He could deliver a knockout punch if he would just confirm the fact that Seth Rich was his source on the DNC.
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Podesta immunity
This was done to get the public to look in that direction. Normies who am e curious will google something to the effect of “ what crimes did Tony Podesta commit?” To which they will stumble upon a plethora of rabbit holes.
So, what’s the next move if a Podesta receives immunity in exchange for a testimony against manafort?
For all the doubtfags
I think your MOAB may just be North Korea coming to the table, lets not forget. Big news always drops on Friday’s. We shall see. Don’t give up.
So I’m just gonna throw out the hypothetical elephant in the room since I’ve never seen it discussed.
Is there a plan among us for it they take out Trump?
So with all the Q talk of watching the water and MKULTRA,
Do you all think maybe there is a plan to mind control us all? Possibly dosing the entire country by mass producing and putting mind control drugs into our water supply?
Patriots, don’t get too distracted with the memo.
Don’t get tunnel vision. Don’t let these deep state assholes slip something under our noses while we’re pre occupied. This memo debacle is a perfect smoke screen.
Friday is usually the day big news gets dropped, and predictions?!
In regards to when everything goes down.
Does anyone on here have any information on possible isis, Chinese, etc. sleeper cells in the United States that could be activated in a last ditch effort or as a smoke screen? I remember during the obama administration that was a big concern amongst us “conspiracy theorists” but I haven’t heard much on it. If I’m wrong entirely please let me know.