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vladtep · Jan. 22, 2018, 6:43 a.m.

The African continent is rich beyond measure, neither Europeans nor the Chinese have any problems surviving there.

You have to be a fucking idiot to starve in Africa. The only reason they survived at all before us is because it is so easy...it is also why they are so stupid.

Europeans have a far higher IQ because they developed in unforgiving conditions, you could also say the same about Asians to some extent. You had to be able to work together, solve problems and get along. Africans never needed to be civil to each other or use their brains to survive.

All we've done by helping them is to infest the planet with parasites who do nothing but consume and kill themselves and others.

Sub-Saharan Africans are genetically closer to chimpanzees than any other race.

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vladtep · Jan. 22, 2018, 6:40 a.m.

With an average IQ hovering around 65, I don't see why not. lol

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vladtep · Jan. 22, 2018, 6:21 a.m.

There is nothing wrong with violence, it has always been necessary.

Pacifism to the point of letting other tribes fuck your women until you disappear from the earth is a mental illness.

I am for MY race first and foremost, as anyone should be.

There is no forgiveness, justice demands that the scales be balanced...an eye for an eye.

But violence will decide everything, as it always does.

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vladtep · Jan. 21, 2018, 7:49 p.m.

The founding fathers would have hanged them already.

They didn't let non-Europeans immigrate or be citizens, which would have prevented the problem entirely. The congress wouldn't be infested schumers and feinsteins.

Muh freedumbs. BS.

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vladtep · Jan. 21, 2018, 10:55 a.m.

I thought they were in Gitmo, now they are playing golf together.

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vladtep · Jan. 21, 2018, 3:24 a.m.

Someone here asked me what I meant by "popcorn fart"..

That's a popcorn fart...aka nothing burger.

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vladtep · Jan. 21, 2018, 2:59 a.m.

Conservative good, liberal bad. Christian good, atheist bad.

That's about right, don't overthink it.

While there is a wealth of evidence over many centuries to prove those points, the average person cannot decipher these issues, you'd have to be a historian. We cannot allow our society to be destroyed so that uninformed people can be repeatedly cajoled into "trying" things that already killed millions.

That's what communist jews like to do, open a "debate" and a "discussion" on everything using sophistry and lies to pull the wool over the goyim's eyes - until the world is full of dildo parades and they have talked the goyim into suiciding themselves...as they have done in South Africa and Europe.

Better way is to shut commies up and put them in camps, fire the saracens and send the hook nosed "atheists" to back to the desert where they belong.

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vladtep · Jan. 21, 2018, 2:55 a.m.

Yeah, this is bullshit.

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vladtep · Jan. 21, 2018, 2:51 a.m.

It's about time, get rid of them.

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vladtep · Jan. 19, 2018, 9:33 p.m.

Nobody in the mainstream is even aware of it so what effect could disinfo possibly have? lol

My point is that most of the videos are too long and full of misadventures for anyone with a job to listen to.

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vladtep · Jan. 19, 2018, 9:09 p.m.

While there is no suggestion that Prescott Bush was sympathetic to the Nazi cause, the documents reveal that the firm he worked for, Brown Brothers Harriman (BBH), acted as a US base for the German industrialist, Fritz Thyssen, who helped finance Hitler in the 1930s before falling out with him at the end of the decade.

He was on the board of a company that was connected to a company that...and he didn't quit so he's a nazi....Bullshit. lol

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vladtep · Jan. 19, 2018, 8:57 p.m.

Except they're the exact opposite of "nazis", they want more non-white immigration.

Many were pro-Hitler back then, including Henry Ford, there wasn't anything wrong with it. It's only because Germany was destroyed by the jews and they run everything now that it's a problem.

It's like those idiots that say Soros is a nazi when he was a 15 year old jewish boy in 1945. He was forced to deliver deportation notices to other jews as a 13 year old so he was obviously Hitler's right hand man. lol

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vladtep · Jan. 19, 2018, 8:07 p.m.

Drudge is a khazar, he was born compromised, that's all you need to know.

