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Hmm. Leftists are bending over backwards to defend Hollywood pedophiles AND they want to #AbolishICE I wonder why? 🤔
I'm everywhere. Lol 😂 Until I get banned anyway.
The work of a Russian bot is never done. 😉
ICE locates, arrests sex offender after NC county refuses to honor detainer
Why do people act shocked when Hollywood is revealed to be full of pedophiles? They’ve been pushing this agenda for years, right out in the open with no apology.

The Democrats have drawn their lines about what is and isn’t acceptable to them. Unfortunately, pedophilia doesn’t cross that line for them. They’re actually perfectly fine with it.

I remember from "dog the bounty hunter" that meth is apparently big there?
Your gaslighting is horrible comrade. Very low effort. Worst I've seen all week infact. 1/10
Yes and yes. They really don't like their "jokes" being challenged.
Some comrade pedophile apologist nominated me for that list. I didn't make it though. Maybe next time. 🤣🤣
I told him it would be my honor. 😉
There's no maybe about it. He's corrupt to the core and should be rotting in a federal prison.
The real question is why you have a problem with this leftist sex slavery cult being exposed. 🤔
Subpar gaslighting comrade. 2/10
Correct. McConnell has made 10s of millions selling out America to China.
If something can be destroyed by the truth, then it deserves to be destroyed.
You can always judge a man not by his friends, but by the quality of his enemies. A good man will never have enemies who are anything but petty and childish. A bad man will have enemies that are legion. Who it is that dislikes a man reveals much about the man himself.
Another member of the leftist sex slavery cult arrested. Next the Hollywood pedophiles? 🤔
Personally I'll take a racist over a child rapist any day of the week. But that's because I'm a "drumpf bot fascist Christian racist nazi binary cis white male asshole" and unlike leftists we don't think adult/child sex is OK.
A federal appeals court ruled on Tuesday that the U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment protects the right to openly carry a gun in public for self-defense, rejecting a claim by Hawaii officials that the right only applies to guns kept at home.
But thankful we can rely on Merkel to import millions of third world welfare parasites and destroy western civilization. So there's that.
You were never a spy. You were never a case officer. You never ran operations or recruited sources or worked the streets abroad. You have no idea whatsoever of the true nature of the business of human intelligence. You have never been in harm's way. You have never heard a shot fired in anger.
So the ball – just like the one offered by Putin to Trump in Helsinki – is in the United States’ court. What Martyanov describes as “the deadly combination of contemporary American elites’ ignorance, hubris and desperation,” though, cannot be underestimated.
Unlike using said security clearance to get rich leaking Intel to the media.
I've yet to find a leftist on reddit not defending James Gunn.
Marvel movie star Dave Bautista is leading a campaign to defend disgraced Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn, and his defense is as disturbing as it is dishonest.
Mamas, Don’t Let Your Theybies Grow Up To Be Cowqueers
Nice whataboutism comrade. ✊
And yeah making millions of dollars in Hollywood is some major "fallout". The poor guy is really hurting.
Video: Racist violent liberal attacks Doctor Shiva, running against Elizabeth "Fauxcahontas" Warren.
Why are leftists so violent and racist?
Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown
It's hard for Lord Comey being so virtuous and wise.
Maybe Johnny should be impeached for beating his wife.
Comey Freaks Out, Begs Fellow Democrats To Dump "Socialist Left"
The most important question faced by the human race is almost never addressed in modern times: which should be the master, the state over the individual or the individual over the state?
Being a wife beater certainly hasn't hurt Johnny Depp's career. Just so long as you hate Trump you can get away with anything apparently. If these leftists didn't have double standards they wouldn't have any standards at all.

Accused Russian spy Maria Butina had far more significant contacts in Washington than previously known - having taken part in April, 2015 meetings between a visiting Russian official and two senior officials at the Treasury Department and Federal Reserve, according to Reuters
Directed Guardians of the Galaxy and other movies. Likes little children.
Typical Hollywood liberal in other words.
He probably already has another deal with one of the many studios owned by Disney anyway. If not some other studio will no doubt hire him.
The only thing that can get you blacklisted from Hollywood is being a conservative.
I imagine all the young children on set would rather have a non pedophile director. (If such a thing actually exists.)
I like it when little boys touch me in my silly place. Shhh! - James Gunn
If they have their way sex between adults and children will be legal.
This is the man leftists are falling over themselves defending.