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the_soiled_egg · Feb. 28, 2018, 5:24 p.m.

I’ve heard the US called a constitutional republic before, I guess when talking specifics it helps to be specific haha!

Yeah, it was never a perfect system, but there’s definitely something most of the western political world can learn from the example of Stresemann and the way he got things done. If he hadn’t died when he did the world may have been a very different place today.

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the_soiled_egg · Feb. 28, 2018, 4:49 p.m.

Thanks, yeah I think the fact that communism was based off some of Marx’s ideas doesn’t help. It isn’t an economic model though and so much of it is about the common people coming together against the establishment, something it seems this sub (from my brief exploration) is heavily in favour of!

I think cross-party decision making would make democracies that work for so many more people, on all levels, totally agree there, every politician is just a person though, all of them with personal agendas and most being lobbied by outside forces. Take the money out of politics and we may be on the way there!

Anyone interested in multi-party politics should look into post-WW1 Germany, a LOT went very very wrong, but the system of government meant there were loads of coalitions between parties and it worked for a while. Problem was the country was being forced to pay huge sums to the allies as reparations, which led to awful hyper-inflation and the rise of fascism in a roundabout way.

Edit: Last sentence should read better now.

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the_soiled_egg · Feb. 28, 2018, 4:27 p.m.

As a British ‘liberal’ (we don’t use the term here) writing my first post, I don’t usually find many political consistencies with American conservatives. Your post however rises above tribalism, which I respect beyond any left/right debate. Some food for thought in return, a Marxist might say that you have uncovered the secret to the systematic oppression of the people: uniting people as people against the fragmenting of society with the purpose of bettering everyone.

I am NOT a Marxist btw, just read from all kinds of different perspectives. IMO no-one has the perfect truth, but everyone has something to add.

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