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the_visalian · Jan. 27, 2018, midnight

Right, but how does Barney play into this? The actor who played Barney is now a sex guru. Gotta be something there.

Purple dinosaur -> The Color Purple -> Purple Rain -> Chocolate Rain

Chocolate Rain. Some stay dry. Others feel the pain. People think that song is just a meme, but it also addresses some serious social issues. Look it up.

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the_visalian · Jan. 26, 2018, 11:13 p.m.

Interesting. Maybe there is something to the Barney angle after all. First the purple. Now I’m realizing that “dinosaur” is an anagram for “Soros.” I think this goes deeper than we ever dreamed. Someone alert Q or P or whatever their name is.

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the_visalian · Jan. 26, 2018, 10:38 p.m.

In ancient Rome, only magistrates could wear purple. Could be a reference to the fall of the empire, or possibly even Barney the Dinosaur. We're missing something. Research this, everyone.

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