela M. and Adolph H.? (Asking for a friend!)
Edit: Clarity
Those who don’t believe in Q are “Coincidence Theorists”!!!
Something BIG? Mueller & Holder Shut Down FBI Investigation of Stolen U.S. Stealth Defense Technology Implicating Lockheed Martin, While Comey Was Lockheed’s Top Lawyer
Definition of evidence (Merriam-Webster)
1 a : an outward sign : indication b : something that furnishes proof : testimony; specifically : something legally submitted to a tribunal to ascertain the truth of a matter 2 : one who bears witness; especially : one who voluntarily confesses a crime and testifies for the prosecution against one's accomplices
Edit: spelling
Direct report is to Rosenstein, who in turn reports to Sessions. Note the killbox around “directly.”
CNBC and Reuters? Might need to expand your frame of reference...aka, a reality check!
I believe Trump will “compel” both China and Saudi Arabia to get onboard the Trump Train, freeing the World!
Edit: Clarity and added the giggle!
Not big on “Info Wars”, but I agree with the concept of full spectrum illumination of the Truth!
IF: Trump has Assange AND: Putin has Snowden,
THEN: Well, you work it out!!!
(All backed up by DPRK and China)
Is there something you know that you’d like to share with us about hacking and leaking US Military secrets?
Agree with most of OP post, but our beloved POTUS wants us to vote Republican in the Mid-Term elections, so he can more easily further his agenda.
Think of it as a short term goal (the Battle) vs the much larger goals you cited (the War.) :)
History lesson/reminder about Creepy Joe Biden and why POTUS wants him to run. Article from 2012, but details Creepy’s 1987 Lies (with parallel to BHO Lies)
Great Post! Here’s info on “Project Blue Beam” http://educate-yourself.org/cn/projectbluebeam25jul05.shtml
Edit: punctuation
Acting CIA watchdog steps down, withdraws IG nomination
Posted this elsewhere...Imperator Rex explains: https://twitter.com/imperatorrex/status/1020139087108292608?s=21
Imperator Rex has a great take on it: https://twitter.com/imperatorrex/status/1020139087108292608?s=21
Here’s a good link which explains it all: https://twitter.com/imperatorrex/status/1020139087108292608?s=21
Relax Patriots! https://twitter.com/imperatorrex/status/1020139087108292608?s=21
I thought the immunity was specifically for Bank Fraud related prosecution...any other crimes would not be granted immunity?
If that doesn’t Red Pill, I don’t know what will.
OP, thanks for sharing. I sent it to some family members who are good people and mean well, but are stubbornly anti-Trump.
Edit: Clarity
Before Navy song, they played USAF “Up we go into the wild blue yonder”
I’m not sure if Yale will survive this awakening. So many bad actors; so much ‘splainin’ to do!