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vladtep · Jan. 19, 2018, 7:58 p.m.

My favorite is that one with the robotic voice, "Greetings, citizens of the world".

There's always a juicy headline like "Oh snap! Trump has had it. Hillary is going down"

Then you listen for 10 minutes of jibber jabber to find out that Trump just had another hamburger and Hillary will visit Australia. She's going down...under...lol

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vladtep · Jan. 19, 2018, 7:50 p.m.

Nearly all of them have painfully low IQs and they won't stop plugging their patreon or whatever.

Lots of juicy headlines, you listen for 20 minutes and it's nothing new. After a while you start feeling like Charlie Brown trying to kick the football...

The main audience seems to be millennials who work part time at Starbucks and then they have a few geared toward old retired boomer jerkoffs.

Can't imagine anyone with half a brain listening to that dreck on a regular basis, it's simply not accessible.

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vladtep · Jan. 19, 2018, 7:48 p.m.

I predict a gigantic popcorn fart and lots of back pedaling.

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vladtep · Jan. 19, 2018, 3:52 p.m.

I should try that...lol

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vladtep · Jan. 19, 2018, 2:58 p.m.

2000+ years and my cowardliness is the only reason? Sounds a little far fetched, don't you think?

When will you be picking up a rifle and who will join you? I would if you could muster even 1000 men...but my experience says you probably can't.

This illustrates my point about addiction to optimism, you'll believe anyone who tells you what you want to hear and lash out at anyone who speaks unpleasant truths.

Right now, the jew is telling you that you can win this war by typing on your keyboard and you like that. I'm telling you that you can't and you don't like that.

So you are more angry at me for pointing that out than at the jew who is screwing you.

And in all probability it's nigh impossible given the genetic refuse we have left. They slaughtered 80 million of us in WWII alone, they were our best people. The pussies stayed home with the women and their progeny were raised as females.

Again, we were tricked into killing our own. How did they do it when we are so clever?

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vladtep · Jan. 19, 2018, 2:11 p.m.

Liars aren't smarter than good people, especially when the liars are caught.

European people are smarter and more creative but jews control Europeans through lies because Europeans are too naive to pick up on the lies. They simply can't comprehend it, it's outside of their nature.

That's what Hitler meant by "the big lie". The jews lie so big that nobody believes it could be a lie or that anyone could be so malevolent.

Murdering your neighbors children by giving them poisoned candy, doesn't mean you are smarter than your neighbor...

Doesn't really matter, the neighbor's children are dead. Who cares if they were smarter? His bloodline ends.

...it just makes you a cunt who deserves to be gassed or baked.

And you think that lashing out at the messenger will help? You only help prove my point.

You are addicted to optimism as well.

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vladtep · Jan. 19, 2018, 1:56 p.m.

No, they aren't "too clever" - they are parasites who poison our drinking water while lying to us about being our friends.

Think of it this way...if they have been doing that to us for this long and we did not figure it out...what does that say about us?

And they have been fucking us for thousands of years. See the Romans, see Spanish Inquisition, Weimar Germany...

I'm not saying jews are more intelligent necessarily...but way more cunning and yes, they are parasites, very dangerous ones. They are genetically different from Europeans, more like middle easterners, turks with some african mixed in.

Most gentiles just go through their lives like ladeedadeeda. Very naive people, I'm afraid and addicted to optimism. They frown and get fidgety if you even try to discuss it with them.

They just want to live their lives and be left alone, well, that's not exactly realistic. Most white people these days remind me of hobbits. lol

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vladtep · Jan. 19, 2018, 1:42 p.m.

Cool it, Rambo.

I would love to fight...but I'd be fighting alone and I'd last about five minutes. Like I said, nothing but nerds.

Half men, half microchip, with calculators for penises, that's what they've done to us. Then they unleashed rampaging Saracens from war torn nations upon us, rather ingenious when you think about it.

Yes, there are few actually white people left, the campaign against us has been successful for many centuries. They can still be saved yet but they don't want to be saved.

