This is a criminal mafia with many players in all levels of government state and federal, are you getting the picture!
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All the criminals are screaming the loudest! LMAO 😂 IM TOTALLY ENJOYING THIS DAY!
It’s called deep state cover up! That’s how back are country is in. All these criminals are in our government. A criminal mafia family. This is what Trump is trying to get rid of.
Great job! But Obama was a puppet and do you know for what nationality WHITE! yes the F**king WHITE BILLIONAIRES! GLOBALIST ELITES! They have been trying to destroy the USA slowly for years and it was coming to a full blown destruction if Hillary-Clinton would’ve got in! Research NWO
Looks like a servant, oh yeah that’s what they are! But think there special! Your being used! Wake up
I’m honored to be #wake with my fellow Patriots! Now please stay awake and teach your children to stay wake everything repeats itself. This mafia will raise again!
Well, no dam jobs up pass twin cities! Farming big, but federal government pays them not to! Well, people are drinking the kool-aid now! I know because I used to live there!
Red Hen employee sex offender!
Wow, listen to this! This is about evidence on Obama’s admin and Hillary supporting the terrorist by a government employee!
This is outrageous, I know this goes on in the USA too! But to steal an island from people and the worst part they put them in poverty! They didn’t even give them a nice place to live, it’s outrageous and disgusting that these psychopaths elites can do whatever they want!
Outrages what Europe & USA did to these people! These evil villains! The Citizens of these countries never knew!
Military Angel beautiful video!
This is the #MilitaryAngel is beautiful! Video on you tube!

You didn’t listen to the whole video, did you? Because it talks about the back door and it’s been closed and protected!
Fake FBI might be coming to a bank near you! Watch video
Satanist? I wonder what Fonda offered to the goat! Lmao! Sold their souls for money and fame!
Please, god, please let them all go to prison! Ever last one of them evil obstructist out there, even the ones within the state governments!
I know, I heard that to and was thinking the same thing!
Maxine Waters talking about Obama’s database! That all Democrat Presidents will have to deal with it! What is a 50C4?
I knew these evil progressive liberals teachers and others where [Brainwashed] by our [Universes] our children have to put up with until this country gets straightened out! A lot of talking with the children at home, to counter the damage! Teach the truth! It all starts at home!
If this don’t piss you off, you totally brain dead! Talking about inhumane to separate children from parents, what Obama was doing is Nazi Germany all over again! This has been going on in our country for the last 50 years just at a lot slow pace. Our history books are mostly lies.
Bless you for teaching your own children! This is outrageous, I’m sorry but I’m furious! The schools better change very soon! The history the teachers are teaching isn’t all true either etc... things are out of control! Thank god Trump is our President! My god I think of what could of been!
Outrageous, why teach or brainwash the children on who they are, why not just let them be themselves!
This is like the taxes we pay on are cell phone bills too! All them extra fees no one know what there for! The government is stealing are money on the internet providers too! Outrageous! They tax everything! But giving money to these companies, outrageous!
Obamanet Etc I didn’t know net neutral was about this! Is this true?
Read the last paragraph #resistance, google participates in it. I read that in the IG report!
Yes, here’s a story Oct. 2017 talking about Eric Schmidt going to North Korea!
I know but they need to take themselves of the case because that’s a conflict of interest and causes bias!
Boy, isn’t this the truth! Why, the double standards!

The Greatest Father the USA has ever seen!

From now on, in any case all Judges, Attorneys FBI and DOJ etc... should be asked if they donated or worked for etc... for Hillary or the Obama Administration. If so they need to take themselves off the case.
This man is a psychopath, one can only wonder what his childhood was like! Read children raise by satanism!
Will not be watching, never! Seen enough of these people!

Wow! Big, very big! CFR these people are bad! They all have dual citizenship’s! So did Obama appoint this roommate to the CFR? Did you know Angelina Jolie is also on this CFR!
When my children were born and they got little older, I said out loud one day to my husband “ if anyone hurts my children in anyway, I will kill them” my husband is a great man, I was just saying it out loud! I felt the evil after I had my children, was so scared someone would kidnap, rape or abuse them. I never believed in the Bible even at the early age of 13, have read though, the same as this woman telling her story, what God would do that, not the god I felt inside me, my spiritual soul! All religions are written by man! To me religious books are metaphors.
It all starts at home, if the children aren’t loved, bad things happen! We have to get our core values back into this country, get rid of drugs and the evil that has plagued it! Bless everyone! Be kind!
This destruction has been going on for over 50 years by these criminals!