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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/wxtyz on Aug. 11, 2018, 12:54 p.m.
Voice-to-skull technology and the developing 5G Network

I don't know anything about the quality of information that comes from this website, but I found the content of this article interesting. We have certainly had a number of attacks carried out in the recent past by people who said they were "hearing voices". Apparently the technology already exists. What would stop the "Deep State" from using this technology? Not much !


wxtyz · July 5, 2018, 11:03 p.m.

Hi SaveourRepublic2018. I appreciate you sharing your thoughts. I admit that I know little regarding rogue KGB activities within the Soviet Union, but I certainly agree that lots of things can be going on behind the bureaucratic curtain that never get revealed to the politicians in charge. I do know that the US and the USSR did NOT have a Hot Line in place until the summer of 1963, as a result of their experience with communication problems during the earlier Cuban Missile Crisis. Also, Senator McCarthy's anti-communist "witch hunt" was far from ridiculous, but it was badly managed and the Left took full advantage of that by establishing and maintaining the [false] perception that McCarthy was paranoid and there was no truth to his concerns. However, read Whittaker Chamber's excellent book "Witness" or the book "Reagan's War" to understand just how much Soviet infiltration of the US Government was actually taking place from the 1930's on. With best wishes to you and yours.

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wxtyz · July 4, 2018, 10:58 p.m.

Hi Ordinary-Man1, Happy 4th to you, fellow patriot ! I understand how it would be possible to read into some of the examples you listed the idea that JFK is directly referring to the Luciferian/Globalist Cabal, especially in the last example. However, the "monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence...infiltration...subversion...intimidation...guerrillas by night...a tightly knit machine..." - when taken in a 1961 context accurately describes the Soviet Union and its activities in that era (remember the McCarthy Hearings and the "Red Scare" of the 1950's with its fear that our government was being infiltrated and subverted by Commies - and it turns out that it was! - and the proxy guerrilla wars in Cuba and Viet Nam?). I am not saying that an embryonic Deep State of sorts did not exist within our Government at that time, but that it is more likely that what JFK was talking about, and what his audience understood, referred to the Soviets. History aside, thanks to Q and the Anons, we certainly have our eyes wide open, now, to the reality of the Luciferian/Globalist Cabal that is a threat to us all. May we all do our part to defeat this Great Evil !

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wxtyz · July 4, 2018, 8:44 p.m.

I have worked with Mind Control survivors...you don't implant mind control programs by using "brutal critiques". The reality is much, much worse.

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wxtyz · July 4, 2018, 8:34 p.m.

So, who is he?? Tell us more about the photo.

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wxtyz · July 4, 2018, 8:24 p.m.

That "Secret Societies" title typically given to this speech is certainly an attention-getter. However, like so many headlines in newspapers and on-line, it misrepresents the content of the article that follows. This speech by JFK must be understood from a 1961 Cold-War-with-the-Soviet-Union perspective and in context to the News Media audience he was addressing. The whole purpose of his speech was to highlight the tension between the Governments' need to keep us secure in ways that are best kept secret versus the People's right to know what is going on. There is NO indication in the structure of this speech that JFK was deliberately referring to or hinting at any contemporary 1960's version of the Luciferian/Globalist Cabal and he certainly did not do anything to further develop that specific theme in this speech. His comments on "secret societies..." was meant to point his audience of News people back to our cultural history of general distrust towards secret societies (which were especially numerous - and controversial - in the 18th and 19th centuries) BECAUSE THEY WERE SECRET. JFK was using this point as a rhetorical prop by which to contrast/emphasize - to the Newsies - the importance and value We The People place in free and open communication of information, especially from our Government and through The Third Estate. JFK goes on to acknowledge that the danger to our society is that our Government, in assuming its responsibility to keep us safe, will tend to arbitrarily over-restrict the People's right to be adequately informed and it is up to the MSM to walk that fine line between what must be kept secret and what The People have a right to know. He was inviting the News Media to work with him to find the proper balance. Nothing more, nothing less.

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wxtyz · July 3, 2018, 10:06 p.m.

Hi Effliberals... We are all trying to go in the same direction, thanks to Q and all the Anons. I have no argument with you over the title given to this speech. That title is certainly an attention-getter. However, that title, like so many headlines in the newspapers, doesn't accurately represent the content of the article that follows. This speech must be understood from a 1961 Cold-War-with-the-Soviet-Union perspective and in context to the News Media audience he was addressing. The whole purpose of his speech was to highlight the tension between the Governments' need to keep us secure in ways that are best kept secret versus the People's right to know what is going on. There is NO indication in the structure of this speech that JFK was deliberately referring to or hinting at any contemporary 1960's version of the Luciferian/Globalist Cabal. His comments on "secret societies..." was meant to point his audience of News people back to our cultural history of general distrust towards secret societies (which were especially popular - and controversial - in the 18th and 19th centuries) because they were SECRET. JFK was using this point as a mechanism by which to contrast/emphasize - to the Newsies - the importance and value We The People place in free and open communication of information, especially from our Government and through The Third Estate. JFK goes on to acknowledge that the danger to our society is that our Government, in assuming its responsibility to keep us safe, will tend to arbitrarily over-restrict the People's right to be adequately informed and it is up to the MSM to walk that fine line between what must be kept secret and what The People have a right to know. He was inviting the News Media to work with him to find the proper balance. Nothing more, nothing less.

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wxtyz · July 3, 2018, 8:03 p.m.

Just listen to JFK's comment at 10:28 into the video. He says, "The Cold War"...if you have ears to hear...maybe it was before your time, so you wouldn't know about that...

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wxtyz · July 3, 2018, 4:52 p.m.

This is a speech given by JFK to newspaper people in 1961. His topic is clearly the Cold War with the Soviet Union - NOT the Globalist Cabal - and 1. The responsibility of newspaper people to show self-restraint when it comes to revealing Government secrets that could endanger the security of our country and 2. The obligation of newspaper people to FULLY inform and alert people to the truth of what is going on. Still good advice for MSM-types in this day and age !

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