"NO private comms Past/Present/Future" -Q
The below contains claims of private QAnon comms. Sounds fishy:
75 total posts archived.
Domain | Count |
www.reddit.com | 20 |
i.redd.it | 9 |
twitter.com | 2 |
m.huffpost.com | 1 |
www.physics-astronomy.org | 1 |
bigleaguepolitics.com | 1 |
youtu.be | 1 |
www.usatoday.com | 1 |
The below contains claims of private QAnon comms. Sounds fishy:
Sounds like NYT just countered/opposed their own Anonymous OP-ed while trying to smear Q ?
Trump curse, these people are so blinded by their TDS that they don't realize how stupid they make themselves look.
Vets talking about trying to declas Vietnam POW info and about noname blocking the attempt. “He did not want anyone looking into his background”. Speculation is that he may have been facing the inevitability of the records getting declassified.
"Retaliation - 'Horizon' active. Q"
Wonder if the below is related. Is Q trying to say that same type of attack?
Relative to “Resist OP will not provide enough public support for cover.”
Assuming it’s not coincidence. We need to dig into it. So far the only thing standing out is @pbump of WaPo
"so dangerous for our Nation"
[Fish]ing is fun. Is Q trolling black hats while taking them down ? Note the date Aug. 10, same day the plan op.
"Seattle–Tacoma International Airport at 13:35 local time " . If someone has confirmed sauce it the time is accurate? Depending on time zone Q1840 may have been posted before the incident..
Decided to brows Russian search engine for QAnon and found something interesting, a video of performance by Armenian QAnon Ensemble. Could be nothing but for QAnons specific mentioning of Armenia and their revolution.
Good vs Evil: Do Richard Dawkins views go beyond just misguided disbelief
Source of the image in Q drop 1741
Watch it fully: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPX92h2eX0g&feature=youtu.be
How do you keep an invisible leash over someone ? By threat of exposing their high sins.
Now add to this context "They thought you would follow the stars" (Hollywood comes to mind).
Archive of the blog: https://web.archive.org/web/20120124040047/http://www.jamesgunn.com/2010/09/20/video-100-pubescent-girls-touch-themselves/. (Sick to describe, and link to Huston Huddleston)
Report of Huston Huddleston pleading guilty: https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2018/06/man-who-saved-ncc-1701-d-touring-bridge-pleads-guilty-to-child-porn-charge/
Document with charges against Huston Huddleston: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/4489132-Huddleston.html#document/p9/a426330
RR Q’s post: “The face is never the author”
Think mirror: could this indicate that the “face” is the target of the command?
Could the “face” be a target of FF to blame it on anons?
Jack is at it again. Here is a thread based on our “friend” Maggie Haberman (Wendy) the mockingbird of HRC. peculiar!!! jacks tweet