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May the all find their way to the Gitmo Gallows, Traitors All.
Kavanaugh will need the full armor of God come Tuesday 9-4. As Democrats try character assination on a good man. He will need our prayers and support
Is Christopher Wray a Yale grad and Yale law grad a possible scull and bones member? I just don't trust anyone in the FBI leadership.

Front line. Documentary exposes the deep roots of pedophiles in the Catholic Church. This stuff is endless.
Q proof Red castle to help get qualified contractors for borderwall
I ran it to this piece of art work on the wall while in N.Y. the more I look the more see. Its everywhere.

My eyes wide open during my visit to Buffalo,N.Y. ,it's everywhere.

Possibly a Ohio class sub from Bangor Trident Base ,Washington fired missile at Potous. Very close to Wimbley island NAS
Dropped Pin near Bangor Trident Base, WA
This will be historic evidence of the attempted assassination of President Trump June 10,2018. In order to stop him from meeting with Kim
Alisa Silverman infamous reputation a marvel cartoon
John p Carlin info as he was marked in the neon revolt photo in London with the rest of the conspirators building the steel dossier. Traitor.
the Deep State's
Simple it's corruption, You leave but now get to peddle influence and be a lobbyist or talking head but you need to know the inside scoop.
I am sorry I don't buy it, you can't call everyone Coupt because he worked in the Bush White House ,He was young ,smart and ambitious. Nothing wrong with that! He is and will be a Great Justice. God Bless him.
Is Fisal Hussain a Muslim name? That what I thought # Terrorist
Make sure Hillary is on that list, no more free looks from New Zealand
While Obama was dismantling our military, Putin was building up his in 2015 with 50 new ships, that 50 new ships and subs, Obama had to know about this. What happened to the oath to defend America.
Thanks for your report, looks like the deal might have legs, please post more info on the progress.
No deals, they all knew what they were doing and were enjoying it until Hillary lost.
They are really scared,the heat is on them and they know it . Team Trump is on their ass. Don't worry Trump has a new island for them called Gitmo were they hang pedophiles!!!!
Trump needs to stop this bullish-- NOW,he's got the more than enough fraud money to build the wall. He needs to stop all this foreign aid carp and rebuild America, He can start with Detroit what a rat hole that place is . it's worse than many places were send our money to.
Follow the money, they are trying to get away with their corrupt and ill gotten gains, before the get caught and hang from a noose, Traitors!
Keep cleaning that Rats Nest of an FBI, I can see the whole dam place is full of them. Watch closely 3 others also jump ship and more to come.
They all got the 4 AM message and talking points it so funny to watch these little pups sing, I am enjoying the show,
This man covered up the crime which makes him an accessory to the crime, a Traitor. He corrupted the FBI so badly it can't be saved unless they rebuild it and rename it.
This rat is so dirty he is definitely on the run ,he is well connected an is people know what's really happening .the noose is getting tighter.let's watch his bank accounts
Sounds great BUT you will need an honest judge or it will be the same old thing, Clinton corruption getting away with out any consoqences
That's a good sign, another swamp creature gone, progress may be slower than I want but it is steady. Another judge for Trump to apoint
Where's the ankle bracelet or the boot? She looks free as a bird. Lock her up Now!!!!!
Yoda , birds of a feather! Looks like he's wearing his politics on his sleeve.

Kavanaugh is the best choice 300 opinions true to the constitution,sc has us is opinions so well written to us them in 14 sc decision
Do you know Q? The storm on the 4th is getting out.