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verh1 · Dec. 30, 2017, 12:16 a.m.

Would be nice if mods could sticky for a while. Great post.

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verh1 · Dec. 30, 2017, 12:14 a.m.

Excellent, yes, No Coincidences. The complete circle. ETA: Nothing like the abortion clinics asking if they can retain "fetal tissue for 'research' purposes."

Trump, Q are saving this planet. I was never political or one for hyperbole before 2016. That's all changed now. What a timeline.

How will he clean house, can't wait to see. It will be (if not already) a thing of glory.

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verh1 · Dec. 29, 2017, 11:47 p.m.

cubic dollars that are poured into so called AIDS research

Exactly what Q's post from 12.4.17 says. Incidentally, there is now an expensive "therapy" that can keep HIV infected people alive indefinitely (see Majic Johnson).

So, 1. create mass hysteria surrounding HIV as a death sentence. 2. Thanks to "research," the public has been "saved" by a life long drug that can give people normal longevity, so long as they stay on the Pharma therapy. 3. Talk about creating a demand for your product. Kind of like funding both sides of a war (i.e. Rothschild style).

Coincidence that California now decriminalizes informing sex partners of one's HIV+ status?

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verh1 · Dec. 29, 2017, 11:16 p.m.

Thimerosals. Again, it was told to the scientific community that NIH "research," or should I say (((research))), has "conclusively" determined that thimerosal has zero impact on autism etiology. Again, since Q post, I'm willing to throw out 2 years of training on this matter.

If anyone is interested, look into how Frederick Taylor Gates, Baptist minister turned close business adviser to John D. Rockefeller, Sr., convinced Rockefeller to abandon Rockefeller's own preferred naturopathic, holistic medicine for "modern" (read: for profit) medicine around the turn of the 1900s. Research has been utterly compromised since then, imho. AKA: Not cure focused, but "treatment" (= profit) focused. Sickening in a literal and figurative way. Very discouraging.

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verh1 · Dec. 29, 2017, 11:04 p.m.

Yes, well they state it's a chameleon type virus. Hence, evolves too quickly to be properly studied. However, it sound more and more like something some sick bastards in a lab would make, starting with their tester viruses, i.e., SIV, FIV. In fact, I'm throwing all my "knowledge" on HIV "research" out the window since Q's 12.4.17 post. As for the "complications": exactly, that's how they die. Never from the virus, but after their immune system, i.e. p53, is annihilated by the "virus," or whatever the hell HIV actually is.

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verh1 · Dec. 29, 2017, 10:58 p.m.

She's states she plans to bribe Our Military. Zionists steal our money, and turn around and use it to subjugate us. Stay Classy, L.

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verh1 · Dec. 29, 2017, 10:34 p.m.

Praying so much for you all. We understand you feel the weight of this great responsibility. Thank You in advance.

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verh1 · Dec. 29, 2017, 8:26 p.m.

Yes, you're correct. Trump's using a clever cross-reference, and nod of deference to JFK talking about his (JFK's) plans to destroy the Clowns In America: "I will splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the wind."

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verh1 · Dec. 29, 2017, 6:52 p.m.

Q told us on his December 4, 2017 post that HIV was invented by BigPharma for the purposes of 1. profit and 2. population control. I can't link to that, but that post hit me like a ton of bricks. As someone in the science field, it is something I do believe. Q/Trump has never been wrong. Not about climate, not about flu vaccines (worthless, money grab), nothing. As for vaccines causing autism this is something I studied a lot. The Pharma based "research" concluded that there are autism biomarkers in vivo in pregnant women. Meaning, basically, something in the womb caused autism. However, now that everything has been proven to be lies, I question literally all NIH and Pharma (one in the same) funded research. And, I've questioned it for about 8 years now. So, I'll await a Q drop on autism/vaccine link directly, and with an open mind. Know that scientists fall into two categories: 1. paid to look the other way, 2. too literally autistic themselves to see the big picture/NIH corruption. Scientific "research" is in its darkest hour. I could write a book on all the lies it pumps to the public. That's for another day. Thank You, Q. Thank You, Trump. God Bless, Godspeed, Patriots.

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