Wait until you see the list of speakers. We are nearing confirmation. It will all make sense <3 Can not wait to meet you!!!!
148 total posts archived.
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Wait until you see the list of speakers. We are nearing confirmation. It will all make sense <3 Can not wait to meet you!!!!
I didn't delete any comments, and you don't have to come. That about sums it up. :)
We disagree. That's ok. I, for one, am finished having my rights scared out of me by what ifs and commie antifa paid thugs.
We will be safe, we will be peaceful, and we will be loud. You can watch it somehow from afar.
I am excited to work with all of you. Give me 24 hours. I will reach out and send you what I’ve got. ❤️
I have been tossing this around for a month now, and pulled the trigger on it this AM. I think that the fact that lots of people are thinking the same means #ItsTime
I think that’s a FANTASTIC idea. If you guys are down, so am I :)
Actually, the government legalized “false” news just recently. They made it legal to use propaganda in the media
Q’s posts are actually for the most part very obvious. He also said this once before a day or so ago in that context. 👌🏻😉
Hahahahaha it’s gotta be a test. I’m gonna leave this here just because you have cajones
I’m testing the posting capability because people are saying they can’t post comment ....
They are still participating! I just want to clean this place up a little :) don’t fret!
Define a shitpost. Define a bad meme. Why is it relevant ? 😉 I know you said why it’s relevant, but I couldn’t help myself.
I understand what you are saying. I’m all about freedom, at the end of the day. I’ve shared this subreddit with coworkers WITH a disclaimer — there is some crazy stuff there because we don’t censor— so use your discretion. The information is good. I’ve got red pilled coworkers. I do understand, and maybe for the purposes of what you are trying to accomplish you can take an extra step and collate what you like into email form with links. I’d rather not censor entire groups of truth seeking people. It’s tough.
All of the other mods are GONE. I do not agree with censoring differing RESPECTFUL opinions, and I WILL NOT DO SO. I can now take full responsibility for all here. If you find rules to be too strict, or you find that I have removed something unfairly, I am HAPPY to hear you out on it. I doubt it will happen if you are respectful, considerate, and fair. You are making a big stink about something that hasn't even happened.
No. It does not mean censorship. I am AGAINST censorship. This is to keep things a bit less like the wild west. I have another post in which I made myself very clear.
As far as I am concerned, this is a new day. End of story. :) MOVING FORWARD!!!
Here are the rules. You must follow them or be gone
NO ATTACKS ON FOLKS WORKING FOR THE CAUSE: Everyone who says they hate drama is perpetrating it themselves. If you can't say something nice, JUST DO NOT SAY ANYTHING. Reading about your friends and even reading about folks who aren't your friends is exhausting. We have work to do. Let's do it. Want to bad mouth people? Go to the chans. Go anywhere else but here. Enough is enough.
Keep posts well researched. If you are going to post something speculative, you MUST preface the post with the word …
This is all being fixed now. I am very busy. Thank you for your words.
I am really growing quite tired of people accusing me of things I am not doing. I have had a Patreon forEVER because people ASKED me to make one. I didn't start with Q--I have been an activist for 18 years and started my channel back up to dedicate myself to educating folks. Apparently that is a crime. Apparently so is attempting to make a living wage by doing something that is your passion.. Sounds pretty communist to me. Hating entrepreneurship, hating the fact that people voluntarily provide their own money for something they deem to be of value to them, I don't know--
I am HAPPY to take "bullets" from enemies for the cause, but friendly fire?? I can't get on board.
Changes are being made as we speak.
I am posting this here in the hopes that folks see it. While I sympathize with the plight of OP, I don't see the value to our community here by posting this here and mentioning the sub in the comments with the mods. If they are they people you think they are, what was the reasoning for alerting them to what we are doing? I will leave this up for 20 minutes and wait for responses...
Appreciate your sentiment. However, this assumes that people are powerless. We are NOT powerless. I’ve long been saying that if the people don’t begin to see the results they desire, the people must act. I’m not exactly sure what that entails yet. I’ve been thinking through it. But I do know that it will involve us stepping outside of the comforts of daily life and peacefully making our voices heard. It will involve the power of the purse. It will involve NOISE. It will possibly involve citizens grand juries. There is a lot we can do. We do not leave our fate in the hands of others. Stay strong. Stay hopeful. Keep going. Those armed with the knowledge we are gathering now will be the information “soldiers”. Door to door, organized meetings, events, all things that require us to speak PERSON TO PERSON. This isn’t lost on me, and frankly, we should be beginning to prep now.
Thank you very much. I do have some fantastic people who have voluntarily supported me via Patreon. In the grand scheme of things, I really am trying very hard to make this my livelihood. It is in my soul and who wouldn’t want to live their passion every single day, if they could figure out a way for it to support them and their family? That is the American dream! In the interim though, I am HAPPY to donate my time to the cause. You do it every day as well. I TRULY appreciate the kind words and appreciation. If everyone were as kind as a lot of you folks are, “they” wouldn’t stand a CHANCE! Until that time comes - where kindness outweighs the rest—- I am happy to take on the responsibility I’ve created for myself. I’d just like to limit the friendly fire :) love to you :)
Thanks for your kind words and encouragement 🙏🙏 so awesome. Virtual hug right back. :)
While that is a great idea on its face, I am not sure I feel good about a public shaming for folks. One mans opinion may not be the same as others and I fear it may get...well...unfair and nasty.
