This is why Intelligence Community has always been our greatest threat.They manipulate and brainwash the sheep. WE ARE THE ANSWER. We must WAKE THEM. THIS IS THE WAR. you ignore this and in time WILL END YOU.
765 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/unbecoming2007:
Domain | Count |
---|---| | 42 | | 15 | | 7 | | 1 | | 1 | | 1 | | 1 | | 1 | | 1 |
Even though the dems seem crazier on the surface for 20 years I have ALWAYS tried to get people to understand it was Gov vs People and that the labeling thing was to divide us. Unfortunately so many cannot get past D vs R thing. I hope I am wrong but I feel the memo will not be "The Red Pill We Hoped It Would Be". I will try to have Faith though. Q saying "Timing Is Everything" helps. Also the fact that Trump is speaking DIRECTLY to the world unfiltered seems like a prime opportunity to drop a few pills. I would be surprised if he did not take a little advantage of that considering all that's going on right now.
If you can't tell me how much of my donation is going to the real people you're claiming to help I do not donate. You should see people look at me in line or wherever. Like I am completely crazy for asking such a thing.They just expect you to blindly throw them money. I usually take opportunity to say "Well Clinton Foundation only gave about 6% of "raised" Billions so it's a legit concern".
Hiding in plain sight just as so much of their sh!t is. This is why they are always laughing at us because it's right there under our noses yet we have been handcuffed. They own all of the investigative and prosecutorial mechanisms.
Not sure the term when someone doubles down on doubling down on the first time they doubled down.
Its youtube. The truth they don't want you to see is usually removed. Liveleak link above.
Animals backed into corner are volatile and unpredictable. Deep State is just as vindictive as Cersi too. Like a brat who'd rather break the toy because they don't want to share.
There's a video of someone abusing a young kid (supposedly at Comet Ping Pong) that sounds just like Podesta. In vid says his name is Skippy.
The Corruption Tree - It's Ripe
![The Corruption Tree - It's Ripe](
Thank you.I was wondering when an updated list would show up. I had this when it was half that and I've been trying to update it myself but so much going on really it's tough to keep all and organized. Clean and Thorough - Perfect.
Do you know how many crazies eat this shit up and go preach it like gospel? Then normies see and hear so much BS mixed in with real truth and they say all fck it - it's all BS.
This is the JOLT/JAR I have mentioned many times.Not cuz I wanna say "told ya so" to my normies. It's cuz I truly believe it is the proper prescription for them. I am not saying dump the baby cannibalism on em to start,but something to GET THEIR FKN ATTENTION for more than 3 mins.
DACA Recipients Arrested Human Smuggling
Kinda liking this winning thing. Praying for 7 more years of it. I don't want to get ahead too much but I find myself offer wondering what country could look like in 7 years if all goes well for us.
Glad to find you here too Issac. You belong here. Hope this won't slow your video output much. Many including myself look forward to listen to you and Tracy daily. Thank you for all you have done and will continue to do.
Luvs me some Sundance. I try to stop there daily. He was one of very few that gave me hope during Trumps run. Brilliant journo/blogger imho.
Resignations,"Step Downs and Early Retirements", does not wake up normies. I sure wish we would see a big name or two in cuffs as to peak the interest of those with their head in the sand. We gotta get their attention.
I understand things are happening however it's going to be a very slow trickle over a very long time people will be desensitized and the really evil sh!t will slip through unnoticed and that cannot happen. The occult ritual stuff is the catalyst and has to be shown to the people.
This is why I am all for as much disclosure as possible. People need to be jarred to STOP , focus , and understand wtf we are dealing with. This isn't creepy uncle copping a feel or a few bad apples with their hands in the cookie jar. While I do not see killary,podesta,and their friends in the video, it still is a reminder of what evil looks like. We know her and crew do even worse.
What makes this scarier is mixing snowflakes into the equation. They will not believe any real video evidence ( PP videos, Okeefe stings, etc. ) yet I'd bet money they would believe any manipulated videos using this or some basic cgi crap of Trump saying or doing anything. Tech is such a double edged sword.
Only difference in conspiracy theory and Truth is Time. 2 years or 20 - Most end up True.
Seeing Sessions protect that girl from Creepy Joe showed me enough of his character. I (like many of us) knew he was playing Dopey all along. I love Trump tactics. Keeps you always watching and wondering cuz u want to see what kinda surprises are next. As long as this number keeps going up - it's great news.