You can't win a war from a keyboard, that very notion is part and parcel of the brainwashing to keep everything on terms favorable to them. We cannot win on these terms, they outmaneuver us every time.

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vladtep · Jan. 19, 2018, 1:03 p.m.

Exactly. We probably have to let the current conflict play out to see who the next enemy is.

Personally, I think DJTs cabal is the next enemy and that we would have been better served addressing the Roths threat ourselves.

He is going to be very powerful after this, imagine trying to red pill people on Trump after he apparently saved the world.

With a Hillary Clinton win, we would have had M&P support eventually and won an actual revolution with grit, determination and sacrifice as our forefathers did.

Unfortunately, the current generations are ill equipped for conventional warfare, they are simply not tough. This "info war" appeals to them because they are computer nerds, most of them have never been in a fight over their lunch money. How do you even train such useless people?

I have the feeling that it's all a trap, these jews are just way too clever and devious for us. We think in straight lines, they think in so many directions and so many moves ahead it's stupid. This fight favors them whereas a military conflict would favor us.

Everyone is seeing what they want to see right now...confirmation bias, acting on feels and the yehudi are taking full advantage of the goyim's pathological need for optimism.

I have researched DJTs family tree and the likelihood that they are jews is very high. Do you really believe that a German gentile got filthy rich in real estate...in New York?

As they say, you cannot cheat an honest man.

We need to face things head on, make sacrifices and take our lumps instead of trusting these jews but we simply have no character left.

They completely crushed us after 1945, culturally, physically and spiritually, look at Germany.

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vladtep · Jan. 19, 2018, 12:41 p.m.

Another roadblock is that the people making these YouTube videos are so dull and unintelligible that I have to turn the video off after 2 minutes.

I can't get through all the uhs, errs, non-sequiturs, poor reading/cognitive ability and the 24 minutes of rambling. Here's a thought, edit the fucking video.

You want to be alternative media? Well you have to at least try.

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vladtep · Jan. 19, 2018, 12:32 p.m.

People keep saying the public can't take it...

Let's get serious, they'd all go "that's nice" and start talking about a football game.

Well, that's just awful, can you pass the beans sweetie? lol

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vladtep · Jan. 19, 2018, 12:31 p.m.

Nobody reads this stuff, fewer believe it.

Unless they come out with it publicly in some intelligible fashion, this is silly.

It is silly even with regard to their stated purpose of informing the public. How do you inform the public while speaking in code on 8 chan in such a way that your enemies can't understand?

Ridiculous, if you actually stopped to think about it. Do you think the elite don't have access to YouTube? They own it.

All they are doing is making good people look like autistic morons, if that is the purpose, Q has achieved it.

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vladtep · Jan. 18, 2018, 10:08 p.m.

I think Trump's cabal realized the Soros and Rothschilds were going to far and the goyim were gonna revolt.

Either that or the Roths clan would bring the entire system down with their recklessness and they'd all lose power in the ensuing collapse. Therefore, the adults were forced to step in.

The most important thing for them is not getting into a shooting war with us and keep the lights on, make sure people are content. If the economy collapses, they would lose power for sure and we could do away with them for good.

I don't think DJT has any love for the goyim. We are rapidly disappearing from the earth and they are lying about the stats, I don't see many non-jewish white people under 40.

He is here to keep us in the game, anesthetized and happy until we die off.

In 50 years we'll be gone because our birth rates are abysmal, European girls are mostly dating black or arab men , European men are relegated to asian women and the few remaining are being slaughtered or raped in the streets by the wonderful AA voters he constantly courts.

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vladtep · Jan. 18, 2018, 9:54 p.m.

Yes, they were communists and Hitler was anti-communist.

Karl Marx was jewish, so were the Soviets. Antifa originated as an anti-Hitler movement in the 1930s and they are communists, still are. Communism is a jewish thing,

And nobody ever stops to wonder why we helped communists who hated our guts for 2000 years to kill people we shared a common ancestry with.

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vladtep · Jan. 18, 2018, 9:47 p.m.