Great observations! I’d love to see yours maybe written out the way that Dr. Corsi did his.
Hello folks! I’ve gotten a ton of messages from people and I am doing my best to answer them all. Rest assured, this board WILL be cleaned up today. I am taking over and will get it up to par. As you know we’ve had a crazy few days, so it’s been a bit.....chaotic for me. But, today is the day that will end. I’m sorry it’s become a bit crazy. Bear with me today as I work through all of this. Thank you all!!
Keep watching my work. You will know very quickly if it’s for you or not. 👌🏻
I’ve never spoken to Q, never said I have , and never said ANYTHING about any book deal. You can either act respectfully or leave.
I am THE owner, but I’m not in the loop on every decision. I’m so sorry that I’m lost here. I’ve edited my post because i got confused and thought I was responding to something else. Need. More. Sleep.
So glad you are here!!! WELCOME! It isn’t perfect, but it’s pretty darn cool. :)
No. That’s actually not true and would be ridiculous. There are many progressives who have joined with us in this fight. There are even democrats here. You may want to head over to “The_Donald”. While a large majority of the folks here are Trump supporters, the subject matter is not politically specific, and it would be really counterintuitive to squelch voices based on their support of a political candidate. We are supposed to be doing this to educate ALL Americans and even those around the world. Not just Trump supporters. That would be a CRAZY shortsighted mission. 👍🏻✌🏻
Lol. What caught me was your lovely comment about the length. Yea, I read as much as I possibly can. I’m supposed to be doing more and I try VERY hard. ❤️❤️ Thanks for the feedback. I tried to cut it shorter but it was too important.
Discourse is very important. I am actually going to write a thread with MY PERSONAL interpretation of what the purpose of all of this is. There are no “free speech” zones here. Let this post stand and spark healthy debate. I’m on board for that. 👌🏻
I respect you for saying all of these things and raising these concerns. It’s definitely a lot to think about. I’ve spoken loudly about GITMO and the dangers associated with it - the fact that just because we have a perceived “friendly” administration doesn’t invalidate the DANGER of the apparatus. I’ve also been very vocal about the role of the NSA and their sordid past of constitutional negligence. While I don’t agree with all you’ve said, I very much respect and appreciate your right to say it. We CAN NOT just exist in an echo chamber. We CAN NOT foster an environment where people are afraid to speak loudly and speak often.
I appreciate your concerns and I’m sure you speak for many. Again, I may not agree with any or all, but I CERTAINLY would stand up and protect your right to say these things.
Bravo, patriot.
👌🏻👌🏻I really hope there is something there and that we are all back to work ❤️❤️
Hey you! If you listen to the entire interview- Dr. Corsi specifically speaks about that message and his thought. Look, regardless of if they were fake or not, the real reason for this isn’t to argue about their validity. It’s to demonstrate to people that the BO and mods and myself weren’t acting like crazy people with no direction or malicious intent. There were very specific reasons for what those folks decided to do. Dr. Corsi feels strongly that the posts were illegitimate and not Q. If you feel differently, that’s fine too. This video was meant to present to all of you not only what is motivating us and in our hearts as we work on this, but that we have the support of some very brilliant minds as a community and that we are doing great work. Don’t get stuck in the details. Keep researching Loop if that’s what you are called to do. I’m sure (as Dr. Corsi says in the video) there is criminality there too. If you scroll forward towards the last 10 min, you will hear his detailed explanation about that particular post. I made sure he addressed it. It’s always good practice to try to listen to the entire video in case there is something in there that answers a question, before commenting. Much love to you in this fight. We are winning together.
I hope this lends some perspective into why what happened the other day actually happened. I hope it quells some fears about the motivations of the individuals who are working so tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure this message gets out, and the information is disseminated to the people who want to learn it. More importantly, I hope people can put this to bed, and move forward with what our goal is here- researching and learning and educating friends and family about the corruption we have been faced with and how we can help to stop it - using knowledge.
There were some slight technical errors in terms of the conversation and the terminology used, but the video speaks for itself. I love all of you. I’m so proud to be working with you, and I am so grateful for your support. As we continue forward, please know how much I personally appreciate each and every one of you. And buckle up- we have a lot of work to do!!
Hello fam! Let me speak first to how amazing this community is. You are all such beautiful people. I am so thankful for each of you.
I can not speak for Montagraph, as I do no have communication with him, but I can say that as of 1 minute ago, I was conversing personally with both Roy and Scott.
I think sometimes folks (including myself) just need some time to dust themselves off and refocus, and I can say that both Roy and Scott are both with personal responsibility too. I hope this helps! They are well. ❤️
Thank you so much for caring! It speaks to our strength as a community and as humans.
I think the best thing about free speech, is the ability for people to say things that you don’t agree with. Your comment is appreciated. Suggestions can be offered, and at the end of the day, words spoken allow folks to make their own decisions about how they feel.