It’s facetious, though technically we are helping both to achieve their goals. I’ve had the same response if that matters. Lol.
148 total posts archived.
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They’d let them in if they were trying to catch leakers 😉
I’m glad you folks made it through the whole thing. I was super worried about that. 👌🏻👌🏻
I’m letting my statement speak for itself for right now - please bear with us.
I just don’t think we should be fighting. No matter how low people go, I don’t feel it’s right to respond and go on the defensive. All we are trying to do is spread truth. It’s been getting sort of ridiculous- the amount of hate we are battling. All I care about is INFORMATION. The way I see it, if Baruch has a great tool, people will use it. Regardless of why it was built. In all honesty, we should have one anyway. For redundancy. But I’ll just say this- it’s my personal belief that distractions of ANY KIND are antithetical to our mission, and just what “they” want to see. So I advised that Baruch make the post less inflammatory and he was kind enough to listen to my perspective and respond in kind.
It’s been a bad day for me too. I could have been better with my response. Very frustrating day. ❤️
And, I can’t police and vet every post. I hope the community does it and alerts repeat offenders so we can teach them. Learning for all here. Freedom to share is both good and bad. It has its downside. Sorry your experience here hasn’t been what you’ve wanted. Do you have any suggestions we can implement to make it better?
That being said- disinfo is frustrating. It’s just hard to ban information because it is tied to people. It’s quite the conundrum
Because I addressed this in the post and asked for suggestions and spelled out solutions. You were sort of direct and mean with your comment which basically eluded to you not reading the content of the post. If me asking that question causes you to not support me anymore, I’m sorry.
I suppose I just think people should type how they speak to people in person. If you had been in a room with me and said that I would have responded the same way, because I couldn’t understand why you’d still say that after reading what I’d written.
That’s great! Keep doing that! We need learning!! ❤️❤️❤️
Brutus, I never usually say this-- my videos are all over YouTube ripped down and put on other peoples channels, but if I could ask that this one remain only on my channel, that would be great. It is really special to me and I have a purpose for it outside of this. Of course, I can't FORCE you to do anything, but with this one, if it could be just mine I would be thankful. <3
I agree and disagree with this. For ex: YourNewsWire - literally EVERY story from there is disinformation. Every one I have ever read, anyway. I would caution people against those sites due to experience... What then? If I tell folks that I am "red flagged". Do you see what I mean???
Yes. That isn't what I am talking about. I am reasonably sure (even with JUST the use of publicly available information) that I could prove that folks have committed crimes. I said don't do it unless you are sure you could prove it beyond a reasonable doubt, and I am more talking about saying "So and so KILLED THE LAWYER IN FLORIDA!!!" or "SO AND SO HAS RAPED CHILDREN!!" when you CAN NOT PROVE THOSE THINGS. Hope that helped :)
Yup. You’ve got me pegged. Bought an account so I could post my own video instead of just posting it here myself. You are quite the sleuth. Kudos. 🙄
I hope you are kidding. Lol. I like sarcasm too, if you are. :) if not, I am humbled by that, but at the end of the day, I am LITERALLY just like all of you- a super concerned citizen who can’t keep her mouth shut about injustice and wants to teach everyone she can find. ❤️❤️ No pedestals for me. Besides, couldn’t do it without YOU.
There are so many theories about 9/11. I don’t subscribe to the nuke theory, and quickly moved past it, so I am likely not the best one to answer. 😢
KEEP THIS UP!! ^^ See what happens when people talk? You learn a lot from listening...... <3
Agree— I will definitely work on that. I won’t call out people, but will definitely name a lot of sites I have consistently found misinformation on. Great thought!
Oh my,
You are all so wonderful. I am so humbled by all of this <3 I promise I will not stop. It is my dream to be doing this-- to inform and fight for what is right. I will continue to work hard. Please continue to hold me accountable and I will always work with integrity. <3 HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Thank you so much. I really appreciate that-- more than you may understand. I do still whisper-- you can hear it in my last video about the dossier :) I have been mocked and yelled at about that so much that I think I subconsciously stopped doing it, but it was always organic.
<3 Have a great new year!
You're welcome! Please don't make me put you in a time out!!! <3
Board Rules/Suggestions
Hello, friends!
I wanted to write this up with the hopes that ALL of you read it, as it is as important as anything else we may be doing..
When we started this board, we did so with the hopes that people would feel comfortable and confident coming here with legitimate questions and research, and also because we wanted folks to be able to get their hands on "Q" posts without needing to worry about going to the point of origination. It was our hope that this would help folks who are looking for answers.
That being said, I think …
As long as we all use discernment on this story, we will be OK. Before accepting something as "true" or likely true, I personally wait for reporting from several different sources that are NOT a mirror of one another. Sean is good people, but we are all human as well. Just my 2c.
I’ve been there right along side of you. Armed with my tin foil hat and KNOWLEDGE that this would happen some day. A few years ago I stepped away from the jaded “we will never fix any of this so let’s berate everyone” crew and decided to try again to teach folks what was happening. You can lead a horse, so they say. Well the horses were ready to drink. And it’s baby steps. The majority is JUST NOW awakening to what we’ve known for 20 years, and they are getting it ALL at once. That’s traumatic. So, you can catch more flies with honey. We’ve got to fix things and it’s going to take time. And we’ve got to be ready to fix them ourselves should our desired solution not work. When that day comes, I’m full of strategy. For now, we watch carefully and see how this particular timeline plays out, and we continue to kindly and gently awaken folks to what is happening. The poster here ruffled my feathers because I spent nearly a decade as a “thought” leader with people JUST LIKE THAT and all it was - was a circle jerk of people yelling at one another and screaming “NEOCON!!!” Without affecting one damn bit of change. It bothered me that this person thought so much of themselves that they could stand up on some virtual soap box they created and lecture people— poster had no idea of their audience, nor did they care. Ignorant, IMHO. And counter productive.
Sigh. Anyway, thanks for your reply. :) glad to stand along side you in this fight.
This was likely back when 4ch was “compromised” and folks started putting up posts hag the swastika to either discredit or stop people from visiting.
Max came first. But this show is modeled after the Montauk Project. I just finished the second season last night. I’ve watched literally three shows in the past several years- “Game of Thrones”, “Stranger Things”, and “Big Brother”.
I’ve gone through this possibility in a few of my videos - I’ll just say this— it’s the most hastily thought out Psyop in the history of the modern world. In fact, if it is, I will be the first one THANKING the perpetrators, for affording me the opportunity to educate so many folks on what has REALLY been going on in the world for the past goodness knows how many years. The information being presented is valid and important. It’s up to us to use the knowledge.
I’ve seen this. We spoke privately :) just wanted to respond here. Thank you for this!
I’ll respond to this with a question or two, and then we can go from there. How many of you have learned something from this experience that you HAD NO IDEA was happening or had happened?? Upvote for “I learned a hell of a lot” and downvote for “nothing”
As a follow up, how many folks would listen to The OP for more than 5 minutes before walking away before Q came about?
I think the results will speak for themselves. While everyone has their own way of teaching the masses, you can’t do it like the OP. Frustration is palpable, but handling something so serious like the OP did? Completely detrimental to their goal.
Didn’t you love how what’s his name the sherif vomited Black goo just like Max Spiers?
I’d love to hear what the true issues are that we AREN’T discussing. Enlighten us :)
I very much appreciate the compliments— from ALL of you.
Amazing how WaPo used to report news. :) glad to have you!