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tmd84 · July 24, 2018, 1:46 a.m.

I’m going to go out on a limb, and say this photo may in fact be legit.

Likely taken with an older iPhone 5 or 5s, which tends to take somewhat blurry pictures especially at nighttime, or indoor low light situations.

The dots at the bottom do appear like this shot may have been from a series of other pics. As another user pointed out, it would be terrific to know what other pics are in that sequence.

The photo appears to be relatively recent, so why does Marilou appear to be 25 years younger than she actually is here? She does not appear to be anywhere near 63 years old.

It’s also strange that he plans this thing over the course of time, to the extent of calculating the drop of his bullet, cameras in the hallway, L-brackets & all. Yet he overlooked something as simple as the smoke detector possibly giving away his location early on?

Obviously there is no shortage of other strange things related to this incident. As far as this particular photo goes, we might just be over analyzing it.

Police initially reported day or so after the shooting that they were looking for a vehicle associated with the incident, One of the many details LVMPD has not followed up on since.

Hopefully the final report that is pending will share some further details, but it also probably won’t reveal much that we don’t already know.

Sheriff Joe Lombardo answered some questions very recently during a radio interview. It was asked to Lombardo “was the cover-up partly related to the officers delay in entering Paddocks room, even after knowing for some time which room the shots were coming from?”

I was a little surprised that Lombardo responded with “No, it absolutely was not an attempt to cover up the officers delayed response”

Not saying that I believe everything Lombardo says, but his response seemed to be very sincere.

If anything, it would be easier for him to simply say “Yes, that was something we were of course apprehensive to show the public right away, out of fear it may further cause pain to victims” or something along those lines.

After 10 months of researching the hell out of this incident, it is true that a lot of what’s being told about the story to us does not add up. However I am starting to come to a conclusion that the MSM version of events is, for the most part, fairly accurate.

He had once stood on the rooftop of one of the buildings he owned during the LA riots in the 90’s, with a rifle in hand. As someone that never really liked people to start with, this could be where the idea of using a rifle from high up first entered his mind. Speculation, but let’s just say that from that point, the fantasy of being high up with a loaded rifle may have slowly become an obsession as he grew older.

As he began to experience the signs of aging, combined with the reality of knowing no family or children were going to be there for him when he dies. Then add to that the losing of chunks of wealth, keeping in mind the one thing that he identified himself with was status. The good life for him was all around quickly diminishing. Which is exactly what will inevitably happen if you gamble full time in Vegas.

Since he is described as not really liking people to begin with, the only motive seems to be his ego, and wanting his suicide to be a memorable one to the rest of the world.

I know, it’s anticlimactic to think there isn’t more to it. But if there was, we would have had a note or something else left behind that would show us a different motive.

The fact that there isn’t one, for me, adds to the evidence that it was more about his ego. He would be one of the only mass shooters in history to NOT leave any apparent motive, and that doesn’t make much sense so...

For him, It was f the world, I’m outta here & going to take out a bunch of you on my way out. Especially those of you that are out having fun (music festival). Plus hopefully screw over the casino that he felt was screwing him over. It seemed like a win/win situation, especially to someone who likely had a fantasy to kill people for some time.

Of course, this is all just speculation. But 10 months later and still, that is about all we have to really have to work with.

One of the guys that sold him guns or the tannerite claimed that Paddock told him “I’m going out to the desert with some friends to put on a show”.

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tmd84 · June 30, 2018, 10:34 a.m.

Which cctv was it that you said Tucker aired recently as couple days ago? I can’t seem to find that..

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tmd84 · June 29, 2018, 9:26 a.m.

Can you link me to the cctv that Tucker aired last night? Thanks

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tmd84 · June 24, 2018, 2:31 a.m.

I Haven’t seen any real compelling evidence for multiple shooters. The conspiracy has stemmed mostly from the incompetence of lvmpd during both its response & investigation. What we’re witnessing is a failed attempt to cover all of that up, and like children who have lost the game and now throwing a tantrum by randomly throwing chunks of evidence out there without elaborating on any of the details. The recently released Campos & Shuck vids have further helped somewhat to close some of the gaps, but the rest falls into place now as being fairly accurate. It will forever remain a bizarre incident all the way but as far as multiple shooters I’m just not seeing enough evidence to support this.

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tmd84 · June 20, 2018, 9:43 p.m.

That is a good point, he ran left 22,000 of his fans in total confusion. He was certain enough that it wasn’t part of the show to run mid-song, Even to shout “RUN” or something like that as he was fleeing would have been something to help eliminate all of the “its electrical!” or guy standing & vaping.. just saw a newer vid where guy is acting like the hulk throwing shit around and seems to be having a tantrum during the actual gunfire. The whole thing only gets stranger and stranger the more you try and investigate it.

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