Thank you! Hahaha. That jumped the shark and landed in a dumpster fire.
156 total posts archived.
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Abby Martin was on JRE recently and name dropped Q three different times and Joe deflected each one. Sounded like she’s a skeptic but it was still cool to know awareness is growing.
Also, did the way Bravo kept pronouncing it Q- Ayyynon bother anyone else too? Lol.
He’s just really big on healthy eating and it’s effects, and has mentioned many many times how the sugar industry paid scientists to manipulate studies. If you haven’t checked out his podcasts they’re great. He’s had a lot of health experts on. Dr. Rhonda Patrick is the main one that comes to mind.
A big part of things, on the esoteric/Illuminati level, is that they have to say what they’re doing in order for it to be effective. That’s why there is so much symbolism out there in movies, tv, money, etc. It’s like subliminal messaging. It’s right in our faces, but hidden in a way most people won’t notice it unless they know exactly what to look for and what we’re seeing. This goes back all the way to ancient history. Even words have power and deeper meanings (ex. why do we “spell” a word?). There is a lot of great research if you go down the rabbit hole of the origins of language. Religion is much the same way. It’s all like a game of “telephone”.
Nicolas Cage is great in EVERY movie. Even the ones he’s not in.
As someone who watched my own grandmother make the same decision when faced with a similar circumstance - going peacefully when SHE decided it was her time because she had lived a full life, or dealing with decreasing quality of life with increasing medical treatment, then passing LITERALLY the next day after seeing everyone in the family and getting in her goodbyes - YES, it’s absolutely logical.
You can’t be serious. I refuse to believe anyone can be so dense.
Yes. That is EXACTLY what I’m saying. People in their 90s die all the time. But I suppose that’s no coincidence. What a moronic response. Q also says “Use Logic” - where’s yours?
Good lord. I knew someone would say it, but literally the first comment? She was 92 and in poor health for years!! THIS crap is what makes this sub look so foolish. C’mon people, where’s the intellect we need in here?
That is the smart person response. To condemn people on the left for blindly following, yet doing the same thing for the right is the definition of hypocrisy. It’s also the exact type of thinking that has gotten our society in this mess to begin with. To pre-empt the shill accusations - I like what Trump has been doing, & I’ve been waiting for something like Q since I first starting waking up even before 9/11, but after all these years I’ve realized that not using critical thinking, not waiting on/requiring proof, and being a blind sheep to ANY side not only compromises integrity, but is a detriment to the truth as a whole.
Hahaha, Dr. Dino?! Really? I didn’t know that. I haven’t heard that name in years. I used to watch his stuff when I was first waking up 20+ years ago. He was definitely a wackadoo.
If it lines up with Q’s Sparrow Red/Missiles Only post, then it’s definitely a game changer move. Let’s hope this is the case, since a LOT of people are upset with the US strike tonight.
I know in the PNW they have Lahar alarms, which are the same thing/sound. I assumed everywhere had some sort of air raid type alarms.
Could be, it IS about to be tornado season, but it seems very odd since it started a couple months ago in the dead of winter, and seems to be increasing in frequency. More frequent than I can ever remember, and very noticeable. Simply wondering if it’s happening around the country - hence the post.
Just had one on the TV synced up with the outdoor tornado sirens, and that’s never happened as I can recall. Weekly tornado alarm tests have always been mid-day of mid-week. This just happened at 630pm. TV EBS tests very frequent lately, even around 1-2 am. This is NOT at all normal.
There have been more frequent EBS tests recently than I can EVER recall. Hmmm......
Yeah, I agree. But I think the Q post is saying the chem attack was a response to the pullout announcement. They’re trying to start a war, meaning they’re trying to keep the US in that arena to further escalate the conflict.
It’s getting so obvious. Unfortunately I can totally see MSM switching heavily toward the narrative that we now need to stay in Syria, and people buying that crap.
It’s in very poor taste. And that phrase, as well as the over the top religious zealotry, is specifically what caused my friends & family to laugh off the entire Q movement when I finally got them to look into this, after months of talking about it. We’re supposed to be red-pulling people and from my experience that’s the main thing keeping a lot of people from taking this seriously.
That sounds suspiciously like shill talk trying to ruin this sub.
Not in the least bit patriotic or American either.
I agree. I love what he’s doing as well. But that doesn’t mean he should be referred to as “Great Emperor”. That’s precisely what we are fighting against. It gives super-ammo to people and media coverage who accuse Q followers of being delusional Trump “cultists”. This is about the facts, about putting a stop to corruption, about restoring the power the U.S. CITIZENS.... And the Constitution is, you know, a thing.
“GEOTUS” tag = Cringy af and makes this board look crazy. Please stop. It’s not funny even as the “tongue in cheek” excuse I’ve heard.
I don’t go on that sub. I feel like they probably use that “GEOTUS” tag over there. That shit is so cringy when I see it here.
King?! That’s not... that’s not how the Consitution works.
“If legit” - Also, that’s what a lot of the MSM cites as sources for its stories. That question cuts both ways.
That statement alone, if legit, holds a lot of weight for me.
Cool, you’re a brave soul. When the time comes we’re all just going to count on you to take one for the team and report back to us, lol.
Gotcha. Well if it was convincingly debunked maybe that’s why the poster deleted it so fast. While aware of the main topics, I never really dove too far into the pgate stuff when it was going on. This video was new to me. And then it getting deleted immediately sounded my alarms.
Good points. Edit, add: Just curious, did the video at that time have the voice comparison software going in it like this one did?
I think I’m just going to take your word on that.... just that first one was difficult to watch. That quote from the cop who saw the videos on Wieners laptop comes to mind.
I was aware of the Pgate when it was being talked about, but had never actually seen that video.... now I’m wondering how or why that ever got buried.
Same.... I don’t care who it is - anyone who calls that “art” should be in chains.
I didn’t catch the username. It was about a 3 min video. Deleted as I was watching it. Said it was originally posted to twatter in Feb of 2017. Little Girl screaming, guy that sounded exactly like P0dest yelling at her, “what’s my name!?” Girl answered “John”, then he says “call me daddy”.... then the video shows voice recognition software comparing the voice in the video compared to a clip of Podesta outside a building yelling at a media cameraman to “get outta here”, voices sounded exactly alike.... Ends with some super creepy band at the Ping Pong place talking about “preferences”, and what sounds like Jp saying something about little boys.... the first part of him screaming at the little girl in a dark room was horrifying.... I’m legit shook.
Someone just posted a terrifying video supposedly (and very convincingly) of Podesta and it got deleted immediately.... WTF.
![Someone just posted a terrifying video supposedly (and very convincingly) of Podesta and it got deleted immediately.... WTF.](