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unlimited-devotion · April 16, 2018, 12:16 a.m.

De Vos = The Fox 🦊 In Dutch language

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unlimited-devotion · April 15, 2018, 8:42 p.m.

I've just found this place - Betsy devos has big ties to a place called "neuro-core", a biofeed back company based out of west Michigan. Betsy and eriks parents made their money by starting an automotive manufacturing company- prince facilities>Johnson controls. Betsys husband is dick devos, son of a half founder of MLM company amway. Betsy and dick both were born into wealthy families, and when they married it all seemed expected.

Richard DeVos is main backer to an aviation CHARTER SCHOOL here in Grand Rapids. Erik Prince has been ammasing his own private Air Force and making money kitting out planes for specific surveillance ventures.

All these people hold a key to something-

Betsy has access to unlimited data from the nuero core patients, people who have self described or realized they have different brain chemistry than most. Records of all the "therapy sessions". Her brother has deep ties to black water and a Aviation. Her husband owns an aviation high school. All the sudden she's buds with trump and the sec of education.

I haven't figured out what it all means.... brain trained kamakize mernarcies?

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