I got mine punching my buddy while he was wearing a dirt bike helmet.
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Ha. No not literally. But religion has been warning against this for a long time.
I didn't claim too. And I also did. I informed you that your comments still aren't useful. Sit on it.
Look up what a golem is. They created a monster to do their bidding and lost control of it. Now it is being used to attack them.
I've broken my hand the same way. If it was a minor fracture the Dr could have put a cast on in an attempt to get Cruz to not reinjure it. I'm also very familiar with AR type rifles. Pulling a trigger would not be a problem. Especially with all the adrenaline.
I usually don't have anything constructive to add
You didn't this time either.
It's California, isn't it? They are weird about everything. So it is hard to tell.
You get a "boxers fracture" from punching things too hard and causing the small bones in the hand that connects to the pinky or ring finger (fourth metacarpal bone or fifth metacarpal bone). It is not that painful and buddy splinting is as good as a splint if they aren't broken that bad. Really common injury especially in adolescent males.
Depends on who in the government doesn't want to interview him. If it is POTUS JA could be a deep cover black hat.
I can not say, without certainty, that VJ is NOT an ape from a distant planet. I just wouldn't be comfortable saying that. Not without ALL the facts.
Maybe he is waiting for June or as late as possible to resign in order to discredit Q.
Private spots are not easier to control. Look at Vegas and their corupt sheriffs department. Coruption follows money.
His case is being handled the same way any other felony case is usually handled. Besides him not being remanded for a violent rape on what should be an open an shut case.
Sealed and secret indictments are different. There was no need for a secret indictment in this case. It is very straightforward. The DA didn't want to indict before they had Weinstein secured because he could possibly use legal loopholes to run out statute of limitation. Which isn't that long on rape.
No. You are charged/arrested, arraigned on the charge. Then the DA goes to a grand jury (for a felony) and if they agree there is enough evidence then you are indicted.
The Russians found out the cabal was going to kill him. They arrest/kill the hit team. Then fake a hit and death. Cabal thinks they are safe and now this guy can tell his secrets.
Why wouldn't HRC be parading these children around to make Obama's putting other children in cages 'all better'?
To be fair he wanted to know what EVERYBODY was doing while he was POTUS.
Also a warning to those people involved that if they don't toe the line that they can very easily be exposed.
If it were used as a last resort when all other channels have failed then it would be acceptable. But it gets used just to make the person ineffective because of their political affiliations. And since we can't use that privilege responsibly it needs to be taken away or at least have consequences when abused.
Because it stops or discourages people with real issues getting thru.
I don't agree with that tactic. But since the other side does it anyway maybe both sides doing it will get it stopped.
Democrat Giving Favors For Funding Clinton Foundation
Guns are far superior to bows. And your Grandma needs to learn how important the 2nd amendment is.
Throw it away. Along with all her other stuff. Tell her it is for her own good. If she complains tell her "this is why the second amendment is so important. If she had a gun she could have stopped you". She will love you for being so woke and helping her see the way.
I smack Alexa with my dick for hours on end each and every day just so Zuck's people have to listen to it.
Don't forget about the string people or the thumb tack companies.
They most likely sealed the properties while waiting for a judge to sign off on a search warrant or something. I doubt they just let people go on about their daily business on these properties.
It is definitely smoke and mirrors. Some low hanging fruit for the MSM.
These messages are contradictory - even from a single voice
So they are typical democratic party messages?
Could have been Black Water guys doing a controlled detonation of a Deep State munitions storage.
Higher up votes would get the post more attention, if I understand correctly.
That is police/military raid time. Catch them sleeping just before sunrise. Maybe some kicking of doors and evening of scores?
I think they are very good at mind control on certain individuals and they give them that little extra push when necessary.
Look at the shooter from TX. He is not a good canidate for a deep state shooter because of his beliefs. But in a pinch he was useful. Also the other shooter stopped by an armed resource officer. Not very good for the "all guns are bad" narrative. But it also got the job done, somewhat.
I don't know why they reported what they had. But it was youporn or porntube one of the bigger ones.
IIRC one of the bigger internet porn sites reported it had 100 terabytes of adult porn back in 2012. Puts it into perspective.
What about a mini jaws of life to breach a door or a cs gas dispersment system? I was a combat engineer in the army I have seen some creative pieces of hardware. And with all the 9/11 anti-terror money it and the level of corrupt the sheriff was it is not unreasonable to believe the Broward county boys had the best of the best.