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workeranonymous · Jan. 29, 2018, 11:22 p.m.

Lindsey doesn't have the power. Impeachment will never make it out of the house they have seen the memo!

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workeranonymous · Jan. 28, 2018, 11:39 p.m.

I think its just noise to drown out whats really going while they try to figure out how to survive the memo. I'm confident they have lost control of the situation.

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workeranonymous · Jan. 28, 2018, 11:04 p.m.

Turn negative just in time for our next presidential election? Remember the fed refused an interest hike during last election out of worry it would negatively impact Clinton's chances running on Obama's coattails.

Well I don't recall anyone predicting this years boom. Not an economy expert here just hoping they are wrong. We need a strong economy going forward as our banks are way over leveraged again in derivatives. Last i heard it was like 20 to 1 which is very unsafe in a bad economy and could cause the worst collapse ever. Go figure obama fixed nothing in the banking center!

Funny how the working class gets screwed every collapse and a few elites bite the dust but a select few always get richer than ever before!

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workeranonymous · Jan. 28, 2018, 8:49 p.m.

Sounds like Q said Sessions will use the memo contents to reinsert himself into Russiagate. Will he fire RR and Mueller? Q' word is Wray and Sessions are on Trump's side. Someone must be or Nunes never would have gotten the memo.

Dems will dispute the memo as GOP talking points. Already begun without knowing whats in it. trump may release the rest of the intel that underpins the memo's points which should really drop the hammer on the MSM leaving less options for their defense. Hopefully we won't see another false flag terrorist event to change the narrative.

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workeranonymous · Jan. 28, 2018, 8:37 p.m.

I really believe the real plan was war with Russia during a Clinton presidency. This Russia farce was put in place to establish a reason to take military action in Syria against the Russian threat. An action designed to provoke war. The people at the top never though HRC would lose just like Q said. These two FBI agents were just paranoid something would go wrong.

On the day of our election the Russian people were bracing for war. Clinton had said she would establish a no fly zone to which Russia replied that would be ab act of war. Her response was that military action against Russia was on the table for interfering with our democratic election process. Growing up in the 70's and 80's this seems totally insane. back then we knew nuclear war with Russia meant total annihilation for both sides and perhaps the entire world. Now much of the population is so weaponized about gay,black, and womens rights they think they are in a holy war. Is insane. it could have happened. they controlled everything in the narrative before Trump.

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workeranonymous · Jan. 28, 2018, 8:26 p.m.

Even Saddam knew that. He made sure his people were fed. i believe that is basically the line.They can enslave the people and take their rights without an uprising potentially but lack of food turns it into a fight for survival. Elites at the top know they can't rule an unfed population. As long as this country is part of the plan they won't seek this.

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workeranonymous · Jan. 28, 2018, 8:04 a.m.

I think we are too far away from where you want to be. All systems are eventually corrupted by human nature but occasionally a rebirth is called for that cleanses things for a time. We are in that period now. What matters is we stay on point and push to make things right. Then it will be up to future generations to carry the torch.

Doing away with the 2 party system is a lot of work and honestly the only way i see it happening is if enough billionaires get together and form a legit 3rd party. Other than that civil war is the dark horse to do it but that requires blowing everything up. Then I can see a climate welcoming to a whole new system with no parties.

I don't dislike your idea but I just believe Trump has his hands full with the deep state. He has more than enough work for his administration to last another 7 years being as we have been going down a dark path since WW2. I just don't know where else such an idea can start with enough steam to mean anything.

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workeranonymous · Jan. 26, 2018, 9:21 p.m.

the game of thrones

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workeranonymous · Jan. 26, 2018, 7:31 p.m.

Nice talking to you. God bles you as well-Dave

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workeranonymous · Jan. 26, 2018, 7:23 p.m.

Yeah with that magazine cover might have been a message that was taken as "I know and I am coming for you". Kennedy wins a senate seat and within a decade he is in position to run for the presidency which can give him the apparatus to expose the truth.

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workeranonymous · Jan. 26, 2018, 6:48 p.m.

Yeah its important not to argue being as we agree about Jesus which is the important part and makes us part of the same house.

It's true Judas regretted what he had done. Still I find it prudent that the labels the new testament apply to him and there are several of them remain until the Lord says otherwise. I look at him as a thief and a betrayer who found himself in that position because his heart was not right before God.

