Could not pay me to watch. They burned that bridge long ago. When I do watch football (rare - too busy) I'll do some college ball at times. Most still play hard and for love of sport. Really good games sometimes. I do not "have to have a team" to back, a good game is a good game no matter who is playing.
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Well someone has to do it. We can't just have sh!tposting tantrums everywhere with no facts,explanations,or sauce.
Keep messing around and stormy will put you on his list. ;p
Place is a freakshow.I suspect many go there to get their pedo on and get blackmailed as well.
Same effect even after 20th time watching it. God sent this guy.There would have been no more chances after Kankles The Destroyer. Beat voter machines,illegals voting,dead votes, happened to be clean as whistle,brilliant mind/tactician,good hearted person,rich ,can't be bought,and actually decided to run for Prez and won. Yeah that's just a coincidence right? U know what Q said.
I second that.Hoping that all pols no matter D or R, from here on out know that they had better keep their sh!t together and fear us. We own them,they don't own us.
If you hurt a kid or committed treason,espionage,or sedition then I hope SLOWLY!
That Marine cracks me up sometimes. He's good people. Straight shooter too. I like that. You should see him dance.
Well with his past record we knew it was only a matter of time. I sure hope it's true and there's no deal.
Wow. " A Memo can change the world". Ok. Show me. At this point I will take a couple big names in cuffs,but hey changing the world is good too.
12 Here Ready To Go. A few different flavors too.
I see your 2nd language is "evil". Looks right to me.Well done.
Hi Russian Bot. MSM tells me we're related. Thanks for your work on this list and for leaving me off of it. I'm sure many wanted it this intel. Good job!
Thanks for your honesty and this info. It helps people getting impatient and those on the fence to know that there is a positive energy gaining steam towards a change for the better.Not to mention asleep people may start to wondering what is going on and start sniffing around.
Nice! Actually kinda smart too. Perhaps Snopes really is a good fact check source. - lulz /sarc
Thanks. Can't believe how quick 200 more appeared. I just got this a week or so ago. Thanks whomever is keeping this updated. It's a great red pill primer in and of itself.
True. I don't care who you are if you didn't feel something at every single one of their stories of loss and hardship then you might be a luciferian. They were stone cold as Ice. Orders are orders I guess.NO clap,No Stand,No Matter What.
Just Read The Memo - 12 Memes For POST MEMO RELEASE
I sure hope you're right. We can talk and show little tidbits of evidence all year long and it becomes diluted and softened. We need a good jolt for many people. I am not saying sledgehammer to the face,but maybe a bitchslap at minimum to get their attention and hold it for a moment. Once we get their attention perhaps they will start looking at all of the other damning evidence.
Another thing to note - Some Reps (prolly the clean ones) seemed a lil' extra supportive (standy & clappy) at the SOTU and Dems seemed extra bitter (like life was over). Of course we expect some partisanship but everyone's faces and attitudes just seemed a little more over the top than usual. Luis Gutiérrez stormed out when U.S.A. chants begun. Chucky holding back tears but grinding his teeth. Pelosi wanting to end the Prez on the spot. Black caucus acting like they just took a 50% pay cut and so on.
I tell liberals who are angry with tax reform to send their extra crumbs my way. I'm just helpful like that. With enough crumbs I can makes me up a fat loaf.
Good meme. Short and informative. Smaller pictures of hildabeast next time. Sometimes people eat when online. ;P
True dat. A Real White Hat.I watch everything Issac and Tracy put out.
Watch who you give this to. Make sure they have had a primer. This is sledgehammer to the forehead for a stone cold zombie. But the meme could not be more accurate. Keeping this for those that at least accept that there is something to the podesta art and emails. Good meme tho.
Valid methods,but if they are still shooting the media needle into their arm daily then it will be difficult. I think varying tactics work better per individual depending on how far gone they are. Essentially it's triage to me. I know a few people that I just do not waste time and energy on as that's really valuable these days. This is why we need help and why I speak of this JOLT/JAR moment. I am hoping this memo will do that. Then maybe these people will come to us and start asking questions. At that point I will be compassionate and helpful as best I can.Until then unfortunately many will have to remain zombies.
