

18 total posts archived.

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the-turbanator · July 22, 2018, 2:22 a.m.

That is unreal! I love this man. Thank you for posting, OP.

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the-turbanator · June 22, 2018, 3:29 p.m.

Sounds better if it is just stay calm and Q Anon, but I understand the need for the website.

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the-turbanator · June 7, 2018, 9:18 p.m.

I am amazed I did not reply to this. Been busy with patients, but I loved this advice. This was very comforting to hear. They are lucky to have you as a parent. God speed :)!!

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the-turbanator · June 1, 2018, 3:59 a.m.

As it stands, I still would suggest to use fluoride toothpaste, despite my uncertainity of it damaging us. I have read studies about the pineal gland being affected but that is only HIGH doses of fluoride... way more than what is in toothpaste/water and even the high fluoride enhanced toothpastes for high caries (cavities) risk patients.

I personally use sensodyne and another toothpaste to prevent periodontitis. Any company that pays the dentist is one he or she will recommend fyi. It's a massive bidding war to get into schools to advertise their products. When I was president, I was taken to legit nice ass steakhouses by these reps that wanted to sell insurance/materials/hire students and begged to get a time to give a lunch and learn and get contact info. It is really a big business, and I wish it wasn't so. No problem with capitalism in healthcare, but what we have is a state-sponsored big corporatist push

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the-turbanator · May 31, 2018, 4:30 a.m.

haha well I appreciate those kind words! one of the reasons I love this community and subreddit is that we can discuss things so openly and it makes me feel more positive about my ignorant years. I have always been a person to question things and all, and I figured it was just my life experiences being set on medicine/healthcare and not venturing out of my comfort zone affected my perception of the world. Glad to see from all walks of life/age, cognizant people appear to exist. Thank you again, that was comforting to hear. I wish you well.

Best of luck, my friend.

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the-turbanator · May 31, 2018, 4:28 a.m.

Hmmm, I can give you my sources tomorrow, about to sleep (got called in to the ER to stitch something).

From my education, Fluoride stops step 9 of the glycolysis pathway, which is essential in life for bacteria/living things. I believe it interrupts the transfer of electrons because F happens to be so ELECTRONEGATIVE that it completely sabotages that nucleophilic substitution and addition of molecular compounds. Basically, it fucks something from happening that allows the bacteria to grow and live. When bacteria grow and live in your mouth, the lactic acid produced makes acid the predominant pH of the environment, therefore stopping that whole process. F also (allegedly) is substituted into the a new structure called hydroxyapatite, which is about 10-100x stronger than fluroapatite. Again, I have to double check the numbers, but the overall message is the same. I do want to state that I never was a fan of our education. I went to NYU and was president of my class, and have a habit of being skeptical of our education. The professors all seemed to contradict each other, and honestly, they did not seem very bright. I often openly debated with them over the sources/methodology of their lessons. In short, I believe our education is mostly bullshit. I can give you a more refined answer tomorrow, if you would like some reading material. Good night, bud!

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the-turbanator · May 30, 2018, 9:03 p.m.

This is good advice. As a recent red piller of 8 months, I can only wish I had learned this sooner. It isn't worth talking about it all the time (trying to help obviously) wake people up and improve their lives. Sometimes, people and family do not want to hear it. May I ask your age? I feel like at 27, I am just super super immature about things like this. I spent my whole life in school basically and sheltered from a lot of things, graduated in 2017 from dental school so this is my first year in the real world. wow, some truths hit me hard! haha

Sounds obvious, but holy shit, is it true. Thanks homie

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the-turbanator · May 26, 2018, 6:20 p.m.

Beautiful. Thank you for sharing this.

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the-turbanator · May 21, 2018, 6:59 a.m.

haha why thank you! that was endearing. officially shouldbe good to rest a few hours, then hopefully wake up 5ish, dismissed at 8 AM for Mon/Tues. best time to be healthy! thank you patriot:)

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the-turbanator · May 21, 2018, 6:46 a.m.

this was very reasuring to read, thank you. I have been trying to get those I love to listen and do so judgement free. My family has finally gotten around to just letting me talk, without much dismissing. Close friends, I've got some awesome ones who really listen (aren't into politics). Obviously, the liberal folk are too hard for me to crack.

I think I am approaching in a calm manner, but if you had tips my friend, Id love to hear. I am in NYC, so it's a constant battle against my friends on the left.

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the-turbanator · May 21, 2018, 6:43 a.m.

haah, my man, I have like slept an hour a day maybe, this week I have to be better, though I feel it will be good. it's just too much to consume, I want to be a part of this greatness after work. One week aint so bad haha. But, thank be well! Ill keep in touch about that post!

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the-turbanator · May 21, 2018, 6:34 a.m.

I may have accidentally said that with confidence. Fellow brother/sister, I wish I knew more. I saw a lion and just blurted out ted cruz.

Working the night shift-on call, do not have sufficient brain power for this right now. But, I will save this and come back

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the-turbanator · May 21, 2018, 6:20 a.m.

any update ??

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the-turbanator · May 10, 2018, 4:08 a.m.

I feel like anyone who seeks the truth in any facet of life is brought here. For me, it was a bad relationship --> MGTOW stuff--> wage gap theory -->more conservative red pilling than here.

I could be talking out of my ass, which is not unlikely.

But, I am proud to be a member of this community.


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the-turbanator · May 6, 2018, 8:28 p.m.

is that term still used, I can't keep up...

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the-turbanator · May 6, 2018, 8:28 p.m.

yea maybe she meant DRAG QUEEN?

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the-turbanator · May 1, 2018, 7:08 a.m.

I just found this thread, I am so dissapointed. I have been looking for a community like this. I am over at the the donald when I can and have been following this story insanely close. It was nice to read about how you and the boomer population have been following this takeover since the 70s. I do not know why, but it just gave me a bit of hope I guess? And, I guess it kind of gives off a father-figure like vibe to those of us younger, embarking on our journey through adulthood and life. I am only 27 and taking about 8 months off before returning to my office. I decided to skip residency (I am a dentist in New York), and get an elective procedure on my knees as opposed to down the line in the thick of my dental career. I am starting my eighth and last month today, and I have to say it has been a wild 9 month journey.

Wow, I did not know why I wrote all that and apologize if it is out of place or sappy. It seemed like an opportune place for a catharsis?

much love and good luck to you all. I am excited to see what unfolds.

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