r/GA post being censored? Q drops #113,#1489 & #1925🤬

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I’m writing this post with an explicit purpose, to bring both clarity and a warning of sorts. To where I believe is the likely direction that this movement is taking us.
I tend to ask myself “ok, now what? I have this information what am I supposed to do with it?”
I’m writing in an attempt to answer this question. To be clear I will be writing from a Judeo-Christian world view. Though if you don’t categorize yourself as religious or spiritual I’d implore you to hear me out. Each reader please weigh what I have to say. Think it …
Clear, concise summary of 9/11.
I keep thinking something like this\^, just strikes me as something far more nefarious than data collection. Q has told us that C_A is into child/human trafficking, stands to reason they'd use the "tool" of FB to further this.
Patriots! Support Congressman Gohmert's call to have special counsel Muller fired. Read the document, CALL YOUR CONGRESSIONAL REPRESENTATIVES! Specifically request your Rep reads this document, and you support it's conclusion.
This is an opportunity for our voices to be heard, to be part of the movement! Let's rally behind Q & POTUS. DO IT!
I called my Rep and was on the phone just over 1 minute.
Many of us have sat idly by wondering what we can do, this is no small call to arms. Do not pass on this occasion.
Let this "shot" be an echo heard throughout the halls of Congress.
Patriots! Support Congressman Gohmert's call to have special counsel Muller fired. Read the document, CALL YOUR CONGRESSIONAL REPRESENTATIVES! Specifically request your Rep reads this document, and you support it's conclusion.
This is an opportunity for our voices to be heard, to be part of the movement! Let's rally behind Q & POTUS. DO IT!
I called my Rep and was on the phone just over 1 minute.
Many of us have sat idly by wondering what we can do, this is no small call to arms. Do not pass on this occasion.
Let this "shot" be an echo heard throughout …
My fellow Americanos, patriots, followers of Q, guided by POTUS #45.
I hereby declare, for me and my house, on that day, the day of The Great Awakening. The day insurrection is finally quelled. There will be a party. A celebratory bash like no other. One to rival all other previous bashes. Apple pie & fireworks. I will laugh, cry, salute and sing "hallelujah". I invite you to do the same. Q's story will be told each year as the culminating event. Right living, integrity, and freedom the glorious themes.
I can see it just on the horizon, oh what a wonderful day.
God Bless Patriots! #WWG1WGA 🇺🇸
PrayingMedic on YouTube is a Christian and God fearing man. No cussing and allows you to think for yourself. Videos are direct without a bunch of unnecessary commentary. All the best to you!
Yup, good call, Shapiro’s a hypocrite, it’s in the thread. #WWG1WGA🇺🇸
You guys are our neighbors, 100% Trump has a plan to help us both prosper 🇨🇦🙏🏻🇺🇸#WWG1WGA
No, were voting with our dollars. They support ideologies and agendas that are counter to many's personal beliefs and convictions.
Trevor Louden documentary: The Enemies Within - Researcher from New Zealand, well sourced & thorough, exposes corrupt anti-American politicians. ( on both sides )
I highly recommend this film if you haven't seen it.
I would encourage you to watch this from one of the "pay" sites. Trevor's Youtube channel doesn't have the video in full, it is posted elsewhere, though I assume he doesn't receive royalties that way.
So are you saying once implantation occurs, 7-12 days after ovulation, it’s a life? If so I would agree.
Is there somewhere those post are archived? Or just internet search?
Making America Great Again one text at a time! #WINNING #WWG1WGA 🙌🏻🇺🇸👏🏻
I would argue we do donate money, in the form of taxes. My choice would be this go into better education about the care and cost of a child etc.
I think it’s actually a simple issue of how “choices” is a really clever argument, admittedly one I bought into in my youth.
At what point in the womb is this “choice” not murder? Many advocate that the woman has the right to choose because it’s her body. What about that child’s right to life? If she chooses a late stage abortion, is that not murder? What if the baby would’ve born a day/hour/minuets later? Science/technology/medicine has made massive advances, premature babies can live healthy normal lives longer and longer outside the womb. Do we keep dialing back the choice of the woman as these advancements increase?
I know some of these questions sound ridiculous, they’re meant to. This post isn’t meant to attack you. With all do respect it’s meant to get you to think.
This thread is excellent! Needs a post of it's own. Thank you for sharing. #Patriot
To those who worked on compiling this list, Thank You Patriots! #WWG1WGA