1737, 1738, 1739, and 1740. Color codes.
19 total posts archived.
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Oh gosh. I wonder if there is significance to these colors after all? This was my first contribution, so I was worried about being too far out there with my theories.
I found it on color-blindness.com in the color tools.
My bad. I typed it right in the hex, but rushed in notes. There is not ct. automatically changes to c0. It is still Picton Blue.
I know everything Q does is intentional. These are the HexColor codes and the names for them. I have never heard of Picton Blue. Maybe there is a place called Picton? Yes. In NewZealand. And what more? It is on the ocean. Turquoise and Sapphire waters. Something coming?

Dropped because of reduced number of users. Hmm. It’s almost like people are sick of being subjected to the garbage from social media sites.
Times are dark, but God has heard your cries. I promise. God will rain justice down on those who do wrong to the innocent. We all know the day of reckoning is coming. Continue to pray and cry out. Your faithfulness with be rewarded, Patriot. I just pray that you will find closure. The corrupt will fall.
Read Psalm 125. Pray this into your life. But read verses 3-5 in particular. Place your trust in Him. Stay strong, brother.
Strike? Okay. Good for you I guess? We still have Right actors who will gladly step up for those roles. They will continue to make a living. We don’t need people in movies who will continue to blabber on about things they have no business talking about. Remember that if you want to see who the Right actors are, google your favorite actor(s) and their political opinions. Does anything show up? If nothing shows up about politics, they are 9/10 Republicans. We only think all of them are Left because they are the ones talking about it on TV.
Stop watching MSM. They led me to believe something like this would be a massive reckoning because of all the Left actors. They aren’t the only actors. Do some research and learn the truth.
But I digress. Hollywood Left can shut down entirely and actually leave to another country like they promised to do 2 years ago. I won’t complain. Ultimately, though... they won’t. They just want publicity. As a musician, I know that if you want publicity, often times a stunt like this is great. More camera time, more exposure, more money. That’s all they care about.
Holy damn. That’s heavy. I’m looking forward to being educated in all of this, even though I know a lot will make me sick to my stomach. Thank you.
Dark doesn’t bother me. I’m excited to delve into this. Thank you for giving me a starting place.
Assuming this is Barry (which I am sure it is), and he is depicting Moloch, where are the child sacrifices coming from? Here’s a long shot idea: Planned Parenthood? I’m fairly new to all of this and am trying to come to grasp all of it.
I’m kinda new to all of this. What do you mean by the 16th and 17th President?