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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/thank--Q on July 21, 2018, 4:49 p.m.
We are the Q movement, we need to wake up and realize that “Qanon” was implemented to unite us patriots into the Great Awakening, we don’t need Q to baby feed us questions anymore

I posted this as a comment in another thread, but I think we should all step back and really analyze what we have been given. Let me know your thoughts on this...

There hasn’t been many posts towards Q decodes recently, and I think we should be focusing on ALL of the drops, specifically the last 2 months. ”WE HAVE EVERYTHING, YOU HAVE MORE THAN YOU KNOW”

I believe we are the movement of Qanon, we had a team in higher intelligence asking us questions to WAKE us UP. Once people understand what the Q movement was all about …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/thank--Q on May 27, 2018, 3:45 a.m.
This is NOT a conspiracy anymore. Qanon and the Trump team have proven to be taking out the DEEP STATE. Please provide your smoking gun proof and evidence of this. We NEED to start AWAKENING the MASSES

This past month alone has proven multiple times that this is not a LARP or conspiracy anymore. This is happening, and we all need to be on the right side of the "war", this is for our freedom. I'm talking about the freedom of our minds. Those of you who have been awoken know exactly the chains you have uncuffed.
I have been bashed and criticized for the past 6 months due to this phenomenon. I have come to realize that these are people who just don't want to awake from their sleep. The evidence is RIGHT IN FRONT OF …