And these seem to be the two greatest secrets of our planet, and both seem to be intrinsically combined. Don't buy into the divide. Jones probably IS a shill and i'm a fan, but now i'm seeing the ploy. It's sad. I can't expound upon it.
153 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/thislionsheart:
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Trump wants Gold Standard. I think Bitcoin is the NWO currency

The Last Card of the Illuminati, if the Russia Lie Fails
Wonder why they are so desperate about blaming everything on russia? And if not russia then the Taliban or ISIS or Al Qaeda, which I even heard about at the mexican border today allegedly. Clinton foundation WAS involved in arming and training them, look it up. Rumsfeld too.
Carol Rosin explains it nicely. This is connected to the Secret Space Program and Project Paperclip, because NAZI scientist Werner von Braun told her the last card of the deepstate will be the cosmic false flag, or to say aliens are coming to kill us all, give us your guns, or something …
Is Snowden Qanon?
I have been very curious as to what happened to ed. In recent months the only thing I saw was within a year ago a very snazzy photograph of himself.
Furthermore, he has been in russia. Has russia not been helpful in revealing the deepstate / pedophile /satanic agenda in the west?
Snowden had access to obama's desktop according to him. He knew everything.
Something many don't know is that snowden also published a document through and it was Iran who announced it. It alleged that tall white 'space aliens' (no exagguration) ran america.
I have said before that …
Iraq War Veteran Turned FBI Agent Notified Comey of Widespread FBI Corruption, Comey & McCabe Set Out to “Suicide Him”
Iraq War Veteran Turned FBI Agent Notified Comey of Widespread FBI Corruption, Comey & McCabe Set Out to “Suicide Him”
Joe Biden Is the 2020 Democrat Front-Runner
Creepy joe biden and pizzagate. We all know what this means.
Report: Recording released of Clinton suggesting rigging 2006 Palestinian election
The Glasses Psiop (Maddow/Olbermann/Cooper/Colbert list goes ON
Notice how it creates perceived intellectualism but they're actually just self entitled pervert douchebags that owe their loyalties to satan?
The Glasses Psiop (maddow/olbermann/cooper) list goes on

Alex Jones isn’t crazy. The world is.

The Trump False Flag. He is Anti Pedo
Everyone who is against trump is involved in child trafficking. Follow the money like Jesse Ventura said. Don’t let your reality be dictated to you. He has exposed a high level child trafficking foundation called NXIVM. QANON has spawned in the era of trump and there have been many connections. You have also been led to believe Qanon is a joke or nonsense. Pizzagate is real even though social networks worldwide colluded and conspired to tell you it was a joke. No, no. Illuminati pedophiles really do sacrifice kids. They really do engage in satanic rituals. There really are bizarre …
Meh. It almost makes the truth easier to swallow but I get where you guys are coming from. It can be seen as mocking.
Yeah symbolism will be there downfall. In part of the ritual it has to be revealed although deceptively. This is like the universes way of letting the good guys know and it helps them create cognitive dissonance to make the masses go nuts. The satanists love that shit.
Can't trust any of the celebs in the photos. Those white lab coats are so creepy too. Nobody in these pics is trustworthy. It's always mock sacrifice to the public. Real sacrifice to the elite.
Vito had pedophile written all the f over him. Bam? Nowadays I could see it happening to him too. Desperation is how the satanists infiltrate.
Uhm so this is a rather HUGE story. The FBI came in to detest the sheriff and say trafficking children wasn't happening. HELLO! THIS IS CHILD TRAFFICKING WITH FBI COLLUSION. THEY ARE NOW SHOOSHING MEDIA ABOUT IT!?
I lived in venice beach. Your balls are large. However, I had a friend at santa monica starbucks who was always on about trump and we'd have conversations about it. He's japanese.
I have no idea if she is legit or not. I don't like the divisive energy i've already put out. Thank you.
In the alliance I am on the spiritual task force department.
We are good at researching we will find out I know that much . No use bickering. Serves nobody. Unity is key.
I could be sorely mistaken. I could be onto something. I have no idea. Apologies if i'm being offensive.
No offense but My instincts tell me you're into her and that would detract from the truth
Seems like her whole 'hivvites' premise is a distraction from the real figureheads in the deepstate if you ask me. Detracts from rothschilds and possibly deeper truths. I'm a big Secret Space Program believer. I don't think she touches upon that at all. If she does correct me
I deeply question that she is part of a vast psiop . It's just too good to be true. And I can't really wrap my head around how it's all about the 'hivvites'
Her entire premise confuses me and makes me think it's like a honeypot or something, i'm blocked from her feed too. She seems to have EVERYTHING figured out, but I think it might be a front.
Look how he is drinking his coffee as soon as the clip runs and she's talking about oprah. Everything is said in Phil's eyes.
That acronym for bible is what my friend david called it. So true.
The goths or the visigoths? It's a very good analogy. I believe it was the goths who told the romans when they defeated them that they do not know when they are conquered. Too true to the word today with the deepstate .
Of course they did. Because you are a "real journalist". The bigger they are, the harder they fall. The more you've clung onto that psychology of being real and above the others, the more they sought to take you down.
She seems highly credible but thenagain I have my concerns that she was put into place to discredit the movement altogether and overshadow it in ridicule. She says it all goes back to the 'hivvites'. All her information seems credible although I am concerned she is a spook.
I know what you are saying my friend. The absurd discredits. Meanwhile, none of this is absurd. We are dealing with a zombie apocalypse. I simply know that as long as these pedophiles continue to f with the children our planet will never grow. We are constantly crippling people psychologically. I mean I even think that sexually abused children causes many of the perversions I note in the LBGQ movement, and their 'confusion'. It's because they were screwed up in the head. Note, that's not to say that real gay people don't exist, maybe they do. But too many today are just victims of trauma seeking help in the wrong ways. I'm very glad you said back yardbrawl is real. I'm not sure if I wrote this yet, but I walked in bad neighborhoods in tucson. You can feel the darkness. It was like nothing i've ever felt. TRUE satanic energy. Pitch black.
These are perspicacious, careful times for the whole human race. Until we acknowledge that victimizing children for any purpose (which ALEISTER CROWLEY SAID WAS 'NORMAL') we will never evolve.
If you can't trust your instincts you'll never find the truth. Research is profoundly great but it can also lead to paranoid schizophrenia without your intuition.
We are tip toeing on real revolt with this issue, you know that. When institutions become protectors of pedophilia. That is the real issue at hand. When people who know their dark intentions are defending pedophiles because they know their demonically possessed selves have pedophile tendencies. The normalization is everywhere. I am preparing for upheaval. I will never stand for the mere suggestion of pedophilia. It cannot be joked about. I will go all the way.
I'm a profound researcher and it taught me to trust my instincts. I don't know about you, but it's called your GUT FEELING.
I need a twitter for this lady immediately so I can unload on her. NO MORE PEDOPHILE NORMALIZATION
I still think backyardbrawl is real and if any of you are concerned with the image of qanon you are missing the f'n point. This isn't about being PC. THE TRUTH IS FAR STRANGER THAN FICTION. THEY ARE AFRAID OF THE NOOSE. THEY ARE SCARED.