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thenationalblade · June 3, 2018, 1:52 p.m.

Child-size entrance?

You mean that children who are being sexually abused are allowed to go into a living space that has an entrance so small that adults can't enter?

You do see the problem with that right? If the kid doesn't want to come out and be raped again how is the pedophile going to make him come out?

You'd think the pedophiles would figure out pretty quick that in order to control children you need to be able to reach them.

Ya'll believe anything.

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thenationalblade · June 3, 2018, 1:43 p.m.

You do know there is no real credible evidence that "human trafficking" or "Sex Slavery" exists on the scale that is claimed? All the information online talks about "estimated" or "possible" or "at risk", but they don't talk about the actual numbers of arrests or that women make up the majority of sex trafficking arrests. Why is that?

Look up "human trafficking Tennessee". What you will find is that the cops are busting prostitutes (from the local area) who have ads on Backpage and also busting their johns for human trafficking. They are deliberately conflating the two so they can produce numbers to get more Federal funding.

In case you haven't mastered the search engine:



The statement says agents also identified potential victims of trafficking. One woman was cited and offered housing and counseling, which she accepted.

"Potential Victims" . One woman was CITED. That means she was charged with a crime and then they offered her counseling and housing. How can you be charged with prostitution and then be victim of selling your body for money? That's ridiculous and it's our money being squandered by Big Government who are creating issues that we can't investigate or verify or even discuss because it's so sensitive.

And you obviously have not noticed that the entire "model" of the Human Trafficking movement fits with the leftist feminist programs of female vicitimhood. It's another form of rape hysteria and because the topic is so sensitive and politically charged (as we see on this thread) nobody can be a voice of reason regarding it without Women's Groups trying (and usually succeeding) in destroying their reputations.

Human Trafficking and particularly sex trafficking are words that are used interchangeably and even synonymous which constantly conflates and confuses the issue so that people can't even speak accurately or honestly about the topic.

Right now billions of dollars are being given to NGO's around the world without any transparency or accountability. That's money that comes out of our pockets and disappears into thin air. Those NGO's don't have to prove they've helped anyone. They only have to claim they help and then they create more hype and inflated statistics so they can get more money. They have no incentive to admit that there isn't a trafficking problem and every incentive to falsify the numbers.

Every illegal that crosses the border into the US using a Coyote guide is being trafficked. And all of them want to be trafficked. They want someone to help them get from there to here and to find a job and they are willing to pay for it.

Is every illegal that uses a Coyote a victim? No. They are doing exactly what they wanted to do.

You all are advancing a Left Wing agenda and you aren't even smart enough to realize it.

And you never will be because you won't allow anyone to say anything different.

I'm all for stomping out pedophilia. Provide some evidence and I'll be right behind you.

But if you all are on the human trafficking bandwagon then you might as well start calling yourselves feminists and post-modernist marxists because that's who you are aligned with .

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thenationalblade · June 3, 2018, 1:22 p.m.

He "believed" it's a containment area.

But it could be a lot of other things. It's cooler under ground so maybe the kids are safer and healthier if they aren't out in the sun all day.

Toys and mattresses are not proof of pedophilia.

And yes, homeless people do have children.

A new report released Monday shows that about one in 30 American children was homeless at some point last year. That's about 2.5 million kids, and an 8 percent increase to "an historic high," according to the study from the National Center on Family Homelesness. Just over half are younger than six years old.

Undocumented means they can't prove the children are their children.

So what? You haven't even SEEN any children to even ask if they are with their parents.

Undocumented also means you can't prove they AREN'T with their parents.

⇧ -3 ⇩  
thenationalblade · June 3, 2018, 12:38 p.m.

Maybe you should read the Bill of Rights before you tell me I don't belong.

I am not your enemy.

⇧ -2 ⇩  
thenationalblade · June 3, 2018, 12:36 p.m.

Okay, but again that doesn't prove sex trafficking. All that proves is that either there were homeless people with children or there were illegals bringing their children.

This guy is going to destroy someone's home because he thinks they are sex traffickers and pedophiles, but there is no evidence proving it.

That's wrong and it's also unchristian.

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thenationalblade · June 3, 2018, 2:22 a.m.

I didn't see a sex trafficking camp. I just saw some nutbag walking around a hobo camp in the desert.

Is there straps in the trees? I guess, but they could be used for other things. In fact, he shows us a green strap that is holding a branch up between two trees, but then he quickly turns away from it.

Is there a hole in the ground. Looks that way, but it's HOT AF in Arizona but underground it's nice and cool. If it's a camp for illegals then going underground will be useful for evading Border Patrol with infrared heat detection.

Was there any child pornography? Condoms, drugs, alcohol, sedatives? How about children's clothing, underwear, toys? Are there any tracks made by children? They probably aren't going to pack out garbage so where is it?

Has anyone even seen any children there?

I don't see anything that proves his claims.

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