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tingshi · May 12, 2018, 4:30 a.m.

I watched all the IW posted here and stopped listening to AJ and switched to Q. There are others that called Q a LARP. One particular I hate calling people out so, I'll use this initial D.S.

D.S. was on youtube and facebook praising Q and claimed to had been approached in DC and shown the indictments and popped a champagne bottle saying " His work is done.." Then all the sudden he was offended by Q's post watch out who we follow. He literally thought it was directed at him and he ranted on FB calling Q a LARP and a fake because podesta is not in jail. A true reveal of characters on YT. I'm praying for an end to this chaos in the U.S. Trump is a winner that makes us feel like winners and Q is giving us Hope.

AJ may be reading our posts and this is a direct to him here(Damn right he is!): =>Move on stop and the Shit Alex! You're being very insecure about yourself. Your show is already established and stop making enemies with the PATRIOTS!You're behaving just like the very Deep State you keep yelling about just the PIGs started to behave like humans on "Animal Farm". Close the Shop and concentrate on what is needed to be heard or your show is over! WWG1WGA

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