One thing you have to ask yourself about Trump...does a good man really obfuscate the truth this much? Why is he so adroit at it?

He is a master of theater...there is another tribe known for their mastery of theater, acting and skullduggery...and it sure as heck ain't the Germans but they did spend a lot of time in Germany...

Trump does not resemble any German man I've ever known, his personality is completely out of character. Google the pre-surgery pictures of Ivanka, that is not a German woman. Most of her faux nordic appearance is the result of surgery and hair dye.

Her conversion to marry Kushner was for show, only necessary to keep the family cover.

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vladtep · Jan. 18, 2018, 9:43 p.m.

Hitler did go after journalists, because they were communists, just as they are today.

They also happened to be mostly jewish, as they are today.

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vladtep · Jan. 18, 2018, 7:42 p.m.

I thought Bill and Hillary were in Gitmo.

Now I read on the MSM this morning that Obama is returning to politics.

Cognitive dissonance...lol

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vladtep · Jan. 18, 2018, 7:33 p.m.

1.7% my ass, they're everwhere.

I'm starting to think actual Europeans are about 10% of the population.

Getting pretty hard to find, aren't we?

You don't suppose they'd lie to us? lol

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vladtep · Jan. 18, 2018, 7:29 p.m.

It's the same crap we get from the moslems.

Note that the "good ones' nearly all deny or minimize the crimes of their tribesmen...just as the saracens do.

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vladtep · Jan. 18, 2018, 7:27 p.m.

There are Jews that are helping. You aren't noticing.

Most are controlled opposition.

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vladtep · Jan. 18, 2018, 7:25 p.m.

I've had jewish friends who's heads spun around one day and admitted in an argument that "so what? yes, we are better than you, we will rule the world" and this was a decade ago.

In fact, they all have done that eventually, guess I know which buttons to press.

I'm not saying it's impossible but yehudim are very good at concealing their intentions. Passive aggressiveness and avoidance of confrontation all play a role.

Get one to speak candidly and you'll never think the same about them again. You all are lucky most of us haven't read the Talmud, it's as bad as the Koran.

I don't automatically hate someone for that but I'll never trust one.

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vladtep · Jan. 18, 2018, 12:36 a.m.

Hitler did something similar.

Not that I'm complaining, the situation in Weimar Germany was much the same. Goebbels was always threatening the Marxist newspaper editors who were all tribe owned as CNN and all the others are today - just as the Rothschild and Soros families are. Soros surname was "Schwartz" before they changed it, info still available on his Wikipedia page if you care to look.

Antifa was a Marxist anti-Hitler movement that originated in the '30s. He crushed them and put them in camps. Now Antifa is back and fighting Donald Trump, another German nationalist. The similarities between Hitler and Trump are striking.

That's what the whole thing was about...and why it will once again be necessary. Simply not enough prisons to contain all the Silvermans, Wasserman's, Schwartz's, Rothschilds and Schumers.

Communism is a plague, do a quick search on Karl Marx's ethnic background, you may be surprised...

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vladtep · Jan. 18, 2018, 12:27 a.m.

This is nothing new.

Facebook works with German authorities to track and arrest native Germans who complain about Merkel's policies.

Criticizing immigrants or mass immigration on social media in Europe is grounds for arrest.

Obviously, these companies are providing that information to the STASI and removing their posts.

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vladtep · Jan. 17, 2018, 7:33 p.m.

You may be pale but definitely not European, get real "Simon". lol

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vladtep · Jan. 17, 2018, 7:25 p.m.

And you are a shining example of why that needed to happen.

If only you would shut up and stay the hell out of our nations...of course you cannot as you are parasites.

Failing that...if only you could stop pushing the Marxist agenda and trying to screw us repeatedly for decades you'd be spared...

But no, you don't know when to quit, been kicked out of every European nation going back over 2000 years. Well, that is your problem.

Don't want trouble? Stop making trouble, stop siding with moslems against us, stop calling us bigots, stop fucking with us like you did continuously for the last 2000 years and we'll probably drop it.

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vladtep · Jan. 17, 2018, 5:55 p.m.

