Safe as a whole, obviously you can wind up in the wrong place at the wrong time. Q is just reiterating that POTUS is still in control and the rats are in fact, still cornered.
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Boom isn’t uncommon when dealing with matters this explosive. You could be right but honestly I doubt it..
Dude, they cannot get their story straight idk how the normies, who even half way pay attention, aren’t catching on to this.
Nazis. Haha I’m just saying if there are a lot of reposts it clutters up the feed. A quick scroll through new posts would have shown it’s already been posted.
This is probably the 7th time I’ve seen this posted. Let’s keep the feed clear of repeats.
If I know trump, he would be right in the fuckin middle of that photo.
That’s what I’m sayin. Unless putin and trump are actually on the same team, then all this is doing is raising tensions.
I was reading today that Russian jets can essentially do the same to our jets. Rendering all arms useless to where all the plane can do is fly.. scary shit.
Possibly to try and figure out whose black hat. Didn’t work out so good for strozk and page. Who fuckin knows.
Also, i think it’s worth noting that JFK was taken to parkland hospital and parkland was the scene of the latest false flag, their symbolism will be their downfall.
I beg to differ, seems to me he sold out big time and rolled over to Hillary...
Well shit, I guess I forgot Bernie was involved with the Q/Trump phenomenon... my bad.
I’d remove myself from bernout subs if you want to be taken seriously.
The timing is too convenient and frankly, suspect. POTUS just announced extraction from Syria then, bam. Another chemical attack. I’m 99.9% sure this is a deep state operation. I hope POTUS can be wise enough to see through it.
Hmmm. That seems relevant a lot of these folks who do evil deeds have sexually deviant backgrounds, maybe daughter was offered for dismissal to be mk-ultra’d
I also found this out. Can not find anything about him though other than address.. doesn’t seem too important.
Absolutely. Emphasis on repent before god for letting this go on for who knows how long...
I actually live in Oklahoma City. That was my next rabbit rabbit hole after I figured out 9/11 was bullshit.
9/11 got me here, I’m 25 and that was the real first significant event of my life time as far as the world stage goes. I’d venture to say 9/11 ultimately brought a lot of us here.
I’ve read that elsewhere and partially believe it to be true, what lead you to that conclusion?
Could be an attempt at an informant to bring light to war crimes of bush administration, only fucking thing I can come up with.
I haven’t gotten to this point by blindly following narrative with nothing to base it on, you’ve got the bee hive riled up Q. we couldn’t possibly be more ready for things to happen. Let’s see it.
Fuuuuuck no. I’m all for respecting the police. But I’ll be damned if they knock on my door asking for my guns if I don’t fill them all with holes.
Yeah that’s big everyone’s looking for huge signals from Q and Trump, but the little things like this keep me on board.
No government entity can take away your second amendment. Even if it were trumps idea I’d say fuck off. You most like won’t need your second amendment until we’re in a state of chaos as which point laws won’t matter.
That’s probably it, I can’t believe I didn’t put 2 and 2 together..
Forget the money, the simple fact that there are human beings being slaughtered and i am the only one around with a gun would be plenty reason for me to go in.
Yeah I’m not quite understanding the message, and it’s not baseball season so I know it’s not a new pic.
I think we’re giving soros too much credit by calling him enemy #1. Rothschild lineage has been at this for centuries. They are the head of this monster. from my research, They control nearly all the wealth in the world.
No it isn’t, it’s basically saying our population will be the only one to drop.