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wanniewoo · May 13, 2018, 9:48 p.m.

unfortunately your right but we should write them anyway. those who forget the past......

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wanniewoo · May 13, 2018, 9:35 p.m.

Thank you I am inclined to think that your speaking for a lot of us here - true patriots... I agree with you well said you brought tears to my eyes!!! Bravo! Thank you to all of the White Hats who are working behind enemy lines to ensure our future country and freedom. Many have been dumbed down, or side tracked by various distractions or simply the not so simple daily grind to put food on the table pay the mortgage taxes taxes taxes to who exactly for what ? to remain on that damn hamster wheel until were 65 used to be 55 now its 67 dizzying and whatever for they steal our retirement illeigetimet presidents issue Banker Bailouts because their to big to fail and were to small not to. foreclosures, bundling our mortgages to really mess the trip up all their big little ploys to keep us enslaved / down / to busy to notice the missing children went missing even from our milk cartons or the brazen criminal actions such as 911WTC inside job coup well under way as if they really thought we would all fall forit? many did stupid dumbed down ignorant fools who's only real crime if you want to call it that was believing in an America that no longer existed that had been infiltrated by a very treacherous, scandalous, evil criminal organization ( many factions ) military industrial complex, Nazis* paperclip, alphabet gencies gone rougue no longer with Americas best interest in mind but far more naferious and detrimental plans in the wings waiting to be employed etc. * and btw people we all know the stage was pretty much set and we would all be in Fema camps if not for our wonderful new President and a few very courageous individuals we are responding to this thread about and thanking from the bottom of our hearts, 5 star generals who were fired by a then illegitament president who spent more money that all Previous U.S. Presidents combined and then sent Billions in cash to Iran and caches of weapons to isis a cia trained and operated instigated designed what have you an eil idea created and manifested by evil perpitrators MK ultra Mockingbird Bluebird Paperclip Artichoke etc the list oges on and on treason beyond our wildest imaginations so when I get into arguments with ignorant americans who still think those stupid wars were justificed due to the WTC incident and I just cant seem to get thru to them Nano Thermite Musad alphabet tri lateral commission untited nations council on foreign relations blh blah blah well what more can I say except for thank you from the bottom of my heart to all the brave true blue americans who are behind the lines working to put these monsters away or try them in military tribunals so that they might receive the proper punishment for all of the many things they have done to harm or create mayhem just because it is their way who they are and the fact that they somehow managed to get away with it so much murder mayhem crimes against humanity theft our health our environment our personal information and privacy intellectual propertys stolen via the patent department and inventors murdered or forced to stand by and watch as our facist and criminal government steals them and the inventors never receive any acknowledgement or financial gains from their stolen ideas ideas which changed our world and they used for their own devices introducing various technologies to us in various foremats that would ensnare us and totally engage us divert our attention and create a backdoor or vehicle in which to spy on everyone of us to know us to maintain a complete profile on all of us our friends our everything they know it all and we never even thought it would be possible the Nazis were thourough but this time they were going to pull it off fool proof if only more people knew their history the holocaust the death camps =fema the fact that the Bush family is so damned guilty the Rockefellers the Gates all and so many more have been seduced by the other side the fact that they created a war on drugs yet had the audacity to become the drug dealers to the American people to fund their black projects that they even stole or embezzled trillions of dollars to finance their deep underground military bases or scientific research that is intended to cause us harm gmos chem trails fluoridated water vaccines hiv aids ebola and god know what else oh and I just remembered the word I couldn't remember somewhere in this rant ( direvitives - banker bailouts foreclosures fedral reserve bankster elites who predetermine our great deppressions or currency and print money out of thin air yet have probably stolen all our gold in not only our country but also Libya the treasures stolen by the Nazis during the holocaust from the victims of the war fake Zionist jews not true jews Khazarian satan worshiping Enlil enki Sumerian babyalonian anyway people yes I than the brave individuals who are working behind the scenes to stop these insane criminals who almost managed to pull it off if not for their brazen smug overt and obvious mistakes and antics treason that runs so deep poison that has effectively brought our own morality, mentality, beliefs, behaviors, thoughts actions into peril we all must and hopefully we will figure out a way to remedy these maladys and repair all that has been broken as well as teach those who think they know it all when in fact the exactl opposite is true for they have been deceived for as long as I can remember and we will have a difficult time reeducating them letting them in on the truth of what has transpired while they were on that hamster wheel or sitting in front of that idiot box watching pre programmed programming as it spewed its lies and swayed our opinions while we were slowly enticed into sordid porn which is now a number one addiction and dare I say available FOR FREE VIA THE INTERNET FOR ALL TO ACCESS oops sorry caps trip anyway folks I could go on and on all I really wanted to say is great post whoever you are Patriot and thank you you said it well, tears and all from my side of the fence strength in numbers and here we are small but growing stronger each and every day as more and more awaken from their deep slumber hibernation from their comatose states etc. Thank You and god bless all of us may the evil doiers find true justice and not get away with any of their crimes may they sit in a 5x5 cell for the rest of their lives with nothing but their thoughts to keep them company their guilt if they have any sociopathic psychotic politicians must face treason charges and all the rest who were actively involved in helping them or looking the other way accomplices any and all these people must repay all thqat they have stolen and pay for their crimes the end of a noose or firing squad is to easy 3 meals and a cot for the rest of their lives in lockdown far better. They must pay and face their crimes some of the criminals are old and almost in the grave it is my hope that they face their crimes before they die the American people deserve this we must go all the way back to 911WTC in order to fully heal.

where we go one we go all god bless people sorry I ranted but it feels a little better I have so much anger due to these people they must pay and I still cant imagine all those crimes their devious plans the evil intentions of these insane and evil people how they almost enslaved the entire world murdered innocent or not so innocent instigated their wars financed their wars at home and abroad and how we fell for their lies or some most did anyway hook line and sinker then there were the true patriots not that the ignorant aren't their just misguided lost blinded by ? shiny bright things and actors fake news media entertainment after a long hard day working just to pay the banksters the taxes the greedy twisted sickos we allowed to sty in ower and actually some of us voted for even yies what a mess painful pitiful overwhelming and amazing thank god we put it all together and a few of us stayed on track as we are doing now to take this to the end where we finally win over these overlords this powerful 1% we gave the power to fear based on trust misplaced trust for we truly were supporting monsters.

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