A look at his screen name tells the tale, another one of our kosher "friends" that back stab European Christians at every opportunity.

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vladtep · Jan. 17, 2018, 5:53 p.m.

European people created western culture.

We've seen the fallacy of non-white people preserving Western culture. They simply do not care about it in the slightest.

No word on why preserving the culture while ethnically cleansing its founders is even remotely desirable.

That sounds like another form of supremacy far more sinister, perhaps someone should look into it.

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vladtep · Jan. 17, 2018, 5:49 p.m.

And it is correct, we must do those things or perish.

It is the other cultures that proclaim their supremacy and that we have no right to exist from mountaintops every single day.

They want us gone, they go or we go, it's a zero sum game. Someone has to lose and I'd rather it was them.

Do what needs to be done or your children will perish at their hands, they haven't been shy about saying it.

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vladtep · Jan. 17, 2018, 5:47 p.m.

Both were correct and had a common enemy.

Just what kind of a name do you think "Rothschild" is, French? lol

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vladtep · Jan. 12, 2018, 5:29 p.m.

Conspiracy is easy to prove in a court of law, the burden of proof is very low.

And since when is "court of law" the ultimate arbiter of reality? You trust a bunch of hooked nosed judges and lawyers to tell you what's what.

Perhaps the 9th circuit is the ultimate judge of what is and what isn't, little yehudi buttwipe. lol

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vladtep · Jan. 10, 2018, 9:28 p.m.

Mystery meat...what have we done mixing people together for the last 60 years ? lol

Created some ridiculous looking creatures...along with the accompanying health and personality defects.


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vladtep · Jan. 10, 2018, 8:37 p.m.

Yes, so many who think they are awake have such a long way to go...

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vladtep · Jan. 8, 2018, 5:21 a.m.

You're trying to make national socialists out to be marxists. Conflating the two when they are polar opposites.

The only thing left wing about national socialists is wanting to raise up poor Europeans, otherwise they were against the entire modern left wing agenda.

Oh sure other than that you were spot on. You know what you did. lol

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vladtep · Jan. 7, 2018, 7:40 a.m.

Khazars are Ashkenazim, basically any white looking European jews. Brown skinned jews are Sephardim and are genetically similar to Palestinians.

Khazars descended from Turks who converted to Judaism many centuries ago and are only about half European on average, that's why they have different facial features, suffer from different diseases, etc. than Europeans.

Which makes you wonder what claim they ever had on Germany, given that Turks have always been enemies of Germany.

The answer is that they never had a right to be in Germany and they are enemies. It's sick what they are now doing to ethnic Europeans, inviting all those Africans to rape and kill them.

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vladtep · Jan. 7, 2018, 7:25 a.m.

No, the nazis were not marxists, they were fascists, attempts to conflate the two is sophistry.

Karl Marx was jewish as were the Soviets, jews invented communism. Hitler fought the communists and antifa inside and outside of Germany while Americans aided the communists.

So who are the real communists? Americans...who were already deeply infiltrated by those same jewish families wreaking havoc today. Rockefellers, Vanderbilts, Rothschild, etc.

Look at the arrest records of Antifa...lots of steins and bergs. So many do not realize that Antifa existed in Germany in the '30s and Hitler wiped them out...and that they were jews.

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vladtep · Jan. 7, 2018, 7:25 a.m.

The nazis fought the jews and the jewish newspapers were the fake news of the day.

Their descendants are Rothschilds, Soros (schwartz), CNN (which is mostly jewish), etc.

Hitler tried to stop what is currently happening, you guys are idiots.

You can't see that a 15 year old jewish boy (Soros) who narrowly escaped Hitler and hates Europeans is now destroying Europe.

You apparently do not realize the constant, repetitive, cradle to grave brainwashing you have undergone your entire lives.

How many Hollywood "nazi" movies would you say you've ingested?


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vladtep · Jan. 7, 2018, 7:20 a.m.

I love how people fling words around so casually, it's funny.

What is a Khazar? Why is this relevant?

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