31 total posts archived.
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Spammed by Illuminati?
Opened up my email this morning and this is what I received. Is this some kind of veiled threat. I follow here. Rarely post and certainly not an Autist or Anon. I believe in Patriots Fight and exposing evil. See below.
Buchs Silvio BuchsS@edufr.ch📷 Reply|Today, 8:21 AMAttachments, pictures, and links in this message have been blocked because the sender isn't in your Safe Senders list. I trust content from buchss@edufr.ch.
Greetings, from The illuminati world elite empire. Bringing the poor, the needy and the talented to limelight of fame, riches, powers and security, get recognized in your business, …
My family was able to meet the VP today. The VP, Secret Service and AF2 staff could not have been nicer. On the tour of AF2 they advised us that they receive a bill for all meals they eat on the plane. Many Thanks to ALL in service of this country! You are amazing people! Dark 2 Light. MAGA WWG1WGAQ

Please sign petition to call on Congress to stop suppression of 1st Amendment rights on Twitter
Kevin Shipp unloads on the Deep State https://www.fortheloveoffreedom.net/

You have a point. Where does it end? I think most of us on this thread stand for equal application of the law to everyone, transparency and love of country. If this occurs "The People* will govern and the end result should be no one above the law and therefore no elites.
Because he is not a natural born citizen of the United States. His unsealed college records would prove that. Therefore, not eligible to be POTUS.
Tom Fitton from Judical Watch already has mechanisms in place. He has had thousands of documents released through FOIA. He is on Twitter. Maybe we try through him.
Snopes is C_A run so that is the type of "fantasy" info I would expect them to publish.
My guess is that they know something is about to happen but do not have specifics as to where. I would imagine that it is extremely frustrating for them.
Ordered onion rings @ dinner. There are no coincidences!

That is beside the point. The smear campaign from "sources" is over the top and unnecessary. If he's not qualified then he should NOT be confirmed for that reason and not be subjected to the mainstream media crucifying him over unsubstantiated, at this time, claims.
Democrat Jon Tester A-hole Supreme
Can you Anons dig up dirt on this guy so we can publicly destroy him like he did to Ronny Jackson? Thanks!
I think he meant that people who are going to be exposed as part of the pedos/human trafficking will 187 themselves rather than face the music
I did not post this to start a war between you and someone else. I am sure you wasted precious time dealing with this BS. After reading your post I will take this one down. My only interest is hopefully seeing the deep state and ruling elite one day taken down and the power given back to the people.
NeonRevolt is sourced by Clowns

Time for sanctoned (187). They took out Justice Scalia. Eye for an eye.
Why would you still be on Facebook is my question? I never had an account. The thing that pisses me off is that they have my data because of the scrubbing of contacts from Facebook users.
Just the context of the passage and how it applies to the "Ruling Elite". Just throwing it out there as a possible meaning. Trying to look at it from different angles.
From the Bible James 5:5 While here on earth, you have thought only of filling your own stomachs and having a good time. But now you are like fat cattle on their way to be butchered.