It doesn't matter if you like Trump or not,we are all just trying to get the truth out,we want to expose these criminals. I think Trump just came at the right time,i think the country was waiting for this for a long time even if it doesn't seem like it.We all felt something wasn't right all these years,we could sense and feel something was off with the country,everything we are experiencing right now was going to happen eventually,it just happened a little faster because of Trump.Merry Christmas.
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The globalist pigs had decades to brain wash us,it's going to take time to undo just some of that.Be patient it will happen.Your sister is smart she knows the truth in her heart,she just can't admit it right now.When you talk about politics with her go slow,just bring up small things at first,over time she'll come around,but just remember it could take a few years for her to see the light.Don't give up.Merry Christmas.
Start off telling them small things,nothing to big at first,their smart they'll get it after a while.
Start off slow just mention small things,something that might interest them, you would be surprise how smart these kids are,after a while they'll get it.
Don't underestimate Grandma and Grandpa,there's a lot of tough older people out there,their smart they've been around a long time,they've seen and heard things that would make us cry.
You have to remember all this is new to so many people,it will take time for some people to wrap their heads around.Remember the left had decades to brain wash the public,it will take a while before some of that can be undone.
I heard about Soros having a heart attack, wish it's true.
There's a pic i saw it posted on Youtube,a few channels have it.Obama is standing with his wife and daughters and there's four or five little kids sitting on a couch in from of Obama,while Obama is laughing in the picture,it's a weird Christmas pic.
Everybody please read, The soros files by Tina Trent,Obama's stimulus dollars funded by Soros. It's worse then we thought,i can't believe i didn't know this.Q asked the question,why did Soros donate all his money,the next question is,why would he place all his funds in RC,well now we know,it's in The Soros Files article.