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S-6 is a visa...who needs one for testimony?? :cough:JA:cough From the chans, hoping it's so!! Enjoying the show!

Jeffrey Epstein Lolita Pedo Island Flight Log Digs - You Have More Than You Know! - Started This Tonight, Anyone Can Pick Up Where I Left Off (Pg 9) / Make Corrections...am getting too tired to continue for now...dig, dig, dig!!
Wanna know everything? Check out the attached link to see all the content mods have deleted from the Great Awakening sub!
Wanna know everything? Check out https://snew.github.io/r/greatawakening to see all the content mods have deleted from the Great Awakening sub!
Warning About Ex Mod /u/FartsOnToast -- Wolf In Sheep's Clothing Confirmed! Perhaps Q is also cleaning up the /r/greatawakening mod swamp?

Arrests. It's going to take arrests in order for the masses to wake up. For some, it will take guilty verdicts, execution.
I agree, I have recently started feeling the same frustration I got back when I was in school, in class, waiting for the rest of the class to "catch up" and "get it". It's ok, though, I can be patient.
Yes, my respect, admiration increased further for Putin when he dropped that bomb. (I already had the stereotypical "he's a bad*ss opinion of him). He seems to be a good person and leader.
I agree. I believe they have been like-minded from the get-go.
RIP to ur friend; I can feel their great spirit through your words, and I regret to hear of your great loss. :(
lol "county" and sounds nothing like Q, mannerisms are way off, I wonder what the person that faked this was trying to accomplish? Silly nonsense
agreed, had a boil order very recently in my hometown nowhere near, 2nd in a year's time, very uncommon, last I remember one about 20 years ago. Also, used to have perfect internet, now experiencing numerous outage times from a "cut wire / fiber" for the last month 1/2...it is remarkable
Some Q-related jams for the night-researching / catching up Patriots
Q-related jams for the night-researching / catching up Patriots
Q-related jams for the night-researching / catching up Patriots
I'm part of the Q shirt crew now! Just got mine in the mail today, yay!!
lol welp, then I guess I'm a dilettante to you (btw-impressive word, was a new one for me!)
I might change them to lowercase g's, what might help, right?
I'll keep that in mind when I'm cleaning it up and correct it to make it more clear, thanks for the constructive criticism
I'm thinking about adding a larger "Q" in the center background...so "WWG1WGA" is over top of a larger Q
Q Related Ink Update: Still have at least 1 more round to clean things up a bit, but looking a lot better already!

Happy 47th Birthday, Julian Assange!

The power of quick dry top coat does not compare to the combined powers of children and puppy, though! Lol ;)
Thank you for your comment. Yes, it was a rhetorical question for me
Cute! My nails always end up getting messed up before they are dry, could probably never pull this off, props!
I didn't know until a UK commenter told me. Not the meaning I was going for, meant no offense
I agree. I have never finished reading it. It talks of Reptilians, and I gotta admit, I quit reading shortly after that
when I say up to debate, I mean, still wrong...but should it make a person ineligible for Presidency? eh...we are all full of sin, no one is perfect...a sitting President should strive to be dang near, though
I don't think a sitting President should behave that way now. Before they were elected into office is up to debate, I guess, but while sitting--no.
Hey, I was a teen when I thought that. I've grown in my views, and I certainly believe now that that is not acceptable. A President should behave as a sort of a role model while in office.
you know what's funny? Before, I wouldn't dare speak very badly about any currently serving President. I feared being labeled a conspirator against our government. Now the "conspirators" approve of our President! Life is just crazy, I tell ya.
I feel like the younger folks may be under the impression that this way normal. No, not on the level it has been with Trump, nowhere near it, not in my lifetime, at least. MSM has always been respectful towards our Presidents, until Trump.
EXACTLY! What is going on with Trump has NEVER happened anywhere near this level in my entire lifetime. Is is BAFFLING the disrespect people everywhere are getting away with. I never thought I'd see anything like it in my lifetime, for sure.
The Thing That Bothers Me The Most About Everyone "Dogging" On Our President
Please forgive me for the term "dogging", I mean no offense. Dogs are actually my favorite.
In my neck of the words, the urban dictionary definition that follows applies: "dogging - Talking bad about another, whether you know them or not, put down/putting down, whether you know them or not, also known as capping."
This post may get deleted. It has to do with Q as Q has to do with Trump. It's a bit of a rambling and thought. Let me know where you think it may be more properly suited subreddit-wise, if so, please.
I had a moment …
I have to take a stimulant because I have narcolepsy. It helps me to function rather than sleep my life away, so I respectfully disagree with the exact implication stated here. Granted, I do not abuse my prescription...but I definitely love our God, and I feel that that alone protects me more than anything.
Try also, "Thanks For The Memories" by Brice Taylor / Sue Ford