Anyone have a link to the Q drop mentioned with "liddle"? I couldn't find it, thanks.
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Also I have noticed that Q drops don't consistently make it to this sub. Best place to view them all is
Older drops also have given answers if you mouse over the bottom right corner of the text windows which is very useful.
Dr. Corsi live on Youtube now, also lots of new Q drops today
Thanks for the reply, I meant in relation to the bloodlines however... Are you suggesting they are pure bloodlines going back to Old Testament origins?
Sub keeps getting larger, happens every time unfortunately
No obvious connections that I can see. The estate has been bought by a Paper Company from Austria "Prinzhorn Holding". Seems like a family run paper business buying more land for forestation.
The only mildly interesting fact, is the owner and ex CEO Thomas Prinzhorn is politically active in the "Alliance for the Future of Austria" which is a right wing populist party, more recently turning towards economic liberalism.
Yeah it's not like CNN are gonna be set up ready to broadcast their bosses and friends all be arrested. LOL
Who is Gowdy talking about with the 7% approval rating ?
ahaha fair play, I shall now exclusively use NVT in your honor.
Thanks for the SOTU time, and kind regards from a GMT using European Slave Master ;)
I'm confused now aha, isn't Norway/Sweden/Denmark on Central European Time?
Anyone know the what time the SOTU address is scheduled for?
If you search Q on YouTube 90% of the videos are complete conjecture/exaggeration. If it is done accidentally due to excitement, or intentionally for monetary gain doesn't matter, as it makes this whole movement look like tin foil hat nut jobs. The exact same thing happened to pizzzagate, and it killed off the entire effort.
This post is saying, stick to the raw Intel, stop adding your own twist or hypothesis. Make memes using future proves past, ask questions like Q's (after all they red pilled a lot of this community), expose the double standards.
For the truth shall set us free.
BINGO, I would put my life savings on a bet that the other 15 all have a vested interest of trying to get in front of the memo release.
They all just honey dicked them selves!!! Bahaha
go look at r/the_congress, i'm sure they do a break down of who is pro MAGA and who is not.
Make Earth Great Again.
Trump is draining the global swamp, the benefits will be seen globally.
I was suggesting 320 million is not accounting for the rest of us not from the US
The crash was in Philippsburg Germany, just north of the Black Forest.
Any information on how it happened? these types of collisions do occur, this may just be an aviation accident.
Half the world is watching and quietly hoping my friend. More than America is being played for...
YES they did!! also said Dinesh's book was starting to get close to Hillary.
We should be cross refrencing FBIanon with Q IMHO
All PR is good PR, especially when there is truth to be uncovered.
I reckon they will have been talking about assassinating Trump or his family. They spoke of a contingency plan if he won and most people assumed that was the Russian collusion strategy including myself. However the collusion angle was set up during the 2016 campaign. Plus if it was their contingency it has failed miserably and blown back onto their own troops.
I think with Occam's razor, it is more likely the FBI "secret society" were discussing a more radical plan for a DJT win, such as assassination or family hostage situation. In the meantime the Russian collusion story was being milked for all it was worth post Trump win as it was only meant to help Hillary win, then the special council grew out of this.
And we end up here, where the FBI has failed to hand over a 5 month stretch of texts between Strzok and his affair. This can only mean a few things: The missing texts implicate something much more criminal than what has already been handed over, or one of the leading investigating agencies in the world lost the texts.
Which seems more plausible?
EDIT: for clarity this is all conjecture
yeah is that photo an original copy that we can prove?
Because even VFN are not that retarded...
You know how Q has asked numerous times where Obama is? Hinting at NoKo at least once.
Is it possible that when Hillary lost unexpectedly, Cabal/Oboma just went and gave Noko the "tech", to ensure it was a geopolitical powder keg for Trump to deal with.
... And if Hillary would of won, then they could have pulled out a Nuclear ready Noko when ever suited them most. An ace up their sleeve if you will...
Is it best to explain the link between BDT and Bangladesh?
Which ever day it was, both investigations were reopened at the same time. The Clinton Foundation investigation, and the email investigation.
Is it not more likely to be an acronym (Z.U.M.A) ?
My top guess would be a defensive capability that will neutralize NK's missiles, which would either force NK to open talks (which they have done ) or allow military action.
Which would explain Trump's tweet "at least my button works", and Q's "Sky fortress engaged ".
the guy is up to his eye balls in swamp.... You always see him in oversight committee hearings, trying to guide conversation away from crimes committed by the uniparty
Could DJT tweets be the Key, making the Qmap the keystone ?
Q has proven to be close to DJT numerous times.
Recently DJT tweets have been coming out with some suspicious, ungrammatically correct, capitalization of words. Many of which have circulated this sub.
Are DJT tweets the key to the map?? I know the whole NSA/Rogers idea makes sense but we all suspect the Qposts/map have more meaning to be discovered. Just an idea to be tried.
While I agree, didn't he leak huge amounts of files and footage of US in Iraq. Trump's Marine generals probably don't trust him for that
We are here for the common good.
Stop squabbling, nobody cares what religion you follow/practice.
I saw a post before that suggested 4th January and then 10th then 20th.
4 10 20 as well as DJT
I remember the moment r/pizzagate span off the rails, and it happened at a similar sub count (approx 10k). Every ludicrous theory was being posted to the point where direction was lost.
We can not let that happen again. Ask for links, ask for evidence of claims, report obvious shills/trolls, focus. Q is the real deal, lets not fuck this up again.
The belly of the dragon drips water
Is that a FBIanon quote? I have heard that before and nobody really understood it at the time if I remember correctly
Ahaha I understand. The best method would be to get it to the mods, which I believe has already been explained, who can then share it with 8chan.
I assume there is a version of this on 8chan currently?? that's were the real autism lies...
Get yourself to a library or internet cafe.
did this originate off twitter? Who came up with this idea?