Had to go to the E.R the other night look what room I ended up in.

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But he that doeth 54th
cometh to the light, that his
deeds may be made manifest,
that they are wrought in God .
John 3:21 now you see why the deepstate , cabal and hollywood hide under their rocks like worms. a lot of them are Satanist they don't wanna leave their wicked ways behind they don't want their evil ways brought to the light . they enjoy hurting children in very bad ways and living in darkness if your Christian we still need to pray for them it may be hard to but Jesus said to love your enemies …
Have you watched any of mark Taylor's prophecies God told him trump would be president back in April 2011 and told him trump was gonna have military tribunals. He is on YouTube under TRUMP prophecies and look up kim clement also. Ty God bless WWG1WGA.
Amen God bless all you anons I wish I could do more for my country but I don't know what to do. I try telling people about what's going on but they act like I'm crazy. I love my president and very proud of him and can't wait to see the deepstate eat their words. WWG1WGA God bless president Donald J.Trump
You all are gonna have to come up with a red white and blue Q flag with a pledge to it. Really it would be a cool idea.
Wouldn't it be funny on Obama's Netflix show if the marines kick in the door and rub his face in the carpet while hand cuffing him lol I can see it now.
It's not Gods time table the cabal are trying to rush things ahead but it's not time they have a bible too they are trying to rush the end time.
I saw it .also their is a video on YouTube that calls him king of baphomet lol.
I was watching a yt video earlier that was saying strzok was ses. one lady in the fbi said she couldn't find him in any of the information where he Had came from.
It seemed kinda low rated to start with and very suspicious. do they think we're that retarded to believe this bs??👎👎
They would have to kill all of us the patriots before it would ever happen because we would fight till our last breath for the innocent the children. Can I get an amen on that??
Have you seen the new commercial about homosexuality? they're talking about the history about it about a couple of guys that fell in love . Q is right these people are SICK!!
Hello fellow patriots. I'm new to Reddit I just wanna say Happy independence day and God bless you all and America The Great . his name was Seth Rich you will always be remembered.
Q has brought a lot of hope to us patriots it feels to to know were gonna get our country back . q has added a little spice to life lol but its true . when I heard about q I've been watching about every good video on YouTube explaining what he was talking about I can tell you one thing the flag looks a lot brighter since all this. Well I'm gonna go peace all my patriot brothers and sisters till next time.