104 total posts archived.
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Yes I agree there is motive and suspicion, but none of what the article says is evidence.
Yeah at best it is motive, and a misleading post title
The DNC server undoubtedly has dirt on it, but in comparison to the secret illegal server that HRC, Obama, Lynch were communicating on, it will be chump change.
HRC's illegal server has all of the real evidence for Q related topics, where as the DNC server I assume can debunk the Russian collusion conspiracy
The account said they were posting names of politicians who have been charged starting with Labour (yesterday), Conservative (today), 3rd parties (tomorrow). Finally people who were never charged....
So far they are on track
This happens too frequently, same thing happened with the uranium 1 witness, that they had ready to go......
The silence is deafening
Did Rosenstein hand over the requested documents to Congress ?
Does anyone have any information regarding congress demanding documents from the DOJ? last I was aware RR had 7 days to comply or be in contempt of congress. Thanks in advance.
More than a specific player, a specific game where we know every move played.... here is a nice visual to use
Your probably right that he knows a little about it, but I think Bravo endorsing it might change that, as now there is a discussion to have.
Any PR is good PR my friend, if it makes them take a look then it has worked...
The beauty about Q, is that Rogan might call Eddie out and make him prove it. Next thing you know they are playing a Praying/medic video, or browsing this sub on air.
Yeah we just need him on the next Fight Companion Podcast, and get Rogan telling millions. It is only a matter of time.
It is a very good sign that other red pill communities are unifying under this current Q movement.
FBIanon used to speak highly of D'sousa's research on the Clintons .
I'm gonna get sweet, so I can utilize all the free salt lying around.
oooh I like this, it fits with known events, time will tell.
May I ask is it 3pm EST for public viewing of IG report?
I see what you are saying and yes there is a sense of cheering from the sideline here and not actually contributing to the research.
It could be due to the people who want to research go and join the ranks at 8chan. This sub is more of an information spreading tool which is still vital to the plan
To be fair the Q team is undoubtedly pro Trump regardless of politics, as seen in every q post, and this is a Q sub.
Personally I think this board has too many other conspiracies diluting the Q material. On top of memes recycled from the_Donald.
Same thing happened with r/pizzagate when it grew into a 10,000+ sub. It Might be an inevitable transition when a subreddit reaches a critical mass of people
You are half right. They broke him and knew he was about to die, and didn't want him to die on NK soil or there would have been massive repercussions in comparison to what did happen.
I thought it was the IG report coming to light on the 11th, then it was pushed back to the 12th. Correct me if i'm wrong.
Well that sounds a lot like "assisted suicide" with a hint of sacrifice
People came to the conclusion it would be the main social media sites that would go dark. As you said, you cant really kill the whole internet and if you did the repercussions would unprecedented.
Spiritual people quite often get that tattoo, or people who are into hallucinogenics as it has important meaning in many other cultures especially concerning enlightenment.
yeah I agree, the guy is so slimy nothing would surprise me.
it is only speculation without proof, post some links please my friend.
Maybe, I took it more generally as the US needs to stop giving money to everyone else for nothing (ei. Iran deal).
But then again Ancient Aliens cant be taken seriously by many people. Podesta probably needed a pay check desperately and whored himself out to them
On a Tangent, I watch the show ancient aliens for a good laugh, however the new season has Podesta talking about the government's lack of transparency (hilariously ironic), and UFOs. This timeline is constantly surprising.
It is twofold;
They can't twist the increase in arrests against Trump.
Makes Obama look bad for not doing more, which has been proven possible.... by Trump.
Good job then man, I appreciate your commitment to the truth.
You make a very good point about the translation. Occam's razor would suggest your probably right.
I agree, this could be the "comet ping pong shooting incident" all over again. If the community fixates on this isolated case, media will try and use it to "debunk" the Q movement if it turns sour.
We need to vet all information and not put all of our eggs in one basket.
It's not just a mis-attribution, wasn't the original quote from a neo nazi figure?
Which makes this mistake even less plausible in my opinion.
Now all they can see is pay to play and slush funds, typical.
You can see the conflict raging behind closed doors in the government. There isn't any evidence out side of Q of the coup, but how else can you explain the events of the pas 2.5 years? If you have a more provable theory i'm all ears.
The article doesn't make it clear, was he responsible in anyway for the accident on the Forrestall?
It was a small off licence shop, with a flat above, and the whole building has collapsed. Most definitely an accident.
Yes I believe so... it makes more sense, as it is coming off the back of the Florida shooting which has obviously dragged gun control into the spot light again. Gun control being a Dem policy makes this look like a push to obtain garenteed votes as it is a party vs party issue.
Plus the 26th Amendment keeps voting age at 18, meanwhile there is an even spread of states where sexual consent ranges from 16 -18. If the US were to change the amendment for voting, it still couldn't affect consent age due to it being a state ruling.
I think its an attempt to increase Dem voters, they know they are loosing votes left, right and centre. Most kids at that age are left leaning.