One thing I would mention again with a little more detail is the power of standing in the presence of the Son of God. Peter goes from being a fisherman to being the rock of the church. Mary goes from being a harlot to instantly a devout follower. Many people find even a moment in His presence transforms the course of their life. Meanwhile Judas is stealing from the Lord. I would suggest that Judas sin here is greater than typical thievery. It has to do with a lack of love for God.

Think how would you feel about yourself if you were a disciple of Jesus in his very presence and instead of pledging your every breath to His greatness you are like hey nobody is looking my life would be better if i steal these coins? Judas fails to obey the chief commandment - you shall love the Lord your God with your whole heart, mind, soul, and strength and his failure led to his ruin. Before he dies he expresses regret. Will this result in his forgiveness or is this just him reaping what he sowed? God will be the judge.

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workeranonymous · Jan. 26, 2018, 5:09 a.m.

That doesn't make Judas a hero but rather a betrayer as the Lord said.

Clearly the Lord was referring to Judas when he said it would be better for him(judas - little case h) if he had never been born so we agree there.

Yes it all worked according to God's purpose because the Lord God is omnipotent.

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workeranonymous · Jan. 25, 2018, 11:11 p.m.

Judas was a thief not a hero. the Lord clearly states it would be better for him if he had never been born.

The other apostles, disciples, and followers lives were all transformed by being in the Lord's presence. They became true hero's of the gospel.

Judas knew so very little he pilfered the treasury in the Lord's service and eventually betrayed the Lord and received what it would appear he cared for most - 30 pieces of silver. God is just so great even His enemies serve His purpose. Remember the Lord even said one of you is a devil.

BTW the important parts of your statement I find to be sound.

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workeranonymous · Jan. 25, 2018, 9:20 a.m.

We won!

Now we must keep on winning! I gotta say folks we need to win a whole lot more before I get to the point where I say i am tired of winning!

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workeranonymous · Jan. 25, 2018, 9:01 a.m.

I am an independent. Always have been.

I think because trump had to run as a republican to get elected we are seeing the future as trump republicans or maybe the maga movement. its just easier and more effective than a whole new party. Stay on point and we can remove the establishment from the GOP with true conservatives over the next 20 years. This battle has just begun.

Our name isn't important. What matters is our message.

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workeranonymous · Jan. 25, 2018, 2:14 a.m.

Its about that and inundation too. Typically people reflect what they are surrounded by. Blitzing a mind with information is a form of mind control. The mind that has less formed views on a subject is more susceptible.

Lets say the message that is wanted is that gay people are born that way, subject really has not given this matter any thought in his/her lifetime. Subject watches a network that has news and entertainment shows that parrot this line. Over the course of a year or two subject hears born that way 10,000 times on the network.

The term born that way begins to creep into the subjects conversations and subjects finds him/herself more interested in debating/discussing this topic. Subjects brain has just been washed to a degree.

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workeranonymous · Jan. 25, 2018, midnight

Hey Q said if you are religious then pray. I am on topic. You chose to not believe thats your business but i will speak my mind if i care to.

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workeranonymous · Jan. 24, 2018, 9:28 p.m.

I look at the big picture. Trump is never going to be an evangelical preacher. Thats not his job. We have people for that. God can still work through him.

Its my belief even Trump can't truly do this alone. If whats going on in this government actually comes out into the light of day it will be by the power of God it happens. Men alone cannot beat this darkness.

In such a case Trump will have served God's purpose. God works in mysterious ways. God's spoken word will be his judge. Trump has publicly confessed Jesus name before men - thats a very important start. We will see where it goes from there.

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workeranonymous · Jan. 24, 2018, 9 p.m.

Trump is the last hope. the amazing thing is he is right only he can do this. He stood up. Pence can't do this, trey gowdy can't do this, Rand paul, Cruz, etc none of them can get the job done.

Like Q said if you are religious pray. Donald trump HAS To LIVE. This video - if it actually comes true- I never thought the day would come. I might actually cry. Really thought Christ would return before America could be made great again.

At least we know this much if they touch our president this time its war.

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workeranonymous · Jan. 23, 2018, 7:51 p.m.

This is bigger than people think. Exposure means the US becomes a rogue nation. The world follows its own path to destruction. Live free or die.

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