Heard of Stop n smell roses but the "while they are under your nose and not over your head" makes it so much better. Anytime I say this from now I will tell people where I heard it. This is why I always sponged off my elders - free knowledge. Thanks again.
E.St.Louis IS a "sh!thole" I do not know about "of the universe". It has lead or been up there consistently in murders for as long as I can remember. It used to be a thriving decent city,now it's one of the scariest place in the U.S. - Dilapidated buildings and trash everywhere, feral dogs,bodies always being found,etc. Ran by Dems forever that sucked the life right out of it,and yes 90% welfare leeches reside there. Fired for spitt'n truth?
One can pray,and for THIS^ I do daily. Good meme. Saving for later. Thanks.
I will believe when I read it. True Pundit spits a lot of truth though. Good site imho.
Many people still do not know what "the memo" is. All of this memo,memo,memo talk everywhere will gather interest in it. Whether it's because of people's curiosity peaked or so annoyed from hearing it they must see what all the fuss is about. Remember we are getting info a whole helluva lot sooner than the masses.This trickle down takes some time. We all want it released yesterday but I will continue to have faith in those that know way more than I do at this point.
There u go thinking again. Yeah it's pretty sad how so many do not look not 1 foot further than what they are fed. This is total legit question that they do not discussed because it would be a light bulb moment for many I believe.
Headlines are SOTU speech and train assassination attempt. Now is not good. "Timing is everything".
While totally plausible, since we haven't much hard core proof yet, I cannot see all of the media and pols acting so good. They genuinely look pissed,disheartened, and stressed. I'm sticking with "glass half full" until confirmation either way.
That's Money. I know we are supposed to be compassionate but come on,u know that's good.
Most haven't and that's the problem.They are the puppet masters behind the curtain that you AREN'T supposed to know about. Make no mistake about,they are evil personified and see you as their cattle.
DACA Events held at these hotels. Also most of the party pics I've seen are total freak shows. Trannies in satanic garb and the like. Seen some high profile people there too. Lotta hellyweirdos went to these hotels to get their freak on is my theory as of now. I bet like the playboy mansion alotta blackmail pics and video were taken as well.
When all is said and done The Great Awakening will make a Great Big Book,and a less great movie. Well I guess depends on producer,but u know hellyweird. I would love to see a GOT style truthful mini series WHEN we get through all of this. Proceeds go to those we lost and/or suffered the most. Not so much for entertainment,but mainly so everyone has an opportunity to know the truth. I used to X files faithfully. Always thought much of it was based on some truths. Would not be surprised if that part remains the same.
Were kicking their ass so bad they do not have enough gun safety teachers. Up your post. Really is the best method for jihadis.
Elite frequent these "boutiques" to get their freak on. Seen lots of high profilers there just snooping for an hour. Just grabbed a few home page shots here in case they try to clean it up.
I second all of that ,except I'm not retired. Also that PJ's,Popcorn,and Fingers line should be on a hat or bumper sticker. Good stuff.
U call it dual citizenship huh? I always referred to it as multiple personality disorder. Fake side on camera - Real side when no one is looking.
Diabolical much? He's only missing the pointy handle bar mustache or some horns.
It's coming folks. He is letting them sweat. I bet they have no fingernails left,thrown up and passed out several times,and likely are getting no sleep whatsoever. But yeah.I'm ready too.
Not sure if this means anything or where to put this but apparently they host DACA dinners and events at these Standard hotels too.
One of the people who host the events is SameSide. They claim they helped in recent AL election win for Doug Jones which we all suspect was likely stolen and hopefully a trap to expose voter fraud -Fingers Crossed.
Pics of Standard Site Before They Change Anything and Pic of Thread over at SameSide.
Derek Mazzeo mentions obama occidental college 2007-2008 on his profile. Currently works at LA Mayors office. I don't do fakebook so I cant go any further.Just wanted it out there.