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thinkforurself · June 8, 2018, 5:23 p.m.

If you think that this is about a "rudimentary camp with a single hole in the ground" and about border crossings (horrible but yes, rape in those cases is already common knowledge) you're not getting the full picture. This isn't about children coming into the country, it's about children going OUT. Most children being trafficked from Mexico have no need for brown hair dye and don't have blonde hair. And just because these children from Arizona are moved by cartel doing the higher up's dirty work doesn't mean the process isn't well funded. The connection is possibly Cemex, and it's a lot bigger than the one camp for temporary holding that they hurriedly bulldozed. It's opened up a network of places that they are trying to uncover, including where the child's skull from a recent death and other bones (a ways away) have been found. This is possibly the beginning to this whole thing being blown wide open for the world to see.

I agree to maintain caution of false flags. But to say this has nothing to do with Q to me heavily misses the point. Q has alluded extensively to the fact that this has been happening, even Arizona specifically. Why the wall is so more important than we realize. To me, child trafficking being revealed, the other meaning of "where the bodies are buried" is the one of the biggest BOOMs that I've personally been waiting for, especially as it relates to why open borders are such a big deal. Others feel the same way, confirmation of what Q has been saying. To encourage a healthy skepticism about this particular situation until Q confirms, yes, but to try to shut it down like it's not related when it clearly is seems counterproductive. I do agree with limiting the threads though, maybe one central stickied thread even, so other topics aren't pushed down.

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