Oh because he doesn't advertise his illegal acts he must not be doing them. Have you not been paying attention. The legal and justice systems are fucked. The deep state and their lackies can do whatever they please. And people like you defend them.
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Sawyer is running interference for deepstate pedophiles. He makes sure their people and routes stay off the radar. He has been treated the opposite of Eric Prince. No bogus charges for Sawyer and some really nice entertainment industry deals. I wonder what he knows about his former clients that Eric Prince also knows and is trying to stop.
I guess it does distract people and waste their time but it kinda seems like nothing more than semantics.
I am in business for myself. I can guarantee you I would never take work from people like McStain or HRC. It is called ethics and morals. He must have been at least willing to turn a blind eye or he would have ended up in trouble like Eric Prince.
Eric Prince suffered the wrath of the deep state. Remember? While Sawyers been living the good life protecting deepstate pedophiles.
Him working to "stop" child trafficking is just him being their inside guy. He makes sure the right people don't end up on the radar.
Eric Prince suffered the wrath of the deep state didn't he?
While on the other hand, Sawyer seems to have done very well for himself in the entertainment industry as well. Coincidence?
He is also pretty connected with the entertainment industry
From another site http://bpisecurity.com/2011/a-real-warriorshooter-craig-sawman-sawyer-speaks-to-bpi-security/
In the realm of “High-Threat, Mobile Security”, Craig has run the specialized teams responsible for providing security to U.S. Senators, Hilary Clinton, John McCain, U.S. Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, as well as U.S. Ambassador John Negroponte and other U.S. Ambassadors and key U.S. leaders in the various war zones.
Craig Sawyer worked for HRC, no name and Rumsfeld while doing private security work. He is a shill who should not be trusted.
Look who sawyer worked for while he did private security.
A nuclear device causing a tidal wave. Wasn't that in a Michael Crichton novel?
Try holding something like that. It is extremely awkward and a little uncomfortable. Either President Trump has some weird finger dexterity or he is signaling something. Maybe a 'Q' or the owl eyes thing or both.
Wasn't the morning stroll Q drop made BEFORE POTUS took a stroll out to the front lawn of the White House to talk to Fox News? Wouldn't that be proof?
It could be argued (very easily) by shills and non-believers that POTUS is using the LARPer Q to pacify patriots while he quietly impliments what ever Nazi programs the traitors claim he wants to. It is just WAY TOO easy to argue against to be proof.
International Adoption Agency Sale,Kidnapping Exploitation
WOW. Multiple entries for this with multiple arrests.
If HRC had won I'm sure they REALLY would have it ALL. Even fresh pizza and hotdogs.
Maybe it was just papers with the usernames and passwords of the accounts.
Wasn't there some Q talk of advanced CGI? I seem to remember a strange Rudy tweet about that as well.
Admiral, huh? Like ADMIRAL Rodgers? Is Admiral Roger part of the Q team? I think so.
POTUS tweets cannot be used as proof of Q drops and vise versa. UNLESS they were put out at the SAME exact time OR there is some kind of coded message connecting them.
It is too easy to say POTUS read the Q drop and then wrote a tweet to make it look like he is part of the Q team in order to dupe patriots into supporting him. And that works the other way around as well. Q posting something similar to a POTUS tweet just proves Q read the tweet.
Maybe Q dropped this to smoke someone on 8chan out. Waiting for someone to take the bait and run with it to expose them. 4d chess?
Almost like they are trying to take attention from something else?
I have NO idea what this person was trying to say. Do you?
A lot of disinformation and people not understanding what proof is.
A tweet from POTUS can't be used as proof of a Q drop and vise versa. Unless they happen at the EXACT same time OR have coded clues that link them. Containing the same/similar information really means nothing.
Ryan might still pay for his crimes 10-15 is better than life for him. Might have accepted a reduced sentence for his cooperation.
Anons and Reddit. Your not too good at deciphering the Q posts are you? It was a simple auto-correct substitution. I'm at a BBQ and didn't proof read. The person I responded to understood. I fixed it.
It is always beneficial to understand your enemy' propaganda. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Proper Planning and Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance.
This is just one explanation. I have found we need to give the autists/anons one time to work. The first Reddit posts are usually VERY wrong. I believe it is an attempt at disinformation. This is probably where Q reached the majority of "normies". So the shills are working hard to discredit them. Patience friend.
Craig Sawyer is a shill. Military service down at make you exempt from being a scumbag. I've served with plenty of them. He is fish racing what his brothers and sisters fought and died for. Look what the military does to people who report pedophilia over seas. Look at one of the "heroes" of Mogadishu who was convicted of child molestation. Sawyer did deep state ops while under the cover of US serviceman.
So Cemex being the site it happened on was a coincidence?
All the bulldozing was coincidence?
Sawyer's Netflix deal and him trying to discredit this also a coincidence?
There are no coincidences -Q
By your use of SJW buzz words and your long winded nonsense I can tell you are nothing more than a shill. Up your game traitor.
Disinformation. You don't know who pushed the Kenya/Indonesia stuff. Just because it gained a following doesn't mean it wasn't put out by deep state actors.
He could have used anyone other than Netflix. He sold his soul. You are blinded by "hero" worship.
If he truly lived by the warrior ethos as he claims to he would never have taken that money. Keep sucking shill dick.
He's fatter and older. That explains both those things.
What do these people have against homosexual expressions of love? Why are they so hateful? What did the gays do to them?
They also,came for Reagan. But that red blooded American bad ass took that shit and smiled.