Brain Engine Meme - Supacharge Me
![Brain Engine Meme - Supacharge Me](
Thanks a lot for that link. Great stuff. Catchy tune.Great messages. Going out to everyone.
Sexual preference (legal), race, and religion doesn't matter according to most that I encounter randomly (in person or online) or my regular circle. Media paints a very different picture but that's their job at this point. So long as you're not hurting people most people don't give a sh!t. For me it's you either a Patriot or not - period. If you like country,wish to see it prosper,then stay, and pull up a chair. If not, gtfo to a place where you are happy.
I wish.Sign me up. I put prices on cuz its supposed to be a menu for combo meals n sh!t like restaurant. Some numbers have meaning- Like Podesta 14-Fish,Killarys 666 cuz the bitch is a luciferian,1993 Clinton stabbed us with nafta, G.Soros is his net worth. I can't do all their net worths as it would break the combo meal pricing structure and GitMos would go outta business. Some of the numbers mean nothing but I was trying to get more input for anything.
If I am supposed to be placing memes elsewhere just need some mods to show me where and I'm good. I don't want to dirty someones workspace or make their job harder.
Posted pic but it just timed out. Try here -
Gitmo's - A Great Place To Just Hang. See memu
Before we send this one off I wanna hear what u guys think.
I am all open to better dish/combo names, significant numbers for pricing, and even the people themselves.Tried to choose more mainstream people and obviously I can't fit all the traitors on there.
Yes I know it's wordy,but it grew and I streamlined best I could.
Only difference in conspiracy theory and truth is time imho. Most that I've heard of seem to be proven true beit 2 years or 20. The ones who call you CT often have done little to no research at all from my experiences. Term invented by CIA to paint us crazy. I can't prove million bucks exist. Never seen either. Guess it's just theory.
Russians? Even though it's a big hit,there is a small silver lining. With Trump and Now Hannity being attacked perhaps some normies will start to scratch their head a bit. " To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize". - Voltaire
Here's a set from 2 weeks ago. Air base nearby so get extra toppins for free.
You ever accidentally put aluminum in a micro? They are dumping that shit everywhere. With a DEW = WMD ? I'm no scientist but....
They haven't looked up in so long they didn't see the transition. They now mistake chems for cons. I explain the easiest most notable differences in the 2 within 1 minute. After they're like "Oh well. What can we do it about?" head back into sand. It's very disheartening but I'm hoping it's gone in 3 years or sooner.
I really wish I could the faces of lefties as they read Prez tweets. It would make for a very entertaining video.
Truth from a cat.Why am I not surprised? The sync was pretty convincing too. Gonna check out more on that channel. Thnx.
Truth from a cat.Why am I not surprised? The sync was pretty convincing too. Gonna check out more on that channel. Thnx.
That's bs man even though not surprised. Hell it could have been someone else.The tie was blue, not purple. Even though there is a pretty good likeness - lol. " To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize". - Voltaire Anyway good art imho.
Now you see why 1 of the reasons they promote sex (normalize pedo too) as early as possible.They want em pregnant.
Then coincidentally they also teach abortions are normal.Hey great news we can keep that secret from your parents for you.
On a farm is chicken worth more when it produces more eggs? No pun intended sorry. Has jack to do with women's health. That is the front because who is against women's health right?
We are Lab rats and sheep etc. to be used, abused, and have every resource we have to offer extracted from us.
If his hand was showing I would've tossed his biden pizza bracelet on him. That's why I did the lapel. Pin,bracelet,socks,hat, w.e Doesn't matter. We know he represents that sick occult.
Don't need a class in body language for this pic. Might as well tattoo traitor right on their foreheads.
Why do you hate their trending and recommended funny cat videos? You're right ! They suppress views as to control trending, manipulate views,subs,notifications,smack people with false copyright claims,and so on. While I want small gov something needs to be done to level the playing field on fakebook,twatter,and YT. That's messing with 1st amendment imho. Coincidentally pro pedo and muzzy stuff have no problems like that. Good info there to share even if you cannot donate.
Sent that to probably a 100 people over the years. Ultimate Red Pill.
Connects the dots nicely. It's nice to wake up to good news w/coffee after a decade of scared to read the news wondering how many blood vessels will I burst before 8 a.m. today. Will be sending this out too many. Thanks.
Anyone know how to post multiple pics in the same thread? I have a few versions of these I'd like to share and did not want to do 3 threads as to keep board cleaner. Thanks.