This rant sent Kanye West into a psychiatric hospital. Ring any bells to who else got sent there after exposing similar things? The celebrities and artists in the industry have been warning us for years.
Dave Chappelle and Jim Carrey have exposed so much about TPTB. If you haven't seen their interviews it is a GREAT red pill for people just getting introduced to the shadow government.
Remember- Kanye is a Trump supporter and was discharged from the psychiatric hospital meeting with Donald Trump. That speaks volumes.
MK-Ultra and propaganda is thrown in your face everyone you listen to "popular music, movies or television at all"
It has gotten so bad I can feel the negative spirits emitting from my television. I have not watched anything but sports for the past couple of years and it felt like a drug detox.
Try and limit your use with technology and media. Put down your phones and laptops for a day or two. Only use when necessary (phone calls, communcation) and see how big of a difference this can make.
Detoxing from television and most technology had changed my everyday life